Semiannual index

Semiannual index

UROLOGY VOLUME XxX111, JANUARY TO JUNE 1989 AUTHOR INDEX Pages Issue l-84 January 85-166 Abbondanzo, Alexander, J. Al-Juburi, A, Anderson, J.,...

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Abbondanzo, Alexander, J. Al-Juburi, A, Anderson, J., Andriani, R. Artibani, W., Avon, M. R., Ayala, A. G.,

S. L., 420 P , 89 Z., 97 146 T., 253 404 431 148

Baba, S., 219 Babaian. Ft. I.. 250 Bahnson: R. k:, 64 Ballard, C. A., 443 Baratz, M., 59 Barkin. M.. 322 Barry, J. M., 110 Bashkoff, E., 371 Batta, A. G., 138 Bavendam, T. G., 53 Bean, W. l., 257 Beastall, G. H., 238 Begun. F l?. 228 BeFgman, A., 443 Bhola, A., 486 Bloom, D. A., 346 Boyd, S. D., 85, 271 Braf, Z., 59 Brawer, M. K., Suppl (5) 11, Suppl (6) 13 Bretan, I? N., 116 Brock, B. M., 285 Brosman, S., 380 Brown, M. B., 285 Brown, W. D., 135 Bruskewitz, R. C., 302 Bulbul, M. A., 322 Cabral, B. H. I!, 327 Callahan, H. J., 127 Cameron-Strange, A., 481 Carothers, C. G., 103 Carpiniello, V L., 274 Carson C. C., III, 253 Cass, A. S., 179, 367 Cassileth, B. R., Sup1 (5) 57 Cernach, M. C. S. P, 209 Chancellor, M. B., 440 Charig, C. R., 175 Charnsangavej, C., 250 Chasan, S. A., 167 Cheng, J-Y., 407 Childs, S. l., 83 Chodak, d. W., Suppl (5) 42 Chone. C.. 185. 358 Chris&sen, J. G., 424 Chun. B., 420 Chung, E E. 238


! JUNE 1989

Pages 355-450







451-495 l-32

Dalton, D., 296 Dalton, D. L., 465 Daughtry, J. D., 257 Davis, S. D., 141 Debruyne, F M. J., 336, 411 Deguchi, N., 219 Dejter, S. W., Jr., 361 DeKernion, J., 380 de1 Moral, See Fernandez de1 Moral Dexeus, F. H., 185 Dillon, E. H., 70 Diokno, A. C., 285 Dmochowski, R., 358 Docsburg, W. H., 336 Drago, J. R., 400 Drew, J. B., 228 Drylie, D. M., 153 Dunnick, N. R., 253 Dutch South-Eastern Urological Cooperative Group, 411

Farsi, H. M., 449 Fernandez de1 Moral, I!, 411 Fields, S., 125 Finestone, H., 257 Finke, 1. H., 106 Finlayson, B., 31 Firlit. C. E. 64 Fishman, E. K., 341 Flam, T. A., 490 Flanigan, R. C., 80 Fowler, J. E., Jr., 74 Fritz, R., 127 Fuchs, E. E, 311 R. G., 490 H., 257 R. A., 291


June Supplement

Haas, G. P , 429 Haddad, E S., 247, 351 Haggman, V-M., 159 Hait, H. I., Suppl (5) 57 Hanash, K. A., 466 Hanks, G. E., Suppl (5). 21, 37 Hanna, M., 380 Hanna, M. K., 390 Harney, J., 459 Harrison, L. H., 309 Hata, M., 219 Hatch, T. R., 311 Hawkins, I. F., Jr., 153 Havashi. H., 209 He&r, M., 459 Hendrikx. A. 1. M.. 336 Henning& R.’ A., 259 Herzog, A. R., 285 Hlavinka, T., 344 Hofmans, P A. E. M., 336 Honikman, T., 61 Hopkins, T. B., 37 Horner. I.. 481 Howard: P 1.. 37 Hricak, H., -116 Huane. S.. 322 Huben, R.’ I?, 167

Ehrlich, R. M., 300 El-Mahdi, A. M., 1 Elmer, E. B., 236 Epstein, A., 344 Eshghi, M., 120 Evins, S. C., 418


May Supplement

Garvin, A. j., 259 Gawley, W.-F., 459 Gavlis. F D.. 296 Geboers, A. D. H., 411 Gelderman, W. A. H., 10 Genvert, H. P, 205 Glacken, P, 459 Glanzel, G. I?, See PasseriniGlanzel, G. Glaze, S., 20 Gleeson, M. J., 20 Goldfarb, R., 257 Goldstein, A. M. B., 449 Goldstein, I.. 445 Goldwas&, B., 253, 324 Gonazlez, R., 327 Goodwin, W. E., 271 Gown, A. M., 433 Graham, S. D., Jr., 355 Gray, H. W., 238 Greenstein, A., 59 Griffith, D. P, 20 Grossman, H. B., 440 Guinan, P, 380 Gundian, J. C., 138 Guz, B. V., 427

Cicmanec, J., 97 Cline, W. A., Sr., 424 Cohan, R. H., 253 Collins, J. P, 416 Coptcoat, M., 193 Crawford, E. D., Suppl (6) 2 Creighton, S., 193 Cumes, D. M., 61 Cunningham, R. E., 361

Gagne, Garcia, Garett,


Ichikawa, Y., 243 Iniguez. L., 131


Iseri, C., 241 Ishikawa, S., Suppl Iwatsubo, H., 243

(5) 53

Jacobs, S. C., 228 James, T. L., 116 Jitsukawa, S., 219 Johnson, D. E., 358, 451 Jones, R. V., 361 Jutrin, I., 317 Kabalin, 1. N., 17, 282 Kanellos;A. W., 85 Kaulan. W. E., 40 Kahder; D. H.1 165 Kaufman, J. J., 271 Kauppila, A., 159 Kelami, A., 330 Kellett, M. J., 202 Kelly, J. II., 309 Kennealey, G. T., Suppl (5) 57 Kessler, R., 17, 282 Khan, Z., 486 Kiesling, V. J., Jr., 387 Kine. L.. 305 King, L.‘R., 62 Kisner, C. D., 475 Klein, L. A., 198 Klimaszewski, A. D., 85 Klimberg. I. W., 153 Koizumi, J. H., 141 Kollin, J.. 313 Konchuba, A. M., 89 Konnak, J, W., 440 Koops, H-. S., 10 Kram. H. B.. 215 Kramolowsky, E. V., 53 Krieger, J. N., 433 Kuban, D. A., 1 Kumahara, Y., 243 Kunihira, D. Y.. 230 c,,

Lakin, M. M., 383 Lamm, D., 380 Lange, P H., Suppl (5) 11, Suppl (6) 13 Lattimer, J. K., 6 Lau, B. II. S., 230 Lee, F., Suppl (5) 5, Suppl (6) 7 Lee, l? H., 37 Leeming, B., 198 Lehrer, R. A., 371 Levine, R., 236 Lewi, H., 277 Lewis, I.. 106 Lieskovsky, G., 85


Locke, D. R., 153 Lofton, S. A., 433 Logothetis, C. J., 148, 185 Lowe. E C.. 341 Lowry; P A., 135 Luxenberg, M., 179, 367 Lynch, J. H., 361 Ma&man, T. J., 103 MacDonald, G., 78 MacKenzie. T. M.. 475 Maizels, M., 40, 64, 296 Malatskey, A., 125 Malkowicz, S. B., 431 Mallet. E.. 445 Malloy, T. ‘R., 274 Manne, R. K., 247 Manson, A. L., 78 Manz, H. J.. 420 Marshall, S., 146 Marumo, K., 219 Matsuda, M., 243 Matsumoto, A., 145 Maxted, W. C., 420 McClure, R. D., 116 McCov. G. B.. 110 McCullough, D. L., 309, 424 McKelvie, G., 459 McLeod, D. G., 361 Melser, M., 429 Merimsky, E., 59 Merrill, D. C., 27 Miles, B. J., 429 Miller, G. J., Suppl (6) 18 Miller, J.B., 313 Miller, R. A., 193, 202 Mininberg, D. T., 205 Mitchell, M. E., 291 Mitros, E A., 53 Montague, D. K., 383 Montie, J. E.. 106 Moretti, K. L., 202 Morgan, R. J., 346 Moseley, M., 116 Mosli, H. A., 449 Mostofi, F. K., 74 Motola, J., 305 Moul. I. W.. 361 Mulhbiland, S. G., 127 Munoz, E., 445 Murai, M., 477 Muraki. I., 219 Myers, R. C., 230 Myers, R. P., 138 Nakamura, H., 477 Nathan, H. P, See Padma-Nathan, H. Nathan, R. C., 215 Nelson, J. H., 400 Nesbitt. 1. A.. 400


Nistal, M., 131 Noguchi, P D., 361 Nolan, J.. 236 Normolle, D. P, 285 Novicki, D. E., 344 Nseyo, U. O., 171 O’Brien, D. P., HI, 355 O’Brien, W. M., 420 Ocampo, H. P, 215 Oesterling, J. E., 341 Ohashi, M., 477 Ohio Kidney Stone Center, 400 Oldhoff, J., 10 Ongseng, F., 257 Oosterhuis, J. W., 10 Ordonez, N. G., 148 Othersen, H. B., Jr., 259 Padma-Nathan, H., 449 Pagano, F., 404 Paniagua, R., 131 Parry, J., 193 Passerini-Glanzel, G., 404 Pedersen, S. T. T., See TorpPedersen, S. T. Peeling, W. B., Suppl (5) 45 Penttinen, J., 159 Perrapato, S. D., 103 Pezzulli, F. A., 70 Picklow, T., 400 Pitts. W. R.. 141 Platt, L. D.‘, 443 Pogany, A., 146 Politis, G., 20 Pomerantz, P A., 57 Pontes, J. E., 106, 171, 427 Pothel, L. R., 167 Provet, J. A., 390 Purnell, E M., 70 Rangecroft, L., 211 Ravid, M., 317 Rawas, M. M., 449 Raz, S., 300 Redondo. E.. 131 Reha, W.’C.; 468 Reintjes, A. G. M., 336 Reiss,. H., 15 Reitsma. D.. 380 Richardson, ‘C., 380 Ro, J. Y, 148, 185 Rodan, B. A., 257 Rogers, A., 459 Rosemberg, S. K., 462 Rossman, B., 189 Roth. R. A.. 490 Rothberg, M., 472 Rundle, J. S., 175 Russell. D. P. 80

Sagawa, S., 243 Saglam, R., 241 Saitoh. H.. 395 Sal&an, B., 371 Sarma, D. I’., 332 Savin, H., 317 Scardino, I? L., 346 Scardino, P. T., Suppl (6) 27 Schellhammer, P F., 1, 89 Schellhammer, I? S., Suppl (5) 57 Scherz, H. C., 83 Schiff, R. G., 120 Schiff. W. M.. 85 Scott,‘R., 277’ Seidmon, E. J., Suppl (5) 57 Seki, N., 145. Sella. A.. 185 Sen, S. E., 241 Senoh, H., 243 Sesterhenn, I. A., 74 Shah, B. N., 400 Shapiro, A., 125 Shapiro, S. R., 43 Sherlae. A. I?. 355 Shetty,%. R.,’ 351 Shinoda, M., 477 Shkolnik, A. A., 64 Shoemaker. W. C.. 215 Siders, D. B., Suppl (6) 7 Silber, S. J., 47 Silverman, M. L., 490 Skinner. D. G.. 85. 431 Slavis, S. A., 3I3 Sleijfer, D. T. H., 10 Smith, A. D., 120, 305 Smith, J. A., Jr., Suppl (5) 17 Smith, J. J., 400 Smith, M. L., 238 Soares, D., 209 Soechtig, C. E., 103 Soloway, M. S., Suppl (5) 3, 53, 57 Stalnecker, M. C., 6 Starer, P, 486 Sterman, H., 445 Strange, A. C., See CameronStrange, A. Sugar, E. C., 296 Surya, B. V., 472 Tachibana, M., 219, 227 Takeuchi, M., 145 Tanagho, E. A., 116 Tank, E. S., 387 Tasca, A., 404 Tazaki, H., 219, 227 Tenney, D., 451 Terhune, D., 78 Tetu, B., 148 Thangathurai, D., 431


/ JUNE 1989

Thomalla, J. V., 291 Thompson, I. M., 455 Todd, B., Suppl (5) 53 Tom, R. A., 116 Torp-Pedersen, S. T., Suppl (6) 7 Torrey, R. R., 230 Tosk, J., 230 Trepashko, D. W., 320 Tubbs, R., 106 Turnock, R. R., 211 Uchijima, Y., 395 Uehling, D. T., 302 Ueno, M., 219 Urivetsky, M., 305 Van Der Zwagg, R., Suppl (5) 53 van Helvoort-van Dommelen, C. A. M., 336 Vermesh, M., 443 Vigneron, D. B., 116 Viljoen, J. F., 431 Vogel, A. M., 433 Vogelzang, N. J., Suppl (5) 57 von Eschenbach, A. C., 148 Walker, S. R., 127 Walsh, J. W., 80 Weilbaecher, T. G., 332 Wein A. J., 274 Weinerth, J. L., 253 Whelan, J. P., 31 Whitehead, E. D., 165 Wickham, J. E. A., 193 Wilkins, S., 445 Williams, R., 380 Winter, C. C., 320 Wise, H. A., II, 400 Wise, K. L., 62 Wise, L., 445 Wishnow, K. I., 250, 358, 451 Witjes, E J., 411 Woolley, J. L., 230 Wosnitzer, M., 483 Wright, G. L., Jr., 89 Yamaguchi, M. P, 215 Yang, Q-B., 407 Yip, Y. L., 352 Yogorajah, S., 238 Yokoyama, M., 145 Yoshida, K-I., 395 Zablow, A. I., 449 Zaontz, M. R., 40, 64, 296 Zattoni, F., 404 Zeidman, E. J., 300, 455 Ziegelbaum, M. M., 106, 427 Zincke, H., 324, Suppl (5) 27 Zorgniotti, A. W., 189




SUBTECT INDEX Abnormalities/Anomalies arteriovenous malformation of spermatic cord, 427 diphallia, bifid scrotum, duplicaton of cloaca-derived structures, 209 horseshoe kidney, increased incidence of renal pelvis carcinoma, 477 neurofibromatosis, von Recklinghausen disease, 138 posterior urethral valves, siblings, genetics, 291 uremiaiazotemia, 67 boys, 205 spontaneous regression of pulmonary metastases from renal cell carcinoma, 141 testicular torsion mimicking epididymitis, scrotal scan, 135 ureteral calculi, pediatric, urinary tract anomalous obstruction, 211 ureteral valves, newborn, urinary ascites, 468 Abscess, perinephric, percutaneous removal of “extra-renal” stone, 202 testicular, rupture, scrotal pyocele, ultrasound, 313 Acetic acid, detection of “white scrotum,” transmissible HPV infection, 353 males surveyed, 462 Adenocarcinoma, prostate, Stage Al, extended follow-up of 60 patients, survival rate, 455 AMS 700 CX cylinders, penile prostheses guidelines (Letter), 165 Andrologic surgery, infrapubic, outpatient, 330 Anomalies, see also Abnormalities/Anomalies Ascites, urinary, neonatal, ureteral valves, ureteropelvic junction obstruction, 468

Bladder carcinoma, invasive, radical cystectomy, ileal conduit plus chemotherapy, 358 Bladder rupture, CT vs cystographic diagnosis. trauma patients, 341 extraperitoneal trauma, suturing, catheter drainage, 179 Bladder suspension, female stress urinary incontinence. survey, 285 Brain metastasis from prostate carcinoma, regression after orchiectomy plus endocrines, 243 Calculus(i), diuretic ultrasound assessment of obstructed renal unit (Letter), 449 ESWL, Dornier HM3 (SDOSO) lithotriptor, radiation exposure, 20 lavage catheter removal of stone fragment, 31 hemophiliac risks, preoperative monitoring, 424 upper/lower urinary tract stones, 711 patients, Ohio Kidney Stone Center study, 400 vs surgical lithotomy, patient satisfaction/pain/UTI, 371 giant vesical, arterial graft nidus, 57 nephrolithiasis, linear tomography, 125 patients, 253 percutaneous nephrostomy effect on renal function, I20 percutaneous removal of “extra-renal” stone, perinephric abscess, 202 perinephric abscess due to “lost” calculus at surgery, 202 renal, new pediatric 17-F nephroscope percutaneous removal, 404 percutaneous removal, effect on renal function, lysozymuria, 305 renal cysts, coexisting renal stones, percutaneous nephrostolithotomy, guided cyst puncture, 472 upper urinary tract, medical management: allopurinolibendrofluazide, 277 ureteral obstruction, rapid localization technique, 146 ureteral, pediatric, anatomic anomalies, 211 peripelvic extravasation, CT diagnosis, 344 Catheter, double pigtail (D-P) stent, tether-attached in Kock pouch, urinary diversion, 227 retrograde lavage with Water-Pik. stone fragment removal, ESWL, 31 six-transducer, use with computer, female urodynamics, 159 UTI, povidone iodine (PVP-I), automatic vs manual release to collecting bag, 97 Chemotherapy (cisplatinumimethotrexateivinblastine), bladder adenocarcinoma, 53 Cholecystolithotomy, percutaneous, 2 surgical-risk patients, 37 Choriocarcinoma, metastasis from testis to subcutaneous tissue, rare, 320 CT-guided percutaneous needle biopsy, renal adenocarcinoma, nephrectomy, nonmalignant hemorrhagic necrotic hematoma, 125 CT imaging, peripelvic extravasation, ureteral stone, 344 Cystectomy, radical, bladder cancer, ureteroenteric anastomosis, ureteral margin frozen sections, 451 segmental, recurrent adenocarcinoma, intra-arterial infusion 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), 311 Cystoscopy, Miller Integrated Cystoscope, rigid, local anesthetic endocystoscopy, advantages, 193 Cystoscopy sheath, rigid, use in retropubic prostatectomy, 145

Bacillus Calmette-G&in (BCG), intravesical therapy, high-risk bladder cancer, 380 Benign hepatic lesions vs renal cell carcinoma, metastasis, diagnostic criteria, 250 Benign prostatic hypertrophy, balloon dilatation, balloon size, 198 Bladder adenocarcinoma, aggressive invasive, dramatic response to chemotherapy, 53 areflexialhyperreflexia in tethered-cord syndrome, 80 calculus, vascular graft complication, 57 Cumes single fill bladder evacuator, 61 detrusor instability in Parkinson disease, stress incontinence, 486 female incontinence, short-, long-term surgical results, 285 female stress incontinence, ultrasound assessment of bladder base, UVJ, 443 5-fluorouracil (5.FU) intra-arterial infusion, recurrent adenocarcinoma, segmental cystectomy, 311 foreign body (bobby pin) “Magnetriever,” 62 glycoprotein, mucosal urinary tract antibacterial defense mechanism, 127 local anesthetic endoscopy, new rigid multipurpose cystoscope, 193 radiation therapy-associated neoplasms, 185 trauma, extraperitoneal rupture, suturing, catheter drainage, 179 Bladder cancer, see also bladder carcinoma Bladder cancer, aggressive invasive adenocarcinoma, response to chemotherapy, 53 BCG, intravesical, incidence of second primary neoplasm, 380 flow cytometry, bladder washings vs voided urine, DNA cell detection, 89 radical cystectomy, indications for frozen sections of ureteral margins, 451 Bladder carcinoma, see also bladder cancer Bladder carcinoma, radiation therapy-associated, 185 recurrent adenocarcinoma, intra-arterial infusion of 5fluorouracil (5-FU), 311 transitional cell carcinoma, murine studies of PDT with Hpd, and high dose CP 230



JUNE 1989




Diagnostic Related Group (DRG) hospital payments, 216 Medicare urology patient costs, 445 DNA ploidy correlation with histologic stage/pathologic grade, prostatic cancer, 361 Diphallia, bifid scrotum, urethra/bladder/large intestine duplication, 209 Diverticulum, anterior urethral post-hypospadias repair, pediatric, 40




nerve-sparing tomy, 228


in radical



Eaton-Lambert myasthenic syndrome, prostatic small cell carcinoma, 148 Epididymis, obstructive azoospermia, pregnancy rate, corpus vs caput anastomosis, 47 Epididymo-orchitis, testis rupture, pyocele, orchiectomy, 313 Erections, pharmacologically induced, prostaglandin E, after papaverine failure, 15 ESWL, Ohio Kidney Stone Center study, 711 patients, upper/ lower tract stones, 400 radiation exposure, results of control program, 20 retrograde lavage catheter removal of stone fragments, 31 risks in hemophilia A, preoperative monitoring, 424 vs surgical lithotomy, urolithiasis and patient satisfaction, UTI, 371 FasTENS, simple cost-effective electroanalgesia, postoperative urologic surgery, 27 Fibrin glue (FG) in renaliureteral trauma, 215 Fistula, ileovesical, Meckel diverticulum, diagnosis/complications/management, 475 prostatorectal, TURP, management: antibiotics/low residue diet/catheter drainage, 418 Flow cytometry, bladder washings vs voided urine, bladder cancer detection, 89 Fluoroquinolones in nosocomial UT1 (Letter), 83 Flushing, postorchiectomy, control by Provera, prostate cancer, 175 Gallstone removal by percutaneous cholecystolithotomy, 37 Germ cell tumors, nonseminomatous, modified retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy, 355 Glycoprotein, mucosal urinary tract antibacterial defense mechanism, 127 GU tumor classification, monoclonal antibody to intermediate filament proteins, 433 History,

Thomas Hillier, percutaneous nephrostomy, hydronephrosis, 1868 case report, 346 Horseshoe kidney, transitional cell carcinoma, vaginal metastasis from renal pelvis, 477 Human recombinant interleukin-2, renal cell carcinoma, antitumor activity, immunity enhancer, 219 Hydronephrosis, post-traumatic renal hypertension, renal artery embolization, 70 Hygroma, renal, reversible arterial hypertension, rare, 317 Hypercalcemia in renal cell carcinoma, mithramycin, survival significance, 167 Hyperinsulinism, renal cell carcinoma, hypoglycemia, beta-cytotrophic peptide, 238 Hypertension, controlled by ethanol renal angioinfarction, 153 renal artery embolization, hydronephrosis, 70 reversible renal, due to perinephric cyst, hygroma, 317 Hypospadias repair, complication, urethral diverticula correction, 40, 43 silicone foam dressing, 50 pediatric boys, 296 urethral silicone drainage tube, penile dressings, 327 Immunocytochemistry, monoclonal antibody, intermediate filament proteins, GU tumor classification, 433 Impotence, erectile, male organ transplant recipient, penile prosthesis, 282 hypospadias repair, ? impotence, legal implications, 300 NPT and rigidity monitoring, ? impotence, hypospadias repair, legal implications, 300 papaverine, phentolamine, penile brachial index, Doppler studies, 383 penile prosthesis, lo-year review, 290 patients, I7 scleroderma and erectile dysfunction, 189 Incontinence, AMS M800 GU sphincter implant, 42 males, 274 female, six-transducer catheter evaluation, 159 female stress, transrectal ultrasound assessment of UVJ, 443


Incontinence, female, survey results, postsurgical patients, 285 stress, Parkinson disease, 486 surgical correction via AMS M800 GU sphincter implantation, 76% success, 42 males, 274 Infertility, magnetic resonance spectroscopy vs semen analysis, GPC/TP. 116 Instruments, Cumes evacuator, 61 “Magnetriever” removal of metallic foreign body from bladder, 62 modified Deschamps needle, retropubic prostatectomy, 324 new Miller Integrated Cystoscope, rigid, 193 new Owen microforceps, microneedleholderscissors, microvasovasostomy, 483 Interleukin-2 stimulated lymphocytes or LAK’s in tumor lysis, renal cell carcinoma, 106 Intravenous papaverine, continent reservoir construction, urinary diversion, 431 Intussusception, complication of pediatric urologic surgery, 387 Kelami incision in andrologic surgery, local anesthetic, 330 Ketoconazole, high-dose, symptomatic improvement in metastatic prostate cancer, 411 metastatic Stage D prostate cancer, neurologic complications, 466 Koch pouch ileal reservoir, double-pigtail stent with tether, urinary diversion, 227 Koch pouch surgery, continent ileal reservoir, urinary diversion, 85 Krukenberg tumor of testis (Letter), 351 Leiomyoma, spermatic cord, unusual findings, vasculitis, 236 Lymphadenectomy, ipsilateral, early prostatic cancer, 171 limited retroperitoneal ejaculatory dysfunction, 355 Meckel diverticulum, ileovesical fistula, 475 Medicare urology patient costs, DRG, 445 Nephrectomy, renal cell carcinoma, preoperative gg”Technetium bone scan imaging, 440 Nephroblastomatosis, metanephric premalignant Wilms tumor lesions, NWTS-2 histologic categories, 259 Nephrolithiasis, linear tomographic evaluation, 253 Nephrolithotomy, percutaneous, new pediatric 17-F nephroscope, 404 Nephrostolithotomy, percutaneous, guidelines for cysts puncture/ drainage, renal stone removal, 472 Nephrostomy, percutaneous, Calculi, scarring effect on renal function, 120 percutaneous, Thomas Hillier 1868 pediatric text, 346 puncture, urinary lysozyme levels, 305 Nephroureterectomy, upper urinary tract transitional cell carcinoma, careful follow-up, 459 Neurofibromatosis, von Recklinghausen disease mimicking prostatitis, prostatodynia, Schwann cells, 138 Neurofibrosarcoma, radiation-induced, 19 years’ post seminoma therapy, 420 Nondilated obstructive uropathy (Letter), 257 Nosocomial UTI, drug resistance (Letter), 83 Obstruction, ureteral, excretory urography, rapid localization technique, 146 Orchiectomy, adjuvant, radical prostatectomy, Stage D adenocarcinema, 266 patients, Suppl. (5), 27 bilateral, scrotal circumferential pressure dressing, hematoma prevention, 429 prostate carcinoma, control of postoperative flushing, 175 Papillomaviral infection, sexually transmitted via HPV infected females, acetic acid test, 462 Parkinson disease, detrusor instability, urinary stress incontinence, 486 Pediatric urologic surgical complications, postoperative intussusception, 387



JUNE 1989





Penile prostheses, AMS 700 CX implants (Letter), 165 implants in organ transplant recipients (renal/cardiac), antibiotics/steroids, success rate, 282 necrosis of corporeal septum due to cylinder dilatation, 416 Scott inflatable, reimplantation success rates, IO-year review, 17 Penis, erectile failure, papaverinelphentolamime, NPT/rigidity monitoring, 383 Kelami incision, andrologic surgery, 330 necrosis of corporeal septum secondary to aneurysmal dilatation of prosthesis, 416 prostaglandin El-induced erection after papaverine failure, 15 reconstructive pediatric surgery, silicone foam dressing, 296 scleroderma, corpus cavernosum biopsy, impotence, 189 Prostate benign prostatic hypertrophy, balloon dilatation, TURP 198 mutinous adenocarcinoma, histologic diagnostic criteria, metastases, 247 obstruction, small cell carcinoma, rare, biopsy diagnosis, 78 TURP 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) preoperatively, reduced operative bleeding, 407 Prostate cancer, see also prostate carcinoma Prostate cancer, adjuvant orchiectomy, radical prostatectomy, Stage D, 266 patients, Suppl. (5), 27 advanced Stage De, prognostic factors, pretreatment testosterone levels, bone scans, Suppl. (5), 53 delayed implantation after needle biopsy (Letter), 351 external beam radiation, Stages A, B, and C, Suppl. (5), 21, 37 goserelin (Zoladex)/LHRH vs orchiectomy and DES, UK multicenter studies, Suppl. (5), 45 lymph node metastasis, ipsilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy, 171 metastatic, ketoconazole, high-dose, testosterone reduction, side effects/toxicity, 411 luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH), LHRH agonists, Suppl. (5), 42 mutinous adenocarcinoma, rare, diagnostic criteria, 247 needle biopsy complication, perineal tumor implant, 59 perineal implant after transperineal biopsy (Letter), 449 prostatectomy, radical, patient selection criteria, Stage A, Suppl. (5), 17 prostate-specific antigen (PSA) vs prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) in tumor marking, Suppl. (5), 11; Suppl. (6), 13 radical retropubic prostatectomy, modified Deschamps needle, 324 screening tests: PSA, TRUS, NRF, Suppl. (6), 13 Stage C, locally advanced, external beam radiation, Suppl. (5), 21, 37 Symposium: Prostatic Cancer, New Insights and Controversies, Suppl. (5), l-57 Symposium: Role of Ultrasound in Prostate Imaging, Suppl. (6), l-32 transrectal ultrasound-guided biopsy, diagnosis, staging, anatomic review, Suppl. (5), 5; Suppl. (6), 2, 7 transrectal ultrasonography, digital rectal exam, screening/ staging/early detectionlechoicgenicity, Suppl. (6), 2, 7 transrectal ultrasound, staging, prostate shape, echopatterns, SUDD~.(6). 27 PSA,-prebidpsy antibiotics (carbenicillin), pre-, post-biopsy, Suppl. (6), 32 transrectal ultrasound (TRUSP) in staging, 103 Zoladex (goserelin acetate), vs surgery, Stage D, patients’ treatment choices, Suppl. (5), 57 treatment choices, Suppl. (5), 42, 45, 47 vs LHRH, DES, and orchiectomy treatments, multicenter studies, Suppl. (5), 45 Prostate carcinoma, see also prostate cancer Prostate carcinoma adenocarcinoma, metastatic potential, TRUS, Suppl. (6), 18 comparison of grading systems in re metastatic potential, Suppl. (6), 18 DNA ploidy correlation with stage/grade, 361 histologic heterogeneity: ductahmucinous, nuclear morphometry, Suppl. (6), 18


/ JUNE 1989


Prostate carcinoma, metastatic Stage D, ketoconazole therapy, side effects, neurologic complications, 466 metastasis to brain, endocrine therapy, blood-brain barrier permeability, 243 mortality, definitive radiation, rebiopsy, 147 patients, 1 needle-biopsy spilling of tumor cells (Letter), 351 perineal tumor implant five years after needle biopsy, 59 postorchiectomy flushing, medroxyprogesterone acetate (ProVera), control, 175 small cell anaplastic, rare, biopsy diagnosis, 78 small cell, myasthenic (Eaton-Lambert) syndrome, 148 small-cell (oat-cell), primary tumor, aggressive chemotherapy, rare, 332 Stage Al, prognosis/treatment/follow-up, 60 patients, 455 Stage C, external beam radiation therapy, metastases to testes 6 years later, 322 stage/grade, transrectal ultrasonography determination, 103 survival in re tumor grade/stage/lymph node/radiation, 1 Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in acute bacterial prostatitis, 465 Prostatectomy, radical, Doppler-assisted nerve-sparing technique, 228 radical retropubic, modified Deschamps needle, 324 retropubic, rigid cystoscopy sheath, 145 Prostatism, ultrasonographic measure of prostate volume in BPH, 336 Prostatitis, acute bacterial, elevated serum PSA levels, 465 psychogenic “stress” origin (Letter), 449 Pyeloplasty, obstructive uropathy in newborn, 468 Pyeloplastylureterocalycostomy, simultaneous bilateral procedures for ureteropelvic junction obstruction, 390 Radiation therapy-associated invasive bladder tumors, 185 Renal adenocarcinoma, cytologic diagnosis, CT-guided percutaneous needle biopsy, nephrectomy, non-malignant hemorrhagic, necrotic hematoma, 125 Renal angioinfarction, control of hypertension, 153 Renal artery embolization, hypertension, hydronephrosis, 70 Renal cell adenocarcinoma, LAK’s antitumor activity, 106 Renal cell carcinoma, advanced, human recombinant interleukin-2 (IL-2), 219 vs benign liver lesions, diagnosis, 250 hypercalcemia, mithramycin, complications, management, 167 hyperinsulinism, renal tumor involvement, 238 nephrectomy, bone scan imaging, metastases detection, 440 spontaneous regression of pulmonary metastases, 141 Renal cysts, coexisting stones, cysts puncture/drainage during nephrostolithotomy, 472 renal hydatidosis, surgery, sheep, mebendazole, 241 Renal hydatidosis with hydatidcysturia, surgery, rare in humans, 241 Renal hypothermia, techniques in kidney transplant, 110 Renal lacerations, CT scan evaluation, conservative management vs surgery, 122 patients, 367 Renal pelvis transitional cell carcinoma, horseshoe kidney, vaginal metastasis, 477 Renal transplant, hypothermia techniques, ureteroncocystostomy, nephrostent, 110 Renal trauma, CT evaluation (Letter), 165 Renahureteral trauma, fibrin glue (FG) bemostasislanastomosis, 215 Renal ultrasonographic induced diuresis, stone obstruction (Letter), 449 Rhabdomyosarcoma, pediatric genitourinary, male, ultrasound diagnosis, 64 Scleroderma, causal factor in erectile dysfunction, impotence, 189 Scrotum, underdeveloped, tissue expander technique, 6 “white scrotum,” reservoir for transmissibIe HPV infection, 462 Semen analysis vs phosphorus-31 magnetic resonance spectroscopy, infertility, 116 Seminoma, radiation-induced neurofibrosarcoma, 420


Small-cell carcinoma, pure/mixed extrapulmonary, prostate, histiogenesis, 332 Spermatic cord leiomyoma, unusual histology, 236 Stents, hollow, absorbable polyglycolic acid tube, use in microvasovasostomy, rats, 490 ““Technetium bone scan imaging, renal cell carcinoma metastases detection, 440 Teratoma, differentiated, in adult testis, benign form, 481 nonseminomatous, recurrence after remission with PVP chemotherapy/surgery, 10 paratesticular metastases, tunica vaginalis, epididymis, infant, 131 Testicular cancer, metastatic, AFP and HCG, histoimmunologic reactions, 74 Testicular torsion, acute, spontaneous reduction, radionuclide scrotal scan, 135 Testis arteriovenous malformation of spermatic cord, hard scrotal mass, 427 carcinoma, metastatic from prostate 6 years after radiation, 322 choriocarcinoma, metastasis to subcutaneous tissue from testis, HCC tumor marker, 320 germ cell tumor, nonseminomatous, modified retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy, 355 high/low transferrin levels in idiopathic oligozoospermia, 395 Krukenberg malignant tumor (Letter), 351 metastatic germ cell cancer, post radiation or chemotherapy detection of AFP and HCG, 74 oligozoospermia, idiopathic, transferrin evaluation of testicular function, 395 paratesticular mass, spermatic cord arteriovenous malformation, 427 retroperitoneal tumor metastases, congenital, infant, 131 scrotum tissue expander prosthesis, technique, 6 seminoma, radiation-induced neurofibrosarcoma, 19 years after therapy, 420 spontaneous rupture, pyocele, orchiectomy, 313 teratoma, mature, recurrence after chemotherapy/surgery, 10 metastasizing in benign form in adult, 481 torsion vs epidihymo-orchitis, scrotal scan, 135 Tethered-cord svndrome. sninal dvsrhanhism. urodynamics, 80 Transitional cellcarcinoma: murine, interaction of photodynamic therapy with hematoporphyrin derivatives, 230 upper urinary tract, nephroureterectomy, 459 vaginal metastasis from renal pelvis, horseshoe kidney, 477 Ikansplant patients (renal/cardiac), penile prosthesis success, 282 Transureteroureterostomy, after anastomosis complications of ureterosigmoidostomy, urinary diversion, 271 Trauma, bladder rupture, CT vs cystographic diagnosis, 341 renal, CT scan (Letter), 165 renal lacerations, admission CT scan to determine conservative/surgical management, 367 renahureteral, fibrin glue (FG) for hemostasislanastomosis, 215 Tumor markers, testicular cancer, serum AFP and HCG, 74 TURP, complication, iatrogenic prostatorectal fistula, 418 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) preoperatively reduces blood loss, 407 video transurethral resection, systems evaluation (Letter), 352 Ultrasonographic measure of prostate volume in prostatism, 336 Ultrasound diagnosis of rhabdomyosarcoma, male pediatric, genitourinary, 64 Upper urinary tract, transitional cell carcinoma, intravenous urogram prognosis, 459


Upper urinary tract, stone, oral allopurinobbendrofluazide medical management, 300 male/female patients, 277 Ureter, lumbar ureteral shunt complications, 309 Ureteral obstruction, distal, rapid localization technique, 146 lumbar ureteral shunt complications, 309 Ureteral valves, newborn ascites, ureteropelvic junction obstruction, pyeloplasty, 468 Ureterocele, vesicoureteral reflux, heminephrectomy, infant, 302 Ureteropelvic junction obstruction, simultaneous bilateral pyeloplasty, 390 Ureterosigmoidostomy, transureteroureterostomy, ureteral anastomotic complication, 271 Urethra, posterior urethral valves, azotemia, transurethral fulguration/urinary diversion, 67 boys, 205 posterior valves, siblings (twins/non-twins), genetic tissue typing, 291 retrograde balloon dilation (Letter), 257 Urethral closure function evaluation, six-transducer catheter use with computer, 159 Urethral diverticula, acquired, surgical correction, 40 Urethral profilometry, Scott artificial urinary sphincter (Letter), 83 Urethral silicone drainage tube, penile dressings, hypospadias repair, 327 Urethroplasty, microsurgical hypospadias repair, 43 Urinary diversion, continent ileal reservoir, Koch pouch surgery, metabolic changes, 85 double-pigtail stent, tether-attached in Koch pouch, 227 ileal conduit with systemic chemotherapy, bladder cancer, 358 IV papaverine use in continent reservoir construction, 431 posterior urethral valves, azotemia, 205 transureteroureterostomy, ureterosigmoidostomy, anastomosis complications, 271 Urinary incontinence in Parkinson disease, detrusor instability, 486 Urinary lysozyme activity assessment of renal function, nephrolithiasis patients, 305 Urinary sphincter, Scott artificial, urethral profilometry (Letter), 83 Urinary tract infection, Curity Infection Control Tray (CICT), new drainage system, 97 nosocomial drug resistance, fluoroquinolones (Letter), 83 povidone iodine (PVP-I), automatic release, bacterial barrier, 97 Urologic surgery, FasTENS vs TENS in postoperative electroanalgesia, 27 hematoma prevention, orchiectomy, scrotal circumferential pressure dressing, 429 Uropathy, nondilated obstructive, renography (Letter), 257 Vasoepididymostomy, azoospermia due to bilateral blockage, corpuslcaput, epididymis, 47 Vasovasostomy, bilateral, hollow, absorbable polyglycolic acid tube as stent, rat studies, 490 new Owen microneedleholderscissors/microforceps, 483 Vesicoileal fistula, Meckel diverticulum, management, 475 Vesicoureteral reflux, heminephrectomy for ureterocele, male infant, 302 Video TURP, CCF rcsectoscope, surgical field visualization (Letter), 352 von Recklinghausen disease, neurofibromatosis, in 30-year-old, 138 Wilms

tumorlets, malignancy potential, characterization/diagnosis/treatment,


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nephroblastomatosis: NWTS-2, 259