838 5442. Does this
system extend
does. certify that refur seven days imposed properly
5443. That is to say, you
Who would believe in the existof such barbarisms in a royalEiaglish hospital in the middle of the 19th centurya standing order, that every patient, whatever age, sex, conslatntion, condition, or habit of
such ! grains."
cases ?
nights consecutively, and so on, body, shall switliow, upon admission, a fixed seven days to seven days, when intervals of quantity of calomel and rhubarb, unless a three days elapse in which you do not see special order to the contrary be given? It the patient at all, and when you never see would be curious to inquire into the number him beyond a few minutes at a time. of special exemptions vvhich have been We do. claimed and allowed from this stupid rem5444. Is it possible for any medical man, nant of bygone days, out of the fourteen however splendid his talents or extensive hundred patients admitted during the last his practice, to form a competent judgment five years. How can men of the character of the propriety of restraining a patient, and reputation of Drs. Monro and Morison
personally attends him ; and"are tolerate you justified, under the circumstances above drawn forth, as medical men, in affixing
unless he
absurdities !
signature to the weekly returns, or SENSE OF TOUCH IN THE TONGUE. declaring (see your answer to Questions 5433 To the Editor of THE LANCET. and 5434) that restraints are as much reduced SIR:—Sir Charles Bell, in his Bridge. in Bethlem as is consistent with the welfare wat.er Treatise, when speaking of the sense of the patients and the safety of the at- of touch, and the beautiful apparatus in the extremities of the fingers (the elastic tendants ? The reply to this and the subsequent em- cushion) for increasing that sense, observes, That it has been laid down by an ingenibarrassing questions must be deferred until ous gentleman, that the pulse cannot be felt the witnesses are examined before a com- at the wrist the tongue/’ He then adds, by petent tribunal ; I cannot undertake to 11 That it is a remarkable fact, that the soft
your obedient structure of the tongue is not calculated to convey the sense of touch!’ This assertion servant, is not true, for the pulse can be felt most A LOOKER-ON. sensibly by the tongue in two ways; in the August 30, 1841. first place by condensing, or causing conof the muscles of the tongue, and traction P. S.-It is not my intention to meddle it to the pulse, or by pressing then applying the with case of ROBERT DAWSON; but there the wrist gently upon the tongue in its unis a singular confirmation in the Parliamen- contracted state. I have tried it upon tary Report of one part of his account of the myself and several other persons, and I was medical treatment pursued in the hospital, able to feel the pulsation of the radial artery as plain as with the finger, after the which leads to an inference that other parts almo&t of his account may not be wholly without tongue had remained upon the pulse for a few seconds. When the work first appeared, foundation. On the day of a patient’s ad- I forget the opinions of the press upon sevemission, when he goes to bed 11 he receives," ral passages in it, which are not borne out " an aperient powder, and is by fact, and I shall feel much obliged by says DAWSON, locked into his cell. By three your opinion upon this passage. I remain immediately obedient servant, or four next morning this operates freely, your R. DAVIS, R. DAVIS, Surgeon. Surgeon. for which he is provided with a wooden 1, Worship-square. bowl; but what is his disgust and indignation, on being unlocked at six or seven, to LITHOTOIYIY.—A great cause of mortality find he has to empty and clean this bowl, after the different operations for stone is the and then directly wash his hands and face in escape of the urine by the wound. This it." «-It is usual;" says the Parliamentary has formed the great objection to the high Commissioner (p. 525), to administer an operation ;after which, as there is na deaperient powder to each patient on the night pending opening, the irritating urine is more of his admission, unless contrary directions apt than in the lower to insinuate itself and lodge among the neighbouring parts : but in are received from lhe physician;" and this the lower operation, too, it has often been powder appears by a foot note to consist of either directly or indirectly the cause of " calomel, three grains ; rhubarb, seventeen death.—Dr. Arnott’s Essay.
for them.-I am,