University of Arizona, Tucson, .4Z 85721, U.S.A. (Receiced 15 .Vocember 1983; received for publication 19 January 1983)
Abstract-This paper describes an efficient method for sensitivity analysis in shape optimum design. One feature is the use of limited number of master nodes to characterize the surfaces of a set of isoparametric finite elements, and the adoption of their coordinates as design variables of the shape optimization. Another is the derivation of analytical formulations of the gradients of both the stiffness terms and the load vectors with respect to the design variables. A finite element analysis code is adapted to the purposes of the method and numerical examples are performed and comparisons made with sensitivity analysis based on forward finite differences. 1.INTRODUCTION
Mathematical programming approaches used in structural optimization generally fall into two categories. One involves gradient-based methods which use the derivatives of the objective function and constraint functions, as well as the values of functions themselves. Alternatively, nongradient techniques only use the values of the functions. Since the first category utilizes more information from analysis at a design point than the second one, a gradient-based method is expected to be more efficient than the latter, and it demands much fewer cases of structural reanalysis. The derivatives of a function with respect to the design variables (the gradient) represent and characterize the trends of the function variation when design variables are changing. They provide important information for choosing a search direction to obtain an improved, feasible, new design point. The calculation of derivatives of the objective function and constraints with respect to the design variables, known as design sensitivity analysis, plays a central role in optimization algorithms. Design sensitivity analysis is now applied not only in most of the efficient optimization methods but also in developing explicit approximations of the constraint functions and in some reanalysis methods[l]. Numerous papers have been published on design sensitivity analysis. Generally, they are restricted in application to trusses or frameworks in which the stiffness matrix can be expressed or approximated as a linear function of the design variables (member sizes). Sensitivity analysis applications to continuum structures are relatively rare. The reason may be that the structural response parameters (such as stress, displacement, natural frequency, etc.) of these structures, caused by external loading, are generally implicit functions of the design variables; there are no linear or other obvious relations between responses and design variables. tvisiting Scholar: Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, The People’s Republic of China. :Visiting Scholar: Engineer, Xian Aircraft Company, Xian. Shaanxi Province, The People’s Republic of China. BFormerly, Dean, College of Engineering. Presently, VicePresident, Worcester Poly. Inst., Worcester, MA, USA.
In the case of shape optimization, the design variables may involve configuration parameters, nodal locations, boundary shapes, and overall topology[Z]. This design optimization problem is more complicated than in the case of member size selection. Consequently, the conventional tool for calculation of the function derivatives is by means of the finite difference technique. Finite difference calculations of the derivatives with respect to design variables for a problem with M design variables requires performance of the analysis for M + I different stiffness matrices. Each function derivative evaluation requires a completely new analysis of the structure. Moreover, these calculations are sensitive to small errors in the initial data. The difficulties of sensitivity analysis are obstacles in the way of efficient shape optimization and to improving the efficiency of existing algorithms. Because a large part of the information which sensitivity analysis requires has been obtained in the process of structural analysis with the finite element method, one way to improve is to incorporate sensitivity analysis into a finite element analysis code and to derive analytical formulations. Perhaps the first analytical work in design sensitivity analysis was by Zienkiewicz and Campbell in 1973[3] and Ramakrishnan and Francavilla in 1974[4]. They present exact formulations for the evaluation of stress derivatives, but restricted it to a discussion fo a ?-dimensional problem. Also, this work was lacking in details, especially for the derivatives of the loading vector. The objectives of this paper are to introduce an efficient sensitivity formulation for shape optimization of continuum structures. It consists of two features. The first is the use of a limited number of master nodes to characterize the surfaces of a set of isoparametric finite elements, and the adoption of their coordinates as design variables of the shape optimization. The second is the derivation of analytical formulations of the gradients. Emphases are put on the calculation of the derivatives of load vectors with respect to the design variables. The sensitivity analysis is incorporated into a finite element analysis code. Numerical examples are performed and comparisons are made with sensitivity analysis based on forward finite differences.
In order to provide a common terminology for discussion. the optimization problem will be stated mathematically as follows: Minimize Subject to