Sensitivity analysis of static simulation models of discrete event systems by the local approximation methods
SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS OF STATIC SIMULATION MODELS OF DISCRETE EVENT SYSTEMS BY THE LOCAL APPROXIMATION METHODS V.Ya. Katkovnik Department of Machanical Engineering. Leningrad State Technical University Leningrad.USSR. Abstract . We present methods for deriving sensitivities of performance measures for computer simulation models. We show that both the sensitivites and the performance measure can be estimated simultaneously from the same simulation run. The local approximation gives possibilities to reconstract performance measures. considered as regressions given by simulation. and their derivatives in the whole domain of augment values. We study a case wh~~ performence is an unspecified regression. We give correct statements on strong unIform convergence and convergence rate of the suggested estimates. These statements may be applied to decide some optimization and sensitivity analysis problems . Key words. Sensitivity analysis. discrete event systems. simulation. local approximation. nonparametric estimation .
INTRODUCTION Many modern technical systems can be considered as discrete event one's. Examples of such systems are computer networks. flexible manufactul ins systeJIIS, production automatic lines, etc. The conventional approach for analyzing such complex systems is simulation . By simulation we mean the standard computerbased discrete event simulation which involv es writing a computer program to mimic the system and then performing a Monte Carlo experiments. Cons ider ' a stochastic discrete event systems tOES) charact er i zed by some parameter vector x E Rn. Let m repr ese nts a s pec ific sample reali zation of this system. i.e. w contains all affecting stochastic perturbations. Given w ,the performance of the DES is de scribed by some sample function y(x . w I . Let y(x)=Ety(x,m))=Jy(x,w)dF(w), xE XCRn, be the · expected performance of DES, where the expectation is taken over all possible sampl e real iza ti ons w with joint c.d.f . (cumulative distribution function) F(w) . The modern appoach to design and optimi zation problems of complex sys tems basi s on comprehension of the fact that it is not enough to find optimal decisi on even it is possible . It is necessay to study robust properties of this deci s ion. It means for an example that we have to reseach the sensitivity of the optimal performance with respect to different parameter varrations. By sensitivities we mean derivatives • . gradients, Hessians. etc. The natural es timator for ,y(xl is a sample mean 1
N where w
( a )
s =J
Ca l
is s-th sample reali zation of m.
We will separate two essentially different cases: ytx.m) is a specified function of x (avai lable analytically) and y(x,m) is unspecified one . If y(x,m) is diffentiable in x for the specified y(x.w) we can easily get estimates of all necessary derivatives of y(x) . These estimates are like the (t) with replacing y(x,w) on sample mean corresponding derivatives with respect to x. Indicate that then we can have estimates of performance and all sensitivities simultaneously . It means that all these estimates may be obtained on single realization, on single sample set of random values m