Sensory systems

Sensory systems

569 Bibliography Current World Literature This bibliography ,is compiled by neuroscientists from the journals listed at the end of this publication...

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Current World Literature

This bibliography ,is compiled by neuroscientists from the journals listed at the end of this publication. It is based on literature entered into our database between 1 st April 1996 and 31 st March 1997 (articles are generally added to the database about two and a half months after publication). In addition, the bibliography contains every paper annotated by reviewers; these references were obtained from a variety of bibliographic databases and published between the beginning of the review period and the time of going to press. The bibliography has been grouped into topics that relate to the reviews in this issue. Papers considered by the reviewers to be of special interest




Papers considered by the reviewers to be of outstanding interest





Related review: Sensory hyperacuity in the jamming avoidance response of weakly electric fish (pp 473-479) Agmon A, Hollrigel G, Odowd DK: Functiorwl GABAergic synaptic connection in neon&l mouse bwrel cortex. J Neumsci 1996. l&4664-4695. Alcantara S. Soriano E, Ferrer I: Thalamic and baa.1 forebrain .fferents modul.te the development of Dowalbumin and calbindin D26k immunore&ivitv in the barrel cortex of the rat Eur J Neurosci 1996, 8:1522-l 534. Alkadhi KA, Tian LM: Verstridirw-enhnnced persistent sodium current induces bumting in CA1 pyramidal neurons. Neuroscience 1996, 71:625-632. Anton JL, Benali H. Guigon E. Dipaola M. Bittoun J, Jolivet 0. Bumad Y: Func6on.l MR im.crinp of the human sensorimotor cortex during hap* dixrimirution. Neuroreport 1996. 7:2649-2652. Aroniadwsndejaska V, Keller A: Inbtnsk inhibkory pathways in mouse b.rr.1 cater Neumreport 1996, 7:2363-2366. Banks RW, Hulliger M, Scheepstra KA. Dtten E: P.c.mdker activity in. sensory ending with multiple encoding sites: The cat muscle spindle primary ending. J Physiol Rondl 199?,498:177-199 Baumann KI. Ghan E. Halata Z. Senok SS. Yung WH: An isolated rat vibrk?..l preparation with otable responses of slowty adapting mechanomceptors. Neumsci Len 1996, 213:1-4. Blenk KH. Michaelis M, Vogel C, Janig W: Tharmoseaiitivity of acutely sxot0miz.d sensory “erv. fibers. J Neurophysiol 1996, 76:743-752. Bostock H. Rothwell JC: Latent addition Ln motor and sensory Rbres of human peripheral nerve. J Physiol (Land) 1997,498:277-294. Bozhilovapastirova A, Ovtschamft W: Inbamembmnous .trwtur. of the posbaynraptkz rnwnbmne in the mt sensortmotor cortex_ Neurosd Len 1996, 206:129-132. Bra& S& Stark LW: Spontm.ous eye mownwtts during visual inylgory reflect the content of the vbrul xene. J Cogn Neurosu’ 1997,9:27-36. Bmide RS. Robertson RT. Leslie FM: Reaul.tion of .Iph.(‘l) nkotink &xtykhollne recepton In the developing rat som.tosensory cortex by thabmocortiul atrerents. J Neurosci 1996. 1632966-2971.

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The number in square brackets following a selected paper, e.g. [71, refers to its number in the annotated references of the corresponding review.


Central auditory system




Eye, retina and phototransduction


Visual system

Currant Opinion in Neurobiology 1997,7:569-592

0 Current Biology Ltd ISSN 0959-4388

Taste and olfactory systems

Contents Sensory systems 569





Vestibular and related senses




auditory system

Broman 1. Zhang ML: The cervkoth.lamk trxt t.rmin.tes in C&301-spars. regions of the cat VPL Neumreporf 1996,7:1493-1496. Brown LL. Hand PJ. Diiac I: Represent&km of. single vlbrisra in the rat neostriatum: Peaks of energy met.bolism reveal . distributed functtonal module. Neuroscience 1996. 75717-726. Brumberg JC. Pinto DJ. Simons DJ: Spatial gmdients and inhibitory sumrrmtton in the rat whisker barrel system. J Neurophysiol 1996. 76:130-l 40. qurdohan JA, Caner CM: Cellular organiz.tion of an antennsl machsnosensory p.thw.y in the cockroach, Periplanet. americana. J Neurosc~ 1996. 16:5830-5643. Burtacu S, Tap WD. Lumpkin E4 Hudspeth AJ: ATPase activw of myosin in hair bundles of the bullfrog’s ..cculus. Biophys J 1997, 72:263-271. Bume JA Lippold OCJ: Reflex inhibition following electrical stimulation over muscle tendons in man. Brain 1996, 1 l&-l 107-l 114. Burton H. M.&cd AMK, Videen TO, Raichle ME: Multiple foci in parktai and tront.1 cortex activated by tubbing embosrmd gmting p&ems across fingerpads: A positrcm emission tomography study in human.. Cereb Coriex 1997.7:3-l 7. Cairns BE, Fragoso MC, Soja PJ: Active-sleep-r&ted suppression of feline trigeminal sensory neurons: Evidence implicating pmsynaptic inhibition via . process of primary afferent depol.rir.tion. J Neurophys;o/ 1996, 75:1152-l 162. Calikoglu AS, Gutierrezospina G. Dercole AJP: Con~enit.1 hypothyroidism dehyo the fomwtton and retards ihe growth of the mouse primary somatic sensory cortex (Sl). Neurosti Letr 1996,213:132-l 36. Caminiti R, Fenaina S. Johnson PB: The sources of visual info&on to the prirrate front.1 lobe: A novel role for the superior pwiet.1 lobula Cereb Cortex 1996, 6:31 Q-326. Carey DP: Neurophysiology: ‘Monkey see, monkey do’ cells. Curr Biol 1996. 6:1067-l 066. Gvmll JL, Goal D. Rector DM. Aljad.6 0, Harper RM: Vatv.1 medull.ry neuron& nrponses tq peripheml ch.morcueptor stimul.tton Neuroscience 1996, 73:989-998. CarveIl GE, Simons DJ: Abnomul &tile expwience wrty in life disrupt.. active touch. J Neurosc; 1996. 16:2750-2757. Chenbee C+t. Fmstig RD: V.ri.billty and intm’hemispheric asymmeb’y of slngltwhlsker functiorml mpre%mt&Jons in mt bwml cortex J Neurophysk9 1996, 76:664-694. Chiaia NL, Bennettclark. CA, crissman RS. Zheng 1 Chen ht. Rhoarks RW: Eff.ct of n.on.t.l .xoplasmic transport in the Infr.0lwt.l “.rv. on

vlbrisue-related patterns in the rat’s bninstem, thalamus and cortex. Eur J Neurosci 1996, 8:1601-1612. Clarke S. Regli l_ Jazzer RC, Assal G, D&rib&t N: Phantom face: Conscious correlate of neural reorg.niz.tlon .fter rem0v.I of primary sensory newones. Neuroreport 1996, 7:2853-2667. Collins DE Prochazka A: Movement illusions evoked bv ens&ble cubmews input from the dorsum of &e human hand. J PhysU (Land) 1996, 496:657-671. Collins JJ. lmhoft TT, Grigg P: Noise-enhanced infommtion transmission in rat SAl cutaneous mechanoreceptors via aperiodic stochastic J Neurophysiol 1996, 76:642-645. Cropper EC, Evans CG. Rosen SC: Multiple mechanisms for peripheml .ctiv.tion of the peptide-containing ndul. mechanoafferent neurons 821 and 822 of Apiysir J Neurophysioll996. 76:1344-l 351. Curio G. Druno D. Koch H. Muller W. Steinhoff U. Trahms l_, T: of evoked fields from humsn peripheral nerve, brachial plexus and primary somatosensory cortex using. liquid nitrogen cooled superconducting quantum lntafweme device. Neurosci Len 1996. 206:204-206.. Dale&s Y, Raos VC, Sav&i HE: Metabolic activity pattern in the motor and somatosencory cortex of monkeys vi%mlly guided reaching task with one forelimb. Neuroscience 1996, 72:325-333. Debiasi S, Amadeo A Arcelli P, Frassoni C: Postnatal development of GABA-immunorwctive terminals in the rettcular and ventrobaral nuclei of the mt thabmus: A light and electron microscopic study. Neuroscience 1997, 76:503-515. Dostrovsky JO, Craig AD: Cooling-specifk spinothalamic neurons in the monkey. J Neurophysioll996. 76:3656-3665. Duckem HJ. Vandokkum RP, Verhaagen J. Dasilva FHL. Gispen WH: Functio~l end neumphysiologial avidence of the of trophic phamucotherspy uring .n .drenocortkotrophic hormone .rulog in experim.nt.1 .Ilerglc encephalomyelitis, .n animal model of multiple sdwods. Neuroscience 1996, 71:507-621. Ehn R. Tiihy H: Threshold for d.tectinQ temper&we chm!gr in. spider thermomceptor. J Neumphysiol 1996.76:2606-2613. Eked&l R. Haiti” RG. Vvi~ G. Yu m: Demon&&ion of A ftbre .ff.r.nts with overt.pplng receptive fields in hum.n.. Neuror.pc& 1996.7:2633-2637. F&i M. Mmmni T: 0lutmn.t. decarboxvtaoe corttwcortk.l &cting neuron. of mt s.n.ory cortex_ Neuroscience 1996, 72:435-448.

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immunomacUvlty in


Sensory systems Somatosensory systems

F&as 1, Korodi K, Toldi J: Stimulus-dependent muscarinic effects on evoked unit activity in the rat barral cortex. Neurosc; Len 1996.212:61-64. Favorov OV, Kelly DG: Stimulus-response diversity in local neuronal pop&&ions of the cerebral cortex. Neuroreport 1996, 7:2293-2301. Fox K, Schlaggar EL, Glarawski S. Oleary DDM: Glutamate receptor blockade at cortkal synapses disrupts development of thalamocortical and columnar organizetion in somatosensory cortax. Proc Narl Acad SC; USA 1996,93:5564-5569. Fuzessery ZM. Hall JC: Role of GABA in shaping frequency tuning and creating FM sweep selecfJvity in the inferior collkulus. J Neurophysiol 1996. 76:1059-1073. Gsrciaanovaros J, Corey DP: Mechanosensetion Touch at the molecular level. Con Biol 1996. 6:541-543. Gauda EE. Bamford 0. Gerfen CR: Develo;mentel expression of tyrosine hydroxylase, D-2-dopamine receptor and substance P genes in the carotid body of the rat Neuroscience 1996. 75:969-97x Georgopwlos AP: Arm movernan& in monkeys: Behavior and neurophysiology. J Comp Physiol [AI 1996,179:603-612. Ghoshal S. Kim DO: Margirul shell of the anteroventral cochleer nudaus: Intensity coding in single uni*l of the unanesthetizad. decerabrate cat Neurosd Leti 1996. 205371-74. Gil Z. Amitai Y: Properties of convergent thalamocoltical end intrecortical synaptic potentials in single neurons of neocorter J Neumsci 1996, l&6567-6576. Glsxewski S. Chin CM, Silve A, Fox K: Requirement for alpha-CaMKll in experience-dependent plasticity of the barrel cortex. Science 1996. 272:42 l-423. Glsxewski S. Fox K: Time course of ~xpariancedependent synaptic potentiation and depression in barrel cortex of adolescent rats. J Neumphysio/ 1996, 75:1714-l 729. Glendinning JI: Is chemosenrory input essential for the rapid rejection of toxic foods? J Exp Biol 1996, 199:1523-1534. Grigg P: Stretch sansitfvfty of machanoraceptor neurons in rat hairy skin. J Neurophysiol 1996, 76:2866-2695. Grigg P, Hoffman AH: Stretch-sensitive afferent neurons in cat knee joint capsule: Sensltlvity to axial and compression stresses and strains. J Neumphysiol 1996,75:1671-167% Grubb BD. Riley RC. Hope PJ, Pub& I_ Duggan AW: The burst-like firing of spiel neurons in rats with peripheral inf*mmation Is reduced by an antagonist of N-methyl-D-aspartata Neuroscience 1996, 74:1077-1066. Guo Y, Kawasaki M: Representation of accurate temporal l* intormation in the electrosensory system of the African electric fish, Gymnercfrus niloticus. J Neurosci 1997. 17:1761-1766. t161. Hansen D. Bruckner G, Drlicek M. Hartig W, Brauer K. &I V: pyramidal cells ensheathed by perineuronal n& in human motor and romatorensory cortex Neworeo 1996. 7:1725-l 729. Hadwig B. &rows M( Prosynaptic inhibition of sensory neurons during kicking movements in the locust J Neumphysiol 1996, 75:1221-1232. Haab MM. Yahr P: c-Fos immunoraacUvitv in the sexually dimorphic ares of the hypothalamus and related brain regions of male gerbils after exposure to sex-rebted stimuli or performance of spa&k sexual behaviors. Neuroscience 1996, 22:1049-1071. Heijmen PS, Boele A, Peters RC: The effect of hyperosmotic traetment on the functioning of ampullaw elactroraceptor 0rQans. Neuroscience 19~6.72~1107-1115: Heijmen PS, Kalmeijer D. Peters RC: Vincristine disturbs spontaneous firing of the afferant nerve fibre in ampullary elactroreceptor organs. Neuroscience 1996. 72:565-591. Halgran ME, Cliier KD. Torrent0 K. Cavnor C. Curtis R, Distefano PS, Wiegand SJ, Lindsay RM: Neurotrophin-3 administration attenuates deficits of pyridoxine-induced large-fiber sensory neuropathy. J Neumsci 1997. 17~372-382. He&in S. Armstrong WE: Morphology and physiology of cortical neurons in layer I. J Neurosci 1996. 16:5290-5300. Hoskin KL Kaube H. Goadsby PJ: Sumatriptan can inhibit trigeminal afferants by an exclusively neural mechanism. Brain 1996. 119:1419-1426. Huttunen J. Wikstrom H. Korvenoja A Seppalainen AM, Aronen H, llmoniemi RJ: Signiflcence of the second somatosensory cortex in sensorimotor integration: Enhancement of sensory responses during finger movements. Neurorepoti 1996.7:1009-1012.



hiki A, Tanaka M. lwsmura Y: Coding of modflied body schema during tool use by macaque postcentral newones. Neuroreporf 1996, 7:2325-2330. lturriaga R, Alcayaga J, Zap& P: Dissociation of hypoxia-induced chemosansory responses and catecholamfne efflux in cat carotid body superfused in vitro. J Physic./ Rand) 1996, 497:551-564. Jacquin MF, Rana JZ, Miller MW, Chiaia NL. Rhoades RW: Development of trigeminel nucleus principalis in the rat: Effa& of target removal at birth. fur J Neumsci lQQ6,8:1641-1657. Jankowska E, Perfilieva EV, Riddell JS: How effective is integratkm of information from muscle afferents in spinal pathways7 Neuroreport 1996, 7:2337-2340. Jimenaxcapdaville ME, Dykes RW: Changes in cortical acetykholine release in the rat during day and nightz Differences between motor end sensorv areas. Neuroscience 1996, 71:567-579. Johnson MJ. Allowav KD: Cross-correlation analvsis reveal; lam&r diiarences in thalamocorticel interactions in the rometosensory system J Neurophysiol 1996, 75:1444-l 45% Johnson PB, Fenaina S: Cortical networks for visual reaching: Intrinsic fronts1 lobe connactiiity. Eur J Neurosci 1996, 8:1356-1362. Jomtell H, Garwicr M, Ekerot CF: Relation between cutaneous receptive fields and muscle efferent input to climbing fibres projectfng to the cerebellar C3 zone in the cat. Eur J Neumsci 1996. 8:1769-l 779. Kawakami Y, Oshima T: Long-lasting potentiation in the secondary somstosensory cortex affects motor control: Assessment by H-reflex. Neuroscience 1996, 74:1125-l 133. Kawasaki M: Comparative analysis of the jamming . avoidance response in African and South American wave-type fishes. Biol Bull 1996. 191:103-106. C36l. Kawasaki M. Guo Y-X: Neuronal circuitrv for comoarison l * of timing in the electrosensory l&al line l&e of an African wave-type electric fish, Gymnerchus niloficus. J Neurosci 1996. 16:360-391. t401. Keller A Waintrsub ND, Miysshita E: Tectile expwience determines the organization of movement reprerentaUons in rat motor cortex. Neumreporr 1996,7:2373-2376. Khalsa PS. Hoffman AH, Grigg P: MecJ?anical states encoded by stretch-sensitive neurons in feline ioint capsule. J tieurophysio/ 1996, 76:175-l 67. Kiernsn MC. Moovoros I. Burke D: DUferancas in tf~e racova& of~~xcitadility in sensory and motor exons of human median nerve. Brain 1996, 119:1099-1105. Kimura A_ S&o A, Sate Y, Suzuki A: Single electrical shock of a somatic afferent nerve elicits A- and C-reflex discharges in gastric vagal efferent nerves in anesthetized rats. Neurosc; Len 1996. 210:53-56. Knecht S. Hanningsan H, Eibert T, i%+ H. Hohling C. Pantev C. Taub E: Reoroanixational and p&ceptionel changes aft=; amputation. Brain 1996, 119:1213-1219. Koerber HR. Mimics K: Pfastkity of dorsal horn cell receptive fields after peripheral nerve regeneration. J NeurophysiollQQ6, 752255-2267. Kolhekar R, Gabharl GF: Modulation of spinal visceral nociceptiie transmission by NMDA receptor activation In the rat J Neumphysiol 1996, 75~2344-2353. Kops CE, Gardner EP: Discrimination of simulated texture patterns on the human hand. J Neurophysiol 1996, 76:1145-l 165. Krarup C. Trojaborg W: Sensory pathophysioloQy in chronic acquired demyelinating neuropathy. Brawn 1996, 119:257-270. Kyriazi HT, Cawell GE, Brumberg JC, Simons DJ: QuantUaUve effects of GABA and bicuculline methiodide on receptive field properties of neurons in reel snd simulated whisker barrels. J Neumphysiol 1996, 75547-560. Lamotte RH. Srinivasan MA: Neural encoding of shape: Responses of cutaneous machanoraceptors to a wevy surface stroked across the monkey fingerpad. J Neurophysiol1996. 76:3767-3797. Lena SH. Mirumura K Koda H. Kumszawa T: Excitation “and’sansitizaU0~ of the heat response induced by a phorbol ester in canine vlsceral polymodal receptors studiad in vitro. Neurosci Len 1996. 2O6:13-16. Lewis DI: Cholinergk projections to rat nucleus ambiguus neuronas from the ventral medullary chemorecaptive araa. J Physiol (Land) 1996. 494p:PlOO. Li CX. Waters RS: In viva intracellular racording and labeling of neurons in the forepaw barrel subfield (FBS) of rat somatosensorv cortex: Possible physiological and rnorphol~gi~l substrates for reorganixetion. Neumrepoti 1996. 72261-2272.

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Central auditory system Related review: Cellular mechanisms for preservation of timing in central auditory pathways (pp 487-492) Barth DS. Macdonald KD: Thalemlc moduletio” of high-frequency oscllleting potentlab In auditory cortex. Nature 1996, 393:76-61. Bilak MM, Bilak SR. Merest DK: Differential expression of N-methyl-D-aspartete receptor I” the cochleer “udeu~ of the mouse. Neuroscience 1996, 7531075-1097. Binder JR, Frost J4 Hammeke T4 Rao SM. Cax RW: Function of the left plenum temporole in auditory end linguistic processing. Brain 1996, 119:1239-1247. Bodner M. Kroger J. Fuster JM: Auditory memory cells in dorsoleteral prefrontal cortex Neuroreport 1996, 7:1905-1906. Borst JG. Sakmann B: Celdum influx and transmitter . releese in e fast CNS synepse. Nature 1996, 363:431-434. C361. Brosch M. Bauer R. Eckhom R: Stimulus-dependent modubtions of correlated high-frequency oscilleUons in cat viswl cortex. Cereb Cortex 1997. 7~70-76. B~UQQ~ JF, Reale RA_ Hind JE: The structure of spatial receptive fields of neurons in primary eudkory cortex of the cat. J NeurosU 1996, 16:4420-4437. Colombo M. Rodman HR. Gross CG: me effects Of superior temporal cortex lesions on the processing end retention of auditory informetton in monkeys &bus spells). J Neurosd 1996, 16:4501-4517. Covev E. Kauer JA Cassedsv JH: whole-cell match-demo &cording reveels subt~reshold eound-&oked posteyneptic currents in the Inferior collicuk~s of aweke bats. J Neurosd 1996, 16:3009-3016. Czigler I, Winkle, I: Preettentive auditory chenge detection relies on unitary sensory memory representetions. Neurorepon 1996, 7:2413-241 Z Davis KA. Diw J. Benson TE. Voiot HF: Resoonse profwti& of units in the d&se1 cochieer nucleus of unenesthetized decerebrete gerbil. J Neurophysrol 1996,76:1411-1431. Davis KA_ Miller RL. Young ED: Effects of sometosensory and parallel etimuletion on neurons in dorul cochleer nucleus. J Neurophysiol 1996, 76:3012-3024. Decharms RC, Merzenich MM: Prirrury cortical representetio” of sounds by the coordlnetion of action-pote”Uel timing. Nature 1996. 361:61 O-6 13. Dolphin WF: Auditory evoked responses to amplitude moduleted stimuli consisting of multiple


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Sensory systems Nociception I

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Sensory systems Nociception

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Sensory systems Eye, retina and phototransduction

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Visual system Related reviews: insect visual perception: complex abilities of simple nervous systems (pp 505-513); New perspectives on the mechanism8 for orientation selectivity (pp 514-522)t; Mechanisms of visual object recognition: monkey and human 8tUdie8 (pp 523-529)t; Learning perceptual skills: behavioral probes into adult cortical plasticity (pp 530-535)s; What fMRl ha8 taught us about human vision (pp 554-561)#; Parietal cortex: from sight to action (pp 562-567)tt; Synchronous oscillatory activity in sensory systems: new vistas on mechanisms (pp 536-546)tt Abbott LF, Rolls ET, Tovee MJ: Representationel capecity of fete coding in monkeys. Cereb Cortex 1006, 6:498-505. Abel PL. Obrien BJ. Lia 8. Olavarria JF: Distribution Of neuron, projecting to the superior collkulur correbtee with thkk cytochrome oxidsre etripes in macaque vfeuel eree V2. J Comp Neural 1997. 377:313-323. Abel PL. Olevarrie JF: The celloeel pattern in striate cortex is more patchy in monoculerly enucleeted albino than pigmented rate. Neurosci Leff 1906. 204:169-172. Abemethy M, Coney J: Semantic category priming In the left cembrel hemisphere. Neuropsychologia 1096. 34:339-350. Aggounzouaoui D. Kiper DC, Innocenti GM: Growth of calloeel terminal a&ore in primery vieuel ereee of the cat Eur J Neurosci 1006.8: 1132-l 148. AQuirre GK. D’Eeposito M: Environmental knowledge ie . subserved by separable dorsal/ventrel neural ereee. J Neurosc; 1997, 17:2512-2518. t84*1. Ahissar M. Hochstein S: Learning pop-out detection: epecifiiitiee to rtimulur charectdetiu. Vkon Res 1006. 36:3487-3500. f38fl. Ahmed 8, Anderson JC, Douglas RJ, Martin KAC, Nelson Jc: Eetimater of the major excitatory innervetion on apiul dendrites of layer 5 pwamldr within Ieyer 4 of cat visual cortex. J Physiol (Londl 1006, 494p:P15-P16. Aho AC: The visual acuity of the frog (Rena pipiens). J Comp Physiol [Al 1997, 18O:l Q-24.


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