Serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol correlates with presence but not severity of coronary artery disease

Serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol correlates with presence but not severity of coronary artery disease

TICAR’ (Sterile Ticarcillin Disodium), ior Intramuscular or Intravenous Use Forcomplete prescnbmg mformation, consult official package Insert ACT...

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(Sterile Ticarcillin Disodium), ior Intramuscular

or Intravenous


Forcomplete prescnbmg mformation, consult official

package Insert ACTIONS: Trcarcdhn is bactericrdal; rt IS not absorbed orally. therefore, rt must be admnnstered rntravenously or mtramuscularly INDICATIONS: TICAR (Trcarcrllin Drsodium) IS indicated for the treatment of the followmg mfections Bacterial se hcemrat Skm and soPI-trssue mfectionst Acute and chronrc respiratory tract mfectronstS tcaused by susceptible strains of Pseudomonas aerugmosa. Proteus species (both rndole-positive and indole-negahvei and Escherichia cob *(Though clinrcal tmprovement has been shown. bacterrologrcal cures cannot be expected rn patients wrth chrome respiratory disease or cyshc fibrosrsi Genttourrnary tract mfectrons (complicated and uncomplicated) due to susceptible strams of Pseudomonas aerugmosa, Proleus spectes (both rndole-positrve and rndole-ne atlvei. Eschenchia cob Enlerobacler and Strepfococcus 9aeCalrS (enterococcus) Ticarcrllrn IS also rndrcated rn the treatment of the followrng mfechons due to suscepbble anaerobrc bacteria (1) Bactenal sephcemia. (2) Lower respiratory tract mfectrons such as empyema, anaerobic pneumonitrs and lung abscess. 13) Intra-abdomrnal infections such as perrtomtis and intra-abdomrnal abscess (typically resulting from anaerobic orgamsms resrdent in the normal Oastromtestmal tract) (4) Infections of the female pelvis and genital tract such as endomefrrtrs. pelvrc mflammatory disease, pelvic abscess and salpinaitrs 15) Skin $d soft-tissue mfechons Although Trcarctlhn IS prrmarily indicated agamst Gram-negatrve infections, its rn v/fro activity against Gram-posrtrve or amsms should be considered rn treatma mfections caused by botR Gramne atrve and Gram-posrtrve organisms. \ ased on the rn v/fro synergism between Trcarcrllm and gentamrcrn sulfate or tobramycin sulfate against certarn strams of Pseudomonas aerugmosa. combined therapy has been successful. using full therapeutic dosa es Culturing and susceptrbr9 rty testing should be perfomed mitrally and during treatment CONTRAINDICATIONS: A hrstory of allergrc reachon to any of the oenrcilhns IS a contraindication WARNINGS: Anaphylaxrs may occur, especial1 m patrents with an allergic drathesrs Check for a history of al I’ergy to penicillrns. cephalosporms or other allergens If an allergrc reaction occursthe drug should be discontinued unless, rn the opinion of the physrcran, the condihon being treated is life-threatenmg and amenable only to Trcarcilhn therapy. Serrous anaph lactic reactions require immedrate emergency treatment with epinepb-nne, oxygen, mtravenous sterords and airway management. Some patrents receiving high doses of Trcarcrllrn may develop hemorrhagic manifestatrons associated with abnormalrtres of coagulation tests Patients with renal impairment, in whom excrehon of Trcarcdlm IS delaved. should be observed for bleedrna mamfestaIrons. Such paherits should be dosed strictly according to recommendations. If bleedmg manrfestations appear, Trcarcrllin treatment should be discontrnued and, II necessary, appropriate therapy rnstrtuted PRECAUTIONS: During prolonged treatment, perrodrc checking for organ system dysfunction (renal. hepatrc and hematoporetrcl IS advisable. If overgrowth of resrstant orgamsms occurs, the appropriate therapy should be Initiated Since the theoretrcal sodium content IS 5 2 mrlhequrvalents (120 mg) per gram of Ticarcrlhn, electrolyte and cardrac status should be monrtored carefully In a few pahents receiving mtravenous Trcarcdlm. hypokalemra has been reported Serum potassium should be measured oeriodrcallv USAGE DURING PREGNANCY: Reproduction studres have been performed in mrce and rats and have revealed no evrdence of Impaired fertihty or harm to the fetus due to Ticarcrlhn There are no well-controlled studres m pregnant women, but mvestrgatronal ex erience does not Include an posrtrve evidence of adverse ef Pects on the fetus. Although t6 ere IS no clearly defined rusk. such experience cannot exclude the possibility of mfrequent or subtle damage to the fetus. Trcarcdlin should be used rn pregnant women only when clearly needed AOVERSE REACTIONS: The followntg adverse reactrons may occur skin rashes, prurrtus. urtrcaria, drug fever, nausea, vomrtmg. anemia, thromboc topema. leukopenra, neutropenra. eosrnophilra SGOT and SGPT eYevatrons have been reported Patiems, especially those with impaired renal funchart. may experrence convulsions or neuromuscular excitabihtv when verv hroh _ doses of the druo are admmrstered Local reactions at the srte of mjection have been reported Vem rrrdation and phlebitis can occur,, particularly when undrluted solution is directly injected mto the vern DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION: Usual adult recommended dosage in bacterial sephcemia, resprratory tract Infecttons. skm and soft-tissue infections, intra-abdominal mfectrons and mfectrons of the female pelvis and enital tract, IS 3 grams by mtravenous rnfusron every 3, 4 or 6 Rours depending on weight and seven1 of mfection: in uncomplicated urmary tract mfechons, 1 gram I.My or direct IV 4 rd.; in complicated unnary tract mfechons. 3 grams Q Id by I V infusion Please consult otfrcial package insert for detarls on dosages for pahents with renal rnsuffrciency, children, neonates and directrons for use Supplied 1 Gm, 3 Gm and 6 Gm Standard Vrals 3 Gm and 6 Gm Piggyback Bottles


laboratories BRiSTOL TENNESSEE316X
