Serum procollagen type III peptide in chronic hepatitis B treated with recombinant interferon alfa-2b
Serum Procollagen Type III Peptide in Chronic Hepatitis B Treated with Recombinant Interferon Alfa-2b ntroduction
n Response to interfmm closely corr...
Serum Procollagen Type III Peptide in Chronic Hepatitis B Treated with Recombinant Interferon Alfa-2b ntroduction
n Response to interfmm closely correlated with PIIF=. n Transaminase levels were noWI fLI/L) in 6/14 (43%) Patients. Patients who semconverted (responders) demonstrated a greater reduction than
honk hepatitis B is a pmgessive disease. Loss of iBeAe with sexanversion to anti-HRe. accomwnted 1ya &ark& reduction in aminotransfemse leveis and mpmwd liver histology. is a favorable outcome. Upha-interkmn can improve the semconversion rate. lowever, the intluencing factors have not been ompletely elucidated. Xs study aimed tc determine the efficacy of longmm interkron aIf.+Zb in rqrlicative chronic hepatitis md to assess the conelation of w.ponse with serum mxxdlagen type Uf peptide (PIIIP).
Male/female (nonpregnant), sged W-65. HBsAe +ve (Xl2 months). H&A= and HBV-6NA (26 mm&). Transaminases persistently elevated. HDv,H!v-ve. ~nz.ecmfinned by liver biopsy within the last
No antiviral therapy within the last 12 months. Noevidexeofdemm~tedlwpaticd&ase. No evidence of renal, cardiac or hematologic disease. n Leuk e count >3 x lWL, platelet count >7Xl /L
Study Design rhirtmoutof 14 patimlb
with a mean age of 31* 12 years completed Diikment. Patients (all Caucasian) hadbeenHBsAgpmitiveforameanof24fIAyears.
SvmDtuns %Paenm
HBeAg disappeared in 6/14 (43%) patients Au patients EmabEd HBsAg positive. HBV-DNA disappeamd in 6/14 (43%) patients. Q/l4 09%) pattents semconverted to anti-HB‘Z.
% Pa&m5
VIaI replication diqpead in 43% of the treated patients; zdl Paients maintained “Ag. Transaminases and PUIP normahzed in respanders and were closely conelated. n Responders had higher pretreatment transaninase and PlllP Ievets. . interfeton aifa-2b was well t&rated by 13/14 patients. .