Settlements of immersed tunnels

Settlements of immersed tunnels

31A 802138 BACKFILL WITH TAILINGS - A NEW APPROACH Wayment, W R Proc 12%h Csn~alaz ROck Mechamlcs Symposium, Sudbury, Ontario, 23-25 May 1978, PIII-I...

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802138 BACKFILL WITH TAILINGS - A NEW APPROACH Wayment, W R Proc 12%h Csn~alaz ROck Mechamlcs Symposium, Sudbury, Ontario, 23-25 May 1978, PIII-II6. Publ Montreal : CIMM, 1978 Stm~narises the advantages and limitations of conventional backfill technology and describes a procedure using unclassified tailings, a new type of centrifuge for dewatering and a novel method of handling slurry underground. Applicability of the system to hard rock continuous mining is discussed, illustrated by reference to a South African gold mine.

802139 !N-SITU DRAINAGE PROPERTIES OF HYDRAULIC BACKFILLS Herget, G; de Korompay, V Proc 12th Canadian Rock Mechanics Symposium, Sudbury, Ontario, 23-25 May 1978, Pl17-123. Publ Montreal: CIMM, 1978 802140 EI~TROKINETIC DEWATERING OF HYDRAULIC BACKFILL Sprute, R H; Kelsh, D J Proc 12th Canadian Rock Mechanics Symposium, Sudbury, Ontario, 23-25 May 1978, P124-128. Publ Montreal : CIMM, 1978 802141 POZZOLANIC BEHAVIOUR OF GROUND ISA MINE SLAG IN C~MEITfED HYDRAULIC MINE FILL AT HIGH SLAG/C~4ENT RATIOS Thomas, E G; Cowling, R Proc 12th Canadian Rock Mechanics Symposium, Sudbury, Ontario, 23-25 May 1978, P129-132. Publ Montreal: CIMM, 1978

802146 FORECASTING THE HAZARD OF WATER INRUSH AND NEW POSSIBILITIES OF FIGHTING AGAINST THEM IN CONSTRUCTING TUNNELS Kapolyl, L; Schmieder, A; Kesseru, Z Proc International Tunnel Symposium, Tokyo, 1978, P125-135. Publ Oxford: Pergamon Press,

1979 802147 PREVENTION OF ACCIDENTS IN DIFFICULT TUNNELLING CONDITIONS BY MEANS OF SPECIALISED TECHNIQUES SUCH AS GROtTfING, DRAINAGE, L~4BRELLA ARCH METHODS Jorge, G R; Mouxaux, J Proc International Turmel Symposium, Tokyo, 1978 , P169-177. Publ Oxford: pergamon Press,

1979 802148 PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH HEAVY WATER I 2 ~ G E DURING CONSTRUCTION OF LARGE AREA TUNNELS IN GRA/~q~E, LIMESTONE, AND CHALK Jans son, G Proc Internatior~l Ttlrmel Symposium, Tokyo, 1978, P187-192. Publ Oxford: pergamon Press, 1979 Discusses three projects for the construction of caverns and tunnels to be used for storage of petroleum lrOducts at Lirkoping, Sweden and Lavera ar~l vexin, France.


802142 FALCONBRIDGE SLAG AS A CEMENTING AGENT IN BACKFILL McGulre, A J Proc 12th Canaddan Rock Mechanics Symposium, Sudbury, Ontario, 23-25 May 1978, P133-138. Publ Montreal : CIMM, 1978 802143 FILL PERMEABILITY A/~D ITS SIGNIFICANCE IN MINE FILL PRACTICE Thomas, E G Proc 12th Canadian Rock Mechanics Symposium, Sudbury, Ont~io, 23-25 May 1978, P139-145. Publ Montreal: CIMM, 1978

Geological factors of importance in underground excavations 802144 TECTONIC INDEX AS AN AID TO THE TECTONIC L"qALUATION OF A COAL DEPOSIT Erhardt, W Gluckauf, VII4, NI6, 17 Aug 1978 , P696-700 Reports work on improving the prediction of the tectonic stresses in areas to be mined, using the tectonic index which indicates the pattern of fault tectonics and of the Joints and separation produced by stressing.

Groundwater problems 802145 WATER INFLOW DURING %~UE PERIOD OF EXCAVATION OF TUNNELS Th~.nvik, R; Braester, C Proc International Tunnel Symposium, Tokyo, 1978, PI19-124. Publ Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1979

TANCES Tang, W H J Geotech Engng Div ASCE, V105, NGTIO, Oct 1979, PI173-I191 Relates to the penetration of the skirt system of an offshore gravity plstform at the time of installation. 802150 S E ~ N T S OF ]IMMERSED TUNNELS Schmidt, B J Geotech Engng Div ASCE, V105, NGTg, Sept 1979, P1031-1047 Describes t h e design and construction of the second Hampton Roads Tunnel, Virginia, USA, including assessment of tunnel displacements, settlement performance and comparison with the First Hampton Roads Tunnel.

Dams and embankments 802151 DID FROZEN FILL CAUSE TETON DAM TO COLLAPSE Appleton, B New Civ Engr, N369, 8 Nov 1979, F26-27 Reports further discussions of the Teton Dam (Idaho, USA) failure which took place at the congress of the International Commission on Large Dams, held recently in New Delhi. 802152 SHEAR STRENGTH OF S09T FISSURED CLAYS Rivard, P J; Lu, Y Can Geotech J, V15, N3, Aug !978 , P382-390 Discusses ease histories of failure of waterretaining embankments on highly plastic clay. Prediction of in situ stability using normally consolidated strength rather than the intact strength is recon~nended.