tranversely isotropic behaviour, carried out in order to determine the strength and defor~tion characteristics, as a function of the inclination of the laminations with respect to the direction of loading, are discussed. Auth. 1530 DEMIRIS,CA MIN.PUBL.WORKS,ATHENS,G The influence of Unevenness of loading surfaces on the strength of rock cubes. Conference. 6F,2R. PRoC.THIRD CONGRESS,INT.SOC.ROCK MECH.,DENV~q,1974, V2, PART A,PI32-137. The writer describes a method for the quantitative determination of the unevenness of loading surfaces of cubic specimens of rocks. Using rocks of different degrees of unevenness in compression tests it was found that decrease of strength is in direct relation to unevenness and compressive strength. A comparison of results obtained from rock specimens with results obtained from concrete specimens is also presented. 1531 KAWAMOTO,T UNIV.NAGOYA, J SAITO,T UNIV.TOKAI,SHI~IZU, J The behaviour of rock-llke materials in some controlled strain states. Conference. 10F,6R. PROC.THIRD CONGRESS, INT.SOC.ROCK MECH.,DENV~,I974, V2,PART A,PI61-166. The servo controlled trisxlal compression testing machine with loading capacities of i00 ton in two horizontal axes and 200 ton in the vertical axis, was used to study the mechanism of failure and the behaviour in post-failure of rock-like materials such as cement mortar,sandstone and tuff. 1532 LUNDBORG,N SwED.DETON.RES.FOUND.STOCKHOLM, S A statistical theory of the polyaxial strength of materials.Conference.SF,1T,12R. PROC.THIRD CONGRESS, INT.SOC.ROCK MECH.DENVER 1974, VOL 2,PART A, 1974,P180-185. A complete model of the strength in the principal stress space has been derived from a probabilistic model of the strength distribution. Some well known strength criteria are found to be special cases of the present criterion. The Lndependent parameters of the theory are the internal friction coefficient and the variance of the strength distribution, and both of these are derived from simple experiments. The theory gives a smooth yield surface without the sharp corner inherent for example in the Mohr-Coulomb and Tresca criteria.Auth. 1533 MANDZIC,E Effective strength of rock salt. Conference. 2F,22R. PROC.THIRD CONGRESS, INT.SOC.ROCKMECH.,DE~J~,I974, V2,PART A,PI86-191.
153b MONTOTO, M [INIV. OV IEDO, E ORDAZ, J UNIV.OVIEDO, E Compression strength of Gualba marble related to its petrographical character .Conference .3F, 5T, 10R. PROC.THIRD CONGRESS, INT.SOC.ROCK MECH.DENVER 1974, VOL 2,PART A,1974,PI92-196. 1535 BARTON, N NORWEG .GEOTECH. INST .OSLO, N Estimating the shear strength of rock Joints.Conference .2F,3R. PROC.THIRD CONGRESS,INT.SOC.ROCK MECH.DHNVER.1974, VOL 2,PART A,1974,P219-220. A new criterion for the peak shear strength of rock Joints is summarized. It can be used either to fit experimental data or for prediction. The predicted strength is sensitive to: degree of surface roughness, compressive strength, degree of weathering, mineralogy, and presence or absence of water. Auth.
1536 MCCABE, WM DREXEL UNIV. PH ILADEI/~IA, USA K0~IRNER, RM DREXEL UNIV. PH ILADELPHIA, USA High pressure shear strength investigation of an anisotropic mica schist rock.26F,IT, l!R. INT., .ROCK MECH .MIN .SCI. GEOMECH. ABSTR .VI2, NS, AUG. 1975,P219-228. 1537 DURAND, E COMIC3, G The torsional test and the shear strength of rocks. Conference. In French .7F, 6R. PROC.THIRD CONGRESS, INT.SOC.ROCK MECH.DENVER,1974, V2, pART i, 1974, i~226-232. 1538 KANJI,MA UNIV .SAO PAULO, BR Unconventional laboratory tests for the determination of the shear strength of soil-rock contacts. Conference .4F,IT, 22R. PROC .THIRD CONGRESS, INT .SOC .ROCK MECH.DH~VER 1974, VOL 2,PART A,1974,P241-247. Drained direct shear tests on specimens of soils~ soilrock contacts of varying surface roughness 3 and "s~ndwich" or double contact with clay infillir~ are described and the results are presented. The application of these techniques for measurement of the residual strength of soil is considered. 1539 KIP!T~IR,HI< RUHR UNIV .BOCHUM, D Rotary shear testing of rock joints.Conference.14F, IIR. PROC.~HIRD CONGRESS, INT.SOC.ROCK MECH.DENVER 1974, VOL 2,PART A,1974, P234-262. A s~all pilot machine for rotary shear testing of Joints in thick-walled rock cylinders is described and the first results on sandstone and plaster of Paris specimens with single and double saw cuts, sawtooth shaped profiles or artificially produced fractures with a rough surface are reported. 1540 MORGENSTERN, NR UNIV.AISERTA, EDMONTON, CDN NOONAN, DK GOLDER ASSOC .MISSISSAUGA, CDN Fractured coal subjected to direct shear. Conference. 5F, IT,10R. PROC.THIRD CONGRESS, INT.SOC .ROCK MECH. ,DENVER,1974, V2, PART A, 1974, P282-287. 1541 NIEBLE, C UNIV. SAO PAUl/),BR MIDEA, NF UNIV. sAo PAUl/),BR FUJIMURA, F UNIV .SAO PAUIO, BR Shear stretch of typical features of basaltic rock masses - Parana Basin, Brazil. Conference. 10F,2T,SR. PROC .THIRD CONGRESs, INT.SOC .ROCK MECH. ,DENVER,1974, V2, pART A, 1974,P29~-301. 1542 LAMA, RD UNIV .KARLSRUHE, D 'Lhe uni