~~R~~ ERUCXTION, TRAINING ANII RESEARCH The Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research (SIETAR) is an intemational professional association designed to serve scholars and practitioners working in intercultural and international fields. SIETAR’s approach is interdisciplinary, drawing its resources from a variety of educational, govemm~ental, business, and-other organizations, both public and private. As a result of its diverse m~~rship, SIETAR provides access to coheagues from a variety of disciplines, fields, and int~ation~/int~cultur~ associations. SIETAR’s charter commits its members to the practice of intercultural communication and to the promotion of cultural understanding. The membership accepts the challenge to: (1) promote and support growth of knowledge and skills in the fields of international and intercultural communication; (2) foster the professional development of educators, trainers, and researchers in the field; (3) bring persons of differing orientations together, i.e., the researcher, the theoretician, the academician, and the practitioner; (4) facihtate the dissemination and exchange of info~ation on int~cultu~ education, research and training techniques by convening seminars, symposia, workshops, and institutes; (5) generate a sense of fellowship and identity for those working in several cultures; and (6) apply all of these principles intemationally. The Society is open to membership on an individual basis with student and regular memberships and on an institutional basis with regular institutional memberships and sustaining memberships. The annual fees are: students $2S.o0; regular members $45.00; institutions S195.00 and sponsoring $1,000. A sustaining membership also may be established. SIETAR rn~~~hip provides: subregion to IJIR; subscription to ~~~Mni~e, a quarterly newsletter which publishes information on current activities, research, and pubtications; reduced registration fees for the Annual SIETAR Conferences which feature experiential workshops, substantive sessions, and a variety of relevant programs; access to a clearinghouse for the growing body of information available in the fields; access to a Professional Skills Inventory/Data Rank; and a discount on subscriptions to The Bridge magazine. SIETAR also publishes timely monographs, collections of articles, and reference works. Persons interested in more info~ation or in joining SIETAR should write: The Society for IntercuItur~ Education, 20037, USA, telephone
Training and Research, 1414 22nd Street NW., W~ington, (202) 862-1990, cable address ACADED WSH 89460.
Exeenlive Dhaetor: Diane L. Zelier, Ph.D. OFFICER8 Prwkknt: Pierre Casse, Economic I&clopment Institute, The World Bank, Washington, DC. Prwfdcnt-E&cl: Beulah Rohrlich, Syracuse University Exceutive Viec-Prccidcnt: Robert Hayles, Office of Naval Research, Arlington, Virginia Trcaaurcr/CoetmUcr: Wi&m~ Fhipps, Syracuse University ~~~a~ng Vi~-P~Mt for -t amdPm&e@: Mary Brady, Academy for Educational Developmwt Coordinating Vke-Prcaidcnt for Propmms and tIervIew Fred Casmir, PepperdineUniversity/Seaver College Coordinating Vkc-Praidcat for Intcmctionnl Rchtions: Anibo/ Cortbtu, Organization of American States ~~~1~ Vkc-Prcskicot for Enmpc: Dominique &ye?, The World Bank, Paris Coordinating Vke-Prccidat for North Amcrh Vincent D’Oyiey, University of British Columbia Coordinating Vkc-Prccidcot for Afrh Benoit Atanguna-Onono, Pan African DeveIopment Institute, Cameroon Coordlnatlnll Vkc-Prcsidcnt for lbc Priflc, Thomas Bruneu~, University of Guam Coordlnatiag Vice-Prcshknt for Ada: Or/undo Pena, Association of Devclopment Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific, M&la
GOVERNING COUNCIL Annu B/evbs University of Pittsburgh Dominique Bayer. The WorM Bank, Paris Rev. Harold Bradley, S.J., Guw@own
University* willam B. Davey# Arizona State University Richard Detweilrr. Dtew University James Downs, Development Research Associates, Inc. Vincent D’Oyley, University of British Columbia Hebtz Ciohting, Johannes Gutenberg University of Malnz L. Robert Kohls, U.S. International Communication Agency Dan Landis, Indiana University, Purdue* R. A&hue/ P&e, University of Minnesota Fuu/ B. Pedersrn, East-West Center and University of Hawaii* Alu&o Pimento, Inter-American Developmwt Rank Nancy Rediek Pow& FOR Collins. Colorado Michael Presser. University of Vllia
Margaret D. P&i,
InterGrhural Press, Inc.*
Nicole Quitis, Training Center of Special Edu-
cators, Belgium Kfmber/y E. Rowson. Univrsity of Washington Roberto Rt&bto, European Federation for fntcrculturaI teami, Rome G&I Valoskakis, Concordia University DanieI Werne Moriwn%rmdwn, Co., Inc. Diane L. Zeller, SIETAR/Gwrgetown Univer-
sity* *Ex-Officio
SIETAR PUBLI~A~ONS 1. Available from Intercultural Press, 70 West Hubbard St., Chicago, Illinois 60610, USA: American Cultural Patterns: A Cross-Cultural Perspeclive by Edward D. Stewart. Cross-cultural analysis of American cultural assumptions and values and a comparison of cultural patterns of thinking and behaving. Stewart defines differences in broad terms along dimensions of dominant patterns and creates a model for the analysis of cross-cufturaf interaction. Widely used as a text in intercultural courses. 104 pp., No. so01 - $6.50, members $4.75. A Manual of %uctured Expcrknees far f&ss-Cultural bunlng edited by William W. Weeks, Paul B. Pedersen and Richard W. Brislin. A lead article discussing the pros and cons of using experiential learning activities in intercultural education and treining introduces the reader to 59 exercises designed to stimulate learning in multicultural groups. Sections include: Clarification of Values, Identification of Roles, Recognition of Feelings and Attitudes, Community Interaction, etc. These exercises have long been used by cross-cultural specialists in experiential teaching and training. 117 pp., No. SO02 - $5.95, members $4.40.
fnkreultural Sourcebookz Cross-Cuitunl Tralaing Methodologks edited by David S. Hoopes and Paul Ventura. The only comprehensive survey of cross-cultural training methods in print. Covers role plays. simulations, contrast-American techniques, the culture assimilator, self-awareness inventories, workbook approaches, critical incidents, case studies, area-specific training, and small group exercises. Provides a description or analysis of each method plus examples which can be used or adapted for use in many different educationand training situations. For bothexperiencedand beginningtrainers. 188 pp.. No. S204 - $7.50, members - fS.20. Overvkw of Iaterculturrl Rduatloos, Trnlnlng and Resesrch (3 VolunW edited by David S. Hoopes, Paul B. Pedersen and George W. Renwick. Volume I: Theory. Contains articles on the basic concepts that constitute the framework for intercultural communication and cross-cultural training, including perception in international affairs, adaptation to new cultural environment, mental health and culture, conflict in cross-cultural interaction and cross-cultural effectiveness. 152 pp., No. S201- $6.50, members - $4.75. Volume II: Trnlning nod Eduatioa. Contains articles on the major areas of education and training in which intercuitur~ ideas and methods are applied, including inter-ethnic and race relations training and the training of management personnel, teachers, students and miIitary personnel. Includes chapters on intercultural education at theelementary, secondary and college levels. 148 pp., No. S202 - $6.SO. members $4.40. Volume III: Special Research Areas. Contains articles on the evaluation of intercultural courses and programs, women and intercultural communication, issues of forced relocation and migration, intercultural dimensions of foreign student affairs, intercultural writingand interpretation, modernization oftraditional cultures, culture teaching and second language instruction. 145 pp., No. S203 - $5.50, members - $4.40. 2. Available from SIETAR, The Society for Intercultur~ Education, Training and Research, 1414 22nd Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037, USA. Communique: Newsletter of Intercultural Education, Training and Research. Published four times per
year. Free with SIETAR membership. Nonmember subscription price: 56.50 per year in the U.S., $7.50 in Canada and Mexico, $9.00 foreign air mail. Training for the Cross-CuYural Mind (Second Mltlon) by Pierre Casse. A practical and easy-to-use manual for training professionals and consultants. This book provides its readers with pre-tested workshops. From start to finish. the trainer is exposed to diverse topics such as training in other cultures, the
transfer of knowledge and technotogy, intercultural communication, international negotiations, counseling from a cross-cultural perspective, etc. Second edition contains additional material and a new introduction. $15.00, members - $12.50 (plus 51.00 postage and handling per book). Developing Intercultunl Awmenem: A Learning Module, Compkk with Muter Lessun Plan, CoWent, Exercises, and He&outs (Flmt Edllion) by L. Robert Kohls. Within the framework of a complete, hourby-hour lesson plan, Dr. Kohls provides “resources” for the trainer to utilize as circumstances and the situation warrant. Among these “resources” are sections on: Reaching Consensus, Cultural Values, Observations of Foreign Visitors About American Behavior, Foreign Stereotypes of Americans, Simulation, Case Studies, “As American Values, American Cultural Assumptions, “Majoria-Minoria” If. .” Exercises. Also included are a summary of intercultural hypotheses, a list of intercultural bibliographies and area studies resources, and a reading list for trainers. Suggestions for program evaluation are provided. This clearly written paperback is an invaluable tool for trainers and students of training involved in preparing Americans for overseas experiences. 510, members - $8.00 (plus $1 .OOpostage and handling per book).