1 May 1986
A BANDILLA Zentralrnstrtut fw Optrk und Spektroskople, Akademe Received
1 October
1985, revised manuscript
der Wmenschaften der DDR, 1199 BerlmAdlershof, 6 January
The summation of the short-time expansion for two-photon absorption 1s extended to phase-dependent expectation values m order to calculate squeezmg and the mfluence of squeezmg on enhancement of antlbunchmg The treatment 1s well sated for great photon numbers and arbitrary absorption strengths and dehvers simple analytlcal expressions It 1s shown that squeezmg 1s responsible for the posslblhty of enhanced photon antlbunchmg
1. Introduction Although many authors emphasize the practrcal importance of squeezed field states, it seems that squeezmg IS for the trme bemg more an mterestmg nonclassrcal phenomenon whrch partially characterrzes quantum mechamcally a radiation field without a classical analog Another pomt 1s the proposed measurement of squeezmg whrch works only mdrrectly vra detection of photon antrbunchmg 111a homodyne mterference expenment [l-3] or by analyzmg the noise-power spectrum [4] An addrtronal disadvantage 111the measurement 1s that the coherent reference srgnal must be much stronger than the squeezed field, so the correspondmg antrbtmchmg 1s only a very small effect In addition, m the case of resonance fluorescence from one atom the photon antrbunchmg m the mterference field whrch 1s due to squeezmg 1s a noticeable smaller effect than the drrect observable non-porssoman photon statrstrcs, as was shown by &Iandel [3] Here we find for two-photon absorption practically no reductron What 1s more rmportant, squeezmg m twophoton absorption can be shown to be responsible for the possrbrhty of enhanced photon antrbunchmg It means that the photon number Gi), whrch characterizes antrbunchmg rn its l/Wdependence can be drastically drmuushed by destructrve mterference with an equally intense reference beam, resultmg 111an en0 0304018/86/$03.50 0 Elsevrer Scrence Pubhshers B V (North-Holland Physics Pubhshmg Drvrsron)
hancement of the effect [5] One-photon absorptron 1s unable to do the same In thrs paper, we enlarge first the srmphfied description of two-photon absorptron, treated 111ref [6] for the mam diagonal of the density matnx, to the nondragonal elements m order to give simple expressions at hrgh photon numbers for possrble squeezmg Tlus 1s done by summing the short-trme expansion. Squeezmg as unsymmetnc behavror of phase and amphtude fluctuations 1s expected for hght after twophoton absorption due to reduced mtensrty fluctuations which create augmented phase fluctuatrons and has been shown to exrst for such light 111refs [7] and [8 ] Of course, thus phenomenon 1s already mherent m the mvestrgatron of enhanced antrbunchmg for twophoton absorbed hght [9] In the present paper we show exphcrtly that squeezmg 1s a necessary assumption for an enhancement of photon antrbunchmg Thrs opens a new posnbrlrty to measure squeezmg 111mtense radratron fields after two. photon absorption, or generally, after multrphoton absorption
2. Exact solution of the master equation for unsaturated two-photon absorption In order for the paper to be self-contamed we brrefly sketch the solutron of the master equatron for un63
where pF 1sthe reduced density operator of the light field mode, at and a the correspondmg creation and annAulatlon operator, respectwely, and T 1s a dlmenslonless tune parameter Usmg the generatmg function method, a separation ansatz yields for the generatmg function [9]
where the first part of (2 8) represents the stationary value of Gb, 1,T) With (2.7) and (2 4) mserted m (2.2) and the special case (2 8) we possess a complete solution of (2 1) for mltlally coherent hght