3A found assuming a vertical fault below the surface trace, rather than a dipping fault or a fault zone located south of the surface trace.
Hydrogeology Groundwater
911015 Variations in fault slip and strain accumulation at Parkfield, California: initial results using two-color geodimeter measurements, 1984-1988 Langbein, J O; Burford, R O; Siater, L E
J Geophys ICes V95, NB3, March 1990, P2533-2552 Repeated measurements were taken from a network of baselines straddling the San Andrcas fault in the transition zone between creeping section to the northwest and locked section to the southeast. Two components of length change are found, one consistent with surface slip of the main strand of the fault, the other seasonal. Analysis of available data suggests slip at intermediate depth may lay behind surface slip. However, as the network straddles the creeping section of the fault, which is the dominant source of signal, unambiguous estimation of slip at depth is not possible.
911018 Closure of an unlined evaporation pond: a case history Green, M G; Marr, A J Bull Assoc Engng GeM 1/27, 312, Mal' 1990, P235-243
The pond in east Texas was ordered closed because organic and heavy metal pollutants were reaching groundwater. After removal and disposal of the wastewater, contaminated sludge and soil from beneath the pond were excavated. Soil samples were analysed to define limits of contamination and to determine if further removal was necessary. Reclamation involved backfilling, a clay cap, sand filter and french drains to direct water away from the site, and revegetation.
911019 Simultaneous experiments with several nctivatable tracers in the kurstic system of the ChatiHonais (in French) Cadic, R; Gautier, C; Borgotti, J C; Vie, P; Longere. P
1~!1 Liaison Labs Ponts Chaussees N166, March-April 1990, P45-54 911016 Block model of earthquake sequence Gabrielov, A M; Levshina, T A; Rotwain, I M
Phys Earth Planet Inter V61, N1-2, May 1990, P18-28 A model of a seismically active region as a system of rigid blocks divided by infinitely thin boundary layers, and which moves as a consequence of prescribed motion of boundary blocks is presented. Dynamics of the lithosphere is described as an alternation of slow deformation and rupture (earthquakes). The artificial catalogue of seismicity resulting is compared to real seismicity catalogues. Properties of earthquake sequences which can be derived from this simplified model of the lithosphere are examined.
Frost action, permafrost and frozen ground See also: 911070, 911477
911017 Norman Wells pipeline permafrost and terrain monitoring: geothermal and geomorphic observations, 1984-1987 Burgess, M M; Harry, D G
Can Geoteeh J V27, N2, April 1990, P233-244 Results of a long term program along 869km of pipeline in Canada are presented. Quantitative changes in geothermal regime and geomorphic conditions, and general observations of terrain condition and performance are discussed. The pipeground thermal regime had not stabilised over the first 2.5 years. Mean annual pipe and right of way temperature show an increasing trend. Surface settlement is observed in the pipe trench and right of way. Erosion is seen, especially at stream crossings and unprotected low angle slopes.
Three tracers, complexes of EDTA with In, Dp, and Eu ions, activated by neutron irradiation, were simultaneously injected into a stream of the Chatilionais karst system. After travel of about 8km, the tracers were retrieved together, and almost totally. This suggests the tracers may be useful for cases of muitipoint injection or divergent flow.
911020 Simulation of dispersion in layered coastal aquifer systems Reilly,T E
J Hydroi I:114, N3/4, May 1990, P211-228 Flow in a layered coastal aquifer is simulated by a density dependent solute transport formulation, with a 2D bilinear Galerkin finite element approximation in space and an implicit finite difference approximation in time to solve the governing differential equations. The sharp interface with freshwater flow parallel to the transition zone for homogeneous aquifers is not found in the layered system. Freshwater discharges through the transition zone in the confining units, and the formation of a staggered interface is possible in the layered coastal aquifer.
911021 Evaluation of hydrogeochemicul parameters with spontaneous potential logs Radhakrisha, I; Gangadhara Rao, T
J Hy~'ol V114, N3/4, May 1990, P245-257 An attempt is described to quantify hydrogeochemical parameters for different aquifers in a coastal sedimentary basin using Self Potential (SP) logs. It is first demonstrated theoretically that SP is related to the type of ions present in the formation. A relation is established between formation water resistivity and equivalent formation water resistivity of the system, and analytical scatter diagrams between dissolved solids and various individual ions are constructed. Trend and scatter plots are in good agreement with chemical analysis of water samples. The SP method may reduce the need for expensive and potentially inaccurate drill stem tests.
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