Sensors and Actuators A, 25-27 (1991) 125-128
Sinec Concept and Implementation K BECKER Commumcatron and Marketmg, D-8905 Mermg (F R G ) E FLASCHKA Siemens AC, Semiconductor Group, D-8000 Munich 80 (F R G)
Abstract The state of development of the Smec concept 1s presented here Smec 1s to become an industrial standard m mdustnal commumcation This concept includes solutions for the serial bus level as well as the process control level Most Important for the user, however, 1s that the mdlvldual user programs have transparent access to the bus transport system (Profibus, ethernet) used Transparent here means that the transport 1s not hnked to the apphcatlon Both Smec L2 (Profibus) and Smec Hl (ethernet) are included m this concept The development of bus systems for the mdlvldual hlerarchlcal system layers IS now qmte well advanced In particular, ‘open’ interface solutions will gain an increasing market share, because only an open commumcatlon offers the flexlblhty to exchange the eqmpment or the components used for models from different manufacturers Ths 1s a very important prerequisite for productlon technology The best descnptlon of the structure and functlonmg of an open sensor mterface 1s given by the reduced OS1 (open system interconnection) reference structure The term transport system refers to layers l-4 of the OS1 reference model The Profibus 1ssuch a standardized transport system (DIN 19245, Part 1) for layers l-2 Smec Hl uses the ethernet method (IEEE 802 3) for layers 1-2, which has been tned and tested m a lot of mdustnal apphcatlons In addition, mternational standards are used for layers 3-4
Smec AP 1s a protocol for layers 5-7, which offers a user-configurable interface for open and transparent commumcatlon It supports Smec L2 and Smec Hl Some examples of apphcatlons that have been implemented are gven
1. The Sinec Concept
The central issue of this concept 1s the reahzatlon of open commumcatlon between the vanous automation umts These systems can be, for example, DEC, HP or VME bus systems or systems hke Slcomp, Smumenk, or Snnatic* The transport resources for Smec are Smec Hl, Smec H2B and Smec L2 Smec Hl 1s an ethernet network wth mtematlonal standards for layers l-4 (Table 1) Smec H2 1s a MAP-compatible network for layers 1-4 Smec L2 1s a fieldbus based on a national German draft standard (DIN V 19245) Slnec AP and TF Smec AP (automation protocol) and Smec TF (technologcal functions) are lmplementatlons for layers 5-7 Users have a homogeneous functional interface through Smec TF The portatlon of the apphcatlon software 1seasy AP and TF realize a Slemens internal
*Bcomp, Smumenk and Slmatlc are trademarks of Slemens AG Elsevler Sequola/Pnnted
m The Netherlands
126 TABLE 1 Companson OS1 model
of OS1 model and various networks and transport Smec L2
Smec H2
Smec Hl
Apphcatlon I
6 Presentation
5 Session
Smec TF Smec AP
IS0 ASN 1 (IS0 8822-25) IS0 session (IS0 8326-27) connectlon onented IS0 transport (IS0 IS 8072, 8073) Class 4
IS0 transport
; (IS0 IS 8072, 8073)
Class 4 I I
3 Network
2 Data hnk
IS0 network (IS0 IS 8473) Inactive layer
IS0 network (IS0 IS 8473)
Ethernet IEEE 802 3
Token Bus IEEE 802 4
Profibus DIN V 19245 Tl
Token Bus IEEE 802 4
IEEE 802 3
IEEE 802 4
DIN V 19245 Tl
IEEE 802 4
1 Physlcal L
standard, due to the requests of customers, the protocols are opened for users and the nugratlon path has gone to international standards hke MMS (manufacturing message speaficatlon) TF 1s an Implementation of most MMS services The user has to note that the mterface of TF 1s a functlon-compatable not a command-compatible interface to MMS Therefore, the portability of MMS apphcatlons to TF 1s complex The user mterface depends on the actual operatmg system, such as UNIX and so on Neither MMS nor TF defines a C Interface, but this 1s necessary for portable appllcatlons
2. Realizations Slnec Hl Module (CP 1470) This module allows umversal application
by other parallel bus systems hke Multlbus I, II* or VME bus (Fig 1) The features of CP 1470 include integrated commumcatlon board with layers l-4 and Smec AP on board, universal Interface to parallel bus formed as DPRAM, reduced load of the parallel bus, modularity, conformance tested for layers l-4 and AP, high commumcatlon performance, microprocessor wth high efficiency, format of 2334mm x 114mm The structure of the Smec HI module 1s shown m Fig 2 Only with mternatlonal standards IS it possible to do an open commumcatlon between *Multlbus IS a trademark
of Intel Corporation
user 1 to n I
bus r~stcmr Lskc Mulubus
I,11 VME-Bus
Fig 1 Smec Hl Module (CP1470) lmk to bus systems
Ethernet Controller Ethernet Serral Interface
Fig 2 Structure of the Smec Hl module
heterogeneous systems The network systems are no longer the bottleneck m mdustnal commumcatlon With gateways or routers, it 1s possible to interconnect them with telecom
serviceslike ISDN, X 25 The newmetropohtan area network named FDDI (fibre dlstnbuted data interface) will increase the transport performance of the backbone network
Micro system and sensor designers will have to consider the mterconnectlon of sensors and actuators with fieldbus systems m the future The Physlcal and Techmcal Instltute, Jena, together with the Fachhochschule Landshut have the task of defining a homogeneous interface to interconnect sensors and actuators Through open commumcatlon it IS possible to reach the upper levels, hke the management level Without this posslblhty, automation IS limited
Bibliography Smec CP 1470, short descnptlon Smec AP, manual Smec W, manual K Becker, Der DIN-Feldbus rn der Fertqpngstechmk, AMBS-Report lo/1987 K Becker, LAN m der Jlexrblen Fertrgung, Siemens Components, 3/1988 Slemens AG, Schule fur Mlkroelektromk, Kursunterlagen Industrlelle Netzwerke E Morgan, Through MAP TOP to CIM, dtl 1988 DIN IS0 7498, OS1 reference model