Single System Ectopic Ureteroceles with Anomalies of the Heart, Testis and Vas Deferens

Single System Ectopic Ureteroceles with Anomalies of the Heart, Testis and Vas Deferens

0022-10347 /80/1231-0{)81$02 00/0 Vol. 12:J, T1--1E ,}CUHNAL. OF UROLOGY CopyTigbt © 1980 by Printed in WiUiams & Wilkins DAVID K. ;roHNSON AND ...

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0022-10347 /80/1231-0{)81$02 00/0 Vol. 12:J,


CopyTigbt © 1980 by

Printed in

WiUiams & Wilkins




Children's n,,sz,m:u of }Michigan and Depariment of Urology, Wayne State University School Detroit, lvlichigan


included 6

2 vvith bifateral non-union of of hBaternJ_ atresia the vas defe.rens with abdominal testes.

defined as ureteroceles have

the lite:ratUYe we urete:roceles systen1 (tab!e cases series of ureteroceles or FINDINGS


Sex (No.l""


Rott' BostroerE, E: Frnib, i. B. 1md Tiibing., ,!CB Mohr, 1884 Barth, W.: Cited in Ericsson 1 Mogg, R. A.: J. Urol., !/7; 1003, 1967 ,Johnston, J. H. and Johnson, L. M.: B:cit. J. Urol., 41: 61, 1969 Williams and Malek and as:;ue11aues Malek and Utz" Schulman'1 Ftu·kas and associates7 vV.: J. UmL, Brock, W. A. and Kaplan, 800, 1978 Prewitt and Lebovvjtz8 Present series


t Malek, R. D

12 1 day

M (3) M (1), F




M ],/[ (4)

5 ?


2 11103,

M (S), F (1)

. Petsonal communication. TABLE


st1,1dies iricluded an excretory The most common


F M i\11



* Male to female ratio 19:6.

found at tern;.ediate bet-vveen an



Signs and Symptorns


the ureterocele was


l day

Abdominal mass


3 mos.

l\lIJ.cmne111s. non-paltestes

3--M 4.-Tvl

3 yrs.

5-M 6--M

American .h,cademy

7--F 81

2 Associated Anomalies Atrial septa! defoct and ductus arte:riosus Ventricular defect, atresia of vas deferens, bHat. abdori1inal testes

2 )'TS.

4 yrs. 8 yrs. 10 yrs.

Non-union of bilat. abdominal testes of Fallot ab,cto1mJJ1al testis Ventricular septa] defect



day-old newborn with an abdominal mass to a 10-year-old girl with persistent pyuria. Presenting symptoms or signs were related to obstruction or infection in only 2 children (table 2). Of the remaining 5 cases 3 were diagnosed during evaluation of non-palpable testes, 1 had abdominal pain and 1 had asymptomatic hydronephrosis that was discovered at cardiac catheterization for tetralogy of Fallot. Of the 2 patients with symptoms or signs referable to the urinary tract 1 had an abdominal mass (fig. 2, A) and 1 had

Fm. 3. Multiple calculi in ectopic ureterocele in case 7

persistent pyuria from multiple calculi in an ectopic ureterocele (fig. 3). Four patients had associated cardiac anomalies, 1 had recurrent intestinal intussusception and 3 had abdominal testes, 2 of which were bilateral. One boy (case 4) with a lesion having the features of an ectopic ureterocele and ectopic ureter also had unusual testicular and vas deferens anomalies similar to those in case 2. The ectopic ureter, serving as a multicystic dysplastic kidney, ended in a fusiform swelling beneath the trigonal mucosa before entering the seminal vesicle. The 2 boys with bilateral abdominal testes had bilateral nonunion of the vas deferens and testis, including 1 with bilateral atresia of the vas deferens. Figure 4 shows the left abdominal testis and abnormal gubernaculum without any epididymis in case 4. The vas deferens was found separately near the internal inguinal ring. Fm. 1. Radiologic findings of single system ectopic ureterocele include non-visualized right kidney and ipsilateral filling defect in bladder extending to bladder neck.


The embryology of a ureterocele and ureteral ectopia has

Fm. 2. Case 1. A, percutaneous pyelogram when patient was 2 days old. B, antegrade pyelogram when he was 1 year old. C, IVP 6 months after total reconstruction. Right kidney, although small, is well decompressed and left kidney shows residual pyelectasis.



had abdominal testes and testicular ductal anorn""'"'-"-'"'" 2 with non-union between the vasa and testes.

had bilateral

cases of deferens. i:i Male atresia of the vas deferens but the testes are scended. 14 ' 15 Other cases of bilateral atresia of the vas deforens have been discovered also had descended testes. IG, Case 5, u,,oc.;uv.:,c:u documents the value of a system. system ureters and '""''rP1"r><'»IPQ and the rarer system ureter without ureterocele' 8 · 19 are more common m REFERENCES l,


epididymis in


ureteral bud

,.u,ccm,rnyv''-"'" duct results in a

1ninal uTeter and ureterocele

with mentioned that an terminate in the vas deferens or ,,,,,,,,""'-' 4).9

In 5 cases a

systems, found 75 per cent of renal segments to be abnormal when associated with a similar to

may lead to abnormal ct1tte,rentia1t10,n The obstruction in an to stenosis the ureteral orifice or orifice in the urethxa vvhen the bladder neck is closed. An insult normal ""''"""'w, from 5 to 9 weeks may the caxdiac and anomalies associated with a ureterocele. The 7 weeks the intrnven, becomes formed. The association of duct with the rnte testis occurs at 9 weeks of

ureterocele in infants and; clinicaI 197: 1, 1954. der rechten Niere nebst einer Samenleiters der gleichen GeseUsch. in ')Vurzb. n. F., 125)

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