57 the Duchess of Kent, who had no suspicion of what was going on, and whose sanction was not sought for the humiliating proposiSOME time ago we rece...

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the Duchess of Kent, who had no suspicion of what was going on, and whose sanction was not sought for the humiliating proposiSOME time ago we received the particu- tion which had been made to Ladv Flora. lars of an occurrence at the Palace,in which On leaving Lady Flora’s room, Sir James and anClark went to the Duchess of Sir James Clark was reported to have nounced his conviction that Kent, Flora was Lady 6gared in the two-fold capacity of censor with child ; and was followed by Lady morutn and accoucheur. It was then stated Portman, who conveyed a message from her to us, on very respectable authority, Majesty to her mother, to say that the Queen Sir James Clark had mistaken a fugitive would not permit Lady Flora to appear till the examination had taken place. Lady enlargement of the abdomen in a young Portman (who, with Lady Tavistoek, arc lady probaLly on deranged those whose names are mentioned as most undigestion) for pregnancy. Wewere active against Lady Flora) expressed to the willing to notice the circumstance at the Duchess of Kent her conviction of Lady time, but as the follow iug letter has been Flora’s guilt.Her beloved mistress’ never published in the political journals, we see no for a moment doubted} Lady Flora’s innoreason for withholding any longer a statenence. She said that she knew her, her prinmentof the case from our readers :and her family too well to listen to " To the Editnr of the Examiner. such a charge. However, the edict was " Sir: Many false and contradictory given ; and the next day, Lady Flora having the Duchess of Kent’s very reluctant reports of the deplorable insult which has been lately otfered to my niece, Lady Floraconsent-’ for her Royal Highness could not bear the idea of her being exposed to such a Hastings, at Buckingham Palace, appeared in the public papers, I, as her humiliation,’—but Lady Florafeelinh it her ladybhip’s nearest connection, feel it my duty to her Royal Highness, to her family, duty to request of you to publish the follow- and to herself, that a point blank refutation be instantly given to the lie,’ subing account of the transaction, for the cor. rectness of which I vouch. An imperfect mitted herself to the most rigid examination; knowledge of the details of this odious and now possesses a certificate, signed by James Clark, and also by Sir Charles affair has produced various false conclu. sions. In well-informed circles, where Lady Clark, stating, as strongly as language can Flora is known, the idea of her guilt was state it, that ’there are no grounds for benever entertained for a moment ; but in lieving that pregnancy does exist, or ever other quarters, where, in the absence of has existed.’ Lord Hastings, though at the very ill from influenza, went to London positive information, a judgment is formed ‘ what oozes out in the puhlic papers, instantly, and demanded and obtained from find an injurious idea existsthat she hasLord llelbuurnc a distinct disavowal of his been spared, or let off easy.’ The facts are participation in the affair, and demanded these :and obtained an audience of her Majesty, in briefly " Lady Flora arrived some weeks since which, while he disclaimed all idea that the from Scotland, very unwell. She immedi- Queen had any wish to injure his sister, ho ately consulted Sir James Clark, the physi- plainly, though respectfully, stated his opi. cian to both her Majesty and the Duchess of nion of those who had counselled her, and Kent. One symptom of her complaint was his resolution to lind out the originator of the a swelling of the stomach. By dint of exer- i slander, and bringhimor her to punishment. cise and medical treatment she was getting Lady Flora is convinced that the (lueen better, the swelling had considerably sub. surprised into the order which was sided. and she had everv hope of a speedy given, and that herMajesty did not underrecovery, whefl, on or about the ist of stand what she was betrayed into-for ever March, Sir James Clark went to her room since the horrid event her Majesty has and announced to her the conviction of the showed her regret by the most sracioaa ladics of the Palace that she was pregnant. kindness to Lady Flora, and expressed it In answer to all his exhortations to coiifes- warmly, with tears in her e) es.’ The Duchess sion,’as the only means of saving her cha- of Kent’s conduct was perfect ;’amother not have been kinder.’ She immediracter,’ Lady Flora returned an indignant but steady denial, that there was anything ately dismissed Sir James Clark from her to confess. Upon which Sir James Clark service, and refused to see Lady Portman;’ told herthat nothing but her submitting to and has crowned her goodness by a most a medical examination would ever satisfy beautiful letter she has written to the Dowathem, or remove the stigma from her name.’ ger Lady Hastings, from whom the account. kept till all hope (of avoiding publicity Lady Flora found that the subject had been brought before the Queen’s notice, and that was impossible. I am, Sir, your ver obeaU this had been discussed, arranged, and dient servant. " FITZOERALD. denounced to her without one word having HAMILTON FITZOBRALD. " been said on the subject to her own mistress, YI." March






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