Vol. 9. pp. 543-547. Pergamon Press 1975. Prmted in Great Britain
Atomic Energy Commission, Nuclear Research Centre, Negev, P.O.B. 9001, Beer-Sheva, Israel (First received 13 February 1974 and injinalform
12 November 1974)
Abstract-A theoretical treatment of the industrial siting problem is given. It is based on a simple general model intended to be used in the first stages of planning, for evaluation of existing conditions and for policy determining and decision making. The concept of “weighted rose” is presented and used, along with other criteria, to determine the best geometrical shape and sector for siting the industry. The method is applied to the city of Beer-Sheva. It is concluded that industry should be carefully sited according to proper meteorological measurement in order to prevent later harmful and costly effects. The presence of other nearby population centers could modify the picture and should be accounted for by the same method. Topography, land availability and cost, transportation systems, infra structure presence etc. could later LXtaken into account, preferably using a computer. INTRODUCTION
Unfortunately but inevitably, some air pollution is always present near industrial zones, as a direct result of the industrial activity. This activity cannot and should not be stopped. The proper siting of the plants is therefore of primary importance in order to minimize the harmful or inconvenient results of the pollution emitted. Considerable advance in siting methods has been made in the last 25 years, mainly because of the rapid growth of the nuclear industry (IAEA, 1963; Ashley, 1965; IAEA, 1971). However, siting a nuclear reactor poses slightly different problems than a municipal industrial zone. A nuclear reactor is usually sited in a relatively unpopulated area (Ashley, 1965), but not necessarily within the boundaries of any particular city. This means relative freedom in choice of a reactor site. Therefore one of the main problems was the definition of a “site rating” (Laurence, 1961; Farmer, 1962; Tadmor, 1973) for comparing different sites (for the same planned reactor), which takes into account the distribution of population density around the proposed site. On the other hand, siting an industrial zone near a city. is much more restricted since the site should be as near as possible to the boundaries of this particular city. In developed countries, this problem may not be of great importance since municipal industrial zones are already established (either well or poorly) (Wronski et al., 1966). In that case all there is left to do is use a better “zoning” (in the sense of physical separation) within the established limits (using conventional hazard evaluation methods) and determining “emission standards” and emission control which will keep pollution in the city within permissible concentrations (Stern, 1962, 1968). The siting problem is of extreme importance when planning a better industrial zone or a new city and therefore it is most urgent to establish a siting procedure in rapidly developing countries such as Israel. Deriving the minimum distance for different industries (Donagi and Nitzan, 1971) does not solve the planning problem. It is cheaper and easier to account for air pollution in the planning stage than afterwards. Most publications (Magi11 et al., 1956; Stern, 1962, 1968) on air pollution treat its control, measurement and detection, and only few pages are devoted to the planning and siting problem. This may be the reason that the “Planning and Construction Committees” in Israel, which confirm and license every construction activity (including industrial plants) usually function “in empty space”. This work expounds the initial phase of industrial siting and presents simple siting criteria. THE
In the planning stage the sources specifications are usually not known. Good advance planning minimizes later expenses if it stays good with passing time and changing circum543
stances. Therefore, planners should take into account possible growth of the industry and changes in the relative amounts of the different pollutants emitted. Furthermore, industry should be sited without consideration of later anti-air pollution measures which may or may not be taken. These guidelines, which are, as a matter of fact, simplifying assumptions, reduce site selection to a problem of “geometrical” minimization, i.e. the site selected should result the lowest pollution concentration possible in the city whatever the source. Ground level pollution concentration is sensitive to source height. Since low level sources are numerous in an industrial zone and sometimes result in the major source of pollution in cities (INCBEQ Report, 1972) we will treat first tow level sources (height of the order of 1Om) which is a conservative assumption. No other source specifications wil1 be considered. We will assume, as a first simple approximation, a flat circular city (with dia. D) and a homogeneous population distribution. The geometrically best shape and place of the industrial zone can now be determined by microclimatological factors. Other factors will modify this simple picture (Munn, 1959). These are mostly cost-benefit problems. Since health and comfort of city inhabitants cannot easily be translated into monetary term and since these factors vary from one place to another as a function of time, they will not be treated here but should be accounted for in the next stages of planning in order to determine the final form of the industrial zone. The circular shape assumption is not essentiai, as will be seen later, but was postulated here since it is usually a fairly good approximation and it simplifies the analysis. The homogeneous population distribution attributes similar importance to the city center and to the suburbs. Real distribution can easily be taken into account using a computer. ANALYSIS
The simplest solution is to locate the industry in the sector from which the wind is least frequent. Assuming straight line trajectories (which is correct for short travel distances) this implies, under the model assumptions, that the best shape of the industrial zone is a triangle in the direction of the most infrequent wind (for instance, area A in Fig. 1). This is not a complete solution since it minimizes only pollution probability of occurrence in the city. It does not minimize pollution concentration in the city (a function of stability) when the wind does blow towards it. Munn (1959) and others tried to overcome this difficulty by computing frequency distribution (wind rose) for each stability condition separately. Their results leave a doubt as to the quantitative reliability of the site selection. It is, therefore, suggested to use a “concentration weighted” rose. The weighting function will be the pollution concentration in the city, per unit emission from the industrial zone
Fig. 1. Schematic presentation of a city (with dia. D) and the proposed industrial area at a distance L. with a vision angle-x.
Siting of industrial zones near cities
under different conditions. The well known Pasquill-Gifford method for dispersion estimation is used (Turner, 1970). It consists of sets of graphs which give the plume centerline dilution factor cu/Q, for the different stability categories (denoted by A to F) as a function of downwind distance where C--concentration of pollution source, U-mean wind speed, m s-l, Q--emission rate, g s- ‘.
from the source, g me3 for continuous
Assuming a unit emission (Q = l), pollution concentration can be determined at a standard distance (for instance 1 km) according to stability and wind speed. Summation of this concentration for each wind direction sector over prolonged micrometeorological measurements gives the “concentration weighted” rose. (Since the cu/Q curves are nearly parallel the results are valid for distances to the city between 1 and 10 km). Use of the ordinary wind rose minimizes the pollution probability in the city which is particularly useful for instantaneous accidental emission. The concept of the weighted rose is particularly important for continuous pollution emission since it ensures minimum integrated pollution concentration in the city. Consideration of both roses will guarantee the best site selection. Frequency distribution of wind direction (Fig. 2) and weighted rose (Fig. 3) were computed for the city of Beer-Sheva. The data base is of eight years (19641972,142OO measurements) of the Beer-Sheva meteorological station. The north-westerly winds are dominant in Beer-Sheva. Nevertheless the east, rather than north-west sector, is by far the worst for siting the municipal industrial zone. The reason for this is that Beer-Sheva is located in a wide (10 km), shallow (80m from top to bottom), slowly sloping valley (in the east-west direction). Downvalley, stable eastern wind usually blows at night and causes the very high peak in Fig. 3. Similar situation is typical for most of the Israeli coast strip. The difference between Figs. 2 and 3 is evident, especially at the maxima. However, the minima appear similar and indicate unanimously the best sectors for siting Beer-Sheva’s industrial zone. The results presented in this work were indeed a major reason for the great change in the city’s plan which, from now on, dictates siting of possible air pollution emitting plants in the new industrial zone, south of the city instead of the older one (in the 360 r
c .0 P E
Figs. 2 and 3. Frequency of occurrence distribution of wind direction-“wind rose”, in Beer-Sheva (based on 14200 measurements, 1964-1972). Azimuthal distribution of integrated pollution concentration (“weighted rose”) in Beer-Sheva (based on 14200 measurements, 19641972) at 1km downwind from a ground level, continuous unit source.
Table 1. The effect of distance to the industrial zone an the pollution in the city
r (de@
Minimum distance to city boundaries (km)
I ,23
Concentration reduction factor at city boundary
Angle of vision reduction factor
I o+b
eastern sector). There may happen cases of contradiction in the choice of the best sector according to both methods, then other factors should be taken into account. Since plumes have a lateral spread, the probability and the accumulated concentration of pollution of the neighbouring azimuthal sectors could be considered. The distribution of the number of cases in which the width of the wind direction trace is (for instance) less than lo” (Skibin, 1972) can also be used. This kind of graph can help to avoid sectors with poor dispersion conditions. Naturally, wind speed as well as lateral spread (Skibin, 1974) should be taken into account (as is done in the weighted rose). The azimuthal distribution of fumigation. rain and very light wind conditions should also be considered. The choice of the “geometrical” shape of the triangle poses another problem. It can be wide or narrow according to the angle E (Fig. 1) which is a function of the distance, L, of the industrial zone from the city center. The benefit of a larger L is twofold: The pollution concentration at 2 km downwind from the source will be smaller by a factor of 3, at least, than that at 1 km, and a smaller OL angle (Fig. 1) will result; since c( = 2arctg D/L. This reduces the probability of pollution (according to the wind rose) and also accumulated concentration (according to the weighted rose), enables higher emission standards and lowers expenses for pollution emission prevention. The effect of various distances (L) between industry and city center on the pollution in a 5 km dia. city was computed, For different c( angles. L and the minimum distance to the city boundaries are given in Table 1. Stability category F (Turner, 1970) was used to compute the factor of concentration reduction at the city boundary with varying E (column 1 in Table 1) which results from increasing L distance. The last column in Table 1 gives the effect of increasing Lon the reduction of pollution probability and integrated concentration over the whole city. This effect is due to the decrease of the “angle of vision”--sr. It was computed simply by dividing the two angles. The lateral width of the plume was not taken into account since it is a function of stability, and the table is presented only as a general indicator of the effect of varying distances. Another nearby city could be taken into account using the same assumptions and treatment. The best site for an industrial zone in this case would be the intersection of two optimal triangles (see Fig. I ). INCORPORATION
Several reasons cause siting of elevated sources to be a different and much more di~~ult problem. First, mesoscale systems and topography may result in flow pattern of the elevated pollution which differs completely from that of the low ievel pollution. Second, ground level concentration resulting from elevated source and its ratio for different stability categories, are not monotonous functions of the distance from the source. Third, elevated pollution is usually emitted from a stack with a certain exit velocity and plume rise which is a function of wind speed and stability. This results high ground level concentration under strong wind conditions, i.e. it gives pronounced importance to the near neutral high wind speed conditions. These reasons necessitate special and separate siting of elevated sources according to both roses. No representative downwind distance can be considered. Instead, adequate weights should be chosen for the different radii from the city and separate roses should be computed for each radius, taking into account distribution of wind aloft. The result
Siting of industrial zones near cities
will be planar (two-dimensional) rather than azimuth pollution distribution (weighted rose). In this work we treated the first stage, long range industrial siting in which little is known about the future sources of pollution. Elevated sources siting necessitates detailed knowledge of stack height and plume rise. It seems, therefore, best to determine a zone for the vast majority of low level emitting industry and to site elevated sources separately. SUMMARY
In the initial phase of planning the site for an industry near a city, the meteorological factors should dictate the best choice. A simple procedure for determining the best sector was given for a theoretical flat, circular, homogeneously populated city. The concept of “weighted rose” is presented and incorporated into the scheme. The problem can be exactly treated using computer programmes (e.g. Willis et al., 1970; Skibin and Asculai, 1970). The various (weighted) source heights, real shape of the city, population distribution and even topography can then be incorporated to give a rating of the surrounding areas. Incorporation of factors such as land availability and cost, distance from railways, rivers, lakes, main roads, resources, markets and other considerations can then be added to modify the picture and give optimal siting. The existence of a nearby city can modify the picture and should be treated similarly. The final decisions on the industrial zone should be the optimum for both cities (weighted, if necessary, according to city size). REFERENCES Asbiey R. L. (Editor) (1965) Proc. Nationd Topid Meeting on N&ear Power Reactor Siting, Am. Nucl. Sot., Los Angeles Section, 1618 February 1965. CONF-650201. Donagi A. and Nitzan A. (1971) Siting of industry in Israel. Ministry of Health, Air Pollution and Radiation Prevention Unit, Rep. No. APR-20. Farmer F. R. (1962) The evaluation of power reactor sites.UKAEA DPR/INF/266. Israel National Committee for Biosphere and Environmental Quality (1972) Air Pollution in Israel, Part A. Israel Environmental Protection Service, Prime Minister’s Office, Jerusalem. Siting ofReactors and Nuclear Research Centres (1963) IAEA, Vienna, STI/PUB/72. Environmental Aspects of Nuclear Power Stations (1971) IAEA, Vienna, STI/PUB/261. Laurence G. C. (1961) Reactor siting in Canada. AECL-1375. Magi11 P. L., Holden F. R. and Ackley C. (1956) Air,PoEfution Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York. Munn R. E. (1959) Int. 3. Air Poflur. 1,276287. Skibin D. and Asculai E. (1970) Anan-2, Computation of doses resulting from the release of radioactive effluents. NRCN-265. Skibin D. (1972) Direct determination of atmospheric turbulence and dispersion parameters. J. Appf. Meteorof. 11,85-89. Skibin D. (1974) Variation of lateral gustiness with wind speed. J. Appl. Meteorof. 13.654-657. Stern A. C. (Editor) (1962) Air Pollution, Parts I and II, Academic Press, New York. Stern A. C. (Editor) (1968) Air Pollution, Part III, Academic Press, New York. Tadmor J. (1973) Proc. 4th Sci. Con&, Israel Ecological Sot., Tel-Aviv. Turner D. B. (1970) A Workbook of Atmospheric Dispersion Estimates, U.S. Pub. Health Service, PB-191-482. Willis C. A., Spangler G. A. and Rhoads W. A. (1970) A new technique for reactor siting dose calculations. Hlth Phys. 19, 47-54. Wronski W., Andersor E. W., Berry A. E., Bernhart A. P. and Belgea H. A. (1966) J. Air Pollut. Control Ass. 16. 157-158.