Skin surface lipid peroxidation in atopic dermatitis

Skin surface lipid peroxidation in atopic dermatitis


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AND SPHINGOMYELINASE IN THE STRATUM CORNEUM OF PATlENTS WlTH ATOPIC DERMATITIS.Yasuko Oeawa. Rum i Ji n. Yu k o Hleakl. Makotn Kawashima. Kazuhiko Hlwhi. Yut& Tatan,. Y”kih,ro Yada. and Gcn,, fmokawa. Dcparlmcnt of DermaroloBy. Tokyo Women’s Medical College. Tokyo and Kao Biological Science Laboratories. Tochiel. Japan To el”c,da,e ,he mechanwx wh,ch are involved m the decrease of ceiamides in the sfralum corneum (SC) of pattents wifh atopic dermalifis (Imokawa ef al. J.I.D. 96: 523. 1991). we examined the both acfivilies of sphmgomyelinase (SMase), which is a major enzyme in ceramlde producl!on, and of ceramidase (CDase) which 1s an essential enzyme in ceramlde degradation. in the SC. The specimens of the SC of forearm skin were obtained by lap&stripping from heallhy volunteers (n-61, and alopic uninvolved and involved skin (“23. 0 lo 27 y.0). SMase activity m the SC exfracl was estimated using IN-methyl-‘“Cl sphingomyefm as the subslrate CDase activity was defermined using 14C. palmlloyfsphing0sine. Among the alopic uninvolved and involved SC samples, Chase activities showed no signiflcanf differences over age-matched conlrols. In contrast. the ac11whes of SMase were 7 and 32.4 limes higher in uninvolved and involved afopic skins. respectively. than those of age-matched healthy controls TLC analysis of enzymlcally decomposed mafer,als revealed lhat whereas the actl”iWs I” agematched control were atlrlbuled 10 SMase which releases phosphorylchollne (PC). alopic SC samples contain undelermined enzyme acl~wlies of releasing chemxals ofher than PC from sphmgomyelm. which may lead 10 fhe seemingly elevated activities of SMase. These flndlngs suggest that sphingomyelin metabohsm is definitely altered in atopic dermatitis, resulllng in lhe decrease of ceramides in fhe SC.


OF HIGH DOSE ORAL THERAPY WITH EVENING PRIMROSE ilt’L !N SEVERE ATOPIC DERMATITjS. w Jcbllmann. S e Mh=k . Thamps Jansen. Gerd P&JYI~ and Frank &g&g*, Department of %ennatolo$y, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich. Germanv. and Beiersdorf Co. . Hamburz. Gemww

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main immediate-type aller ens- dzmonstrated no noticeable changes. A sianificant reduction of T!?!WL was found both at the forearm and subscapular area (p < 0.001)

574 TRE INYFSTIG~TION OF PAospHoLIPIDSANDFATTY ACID OF BE8 BLODBCELL!@0 YEWlANE AND SEBW IN PATIENTS IITH ATUPICDERK4TI’TIWDo) Akira Fulioka ’ . lfiroshi Takzxsu’ , Dnsei Katsuoha , Shigm Nlshiyam Tadaaki Nagoya” and Shojxo Tsukanoto’ of Derm&“lGgy, Kitasst” University School of ledicine. Sagamihara Facilities for Medical Research, Nihon University School of Yedicire Tokvo. Taran It has been reported that Linolenic AcidfLA) can not be converted to ha-Linolenic AcidGLA) by impaired supply of delta-f-desaturase in AD. The purpwe of this study is to estimate whether or not the inflatory findings in AD have relation t” lipid metabolism of RBCmembraneor sewa. Phospholipids of RBI:membraneand serum frox severe AD and normal wntrol were divided into 6 ~mnents(“hos”hatidvlethanolamine(PE). “hosohatidvlinositol(PI),phosphat~d;lserine‘(PS): phosphatidylcholine(PC).‘sph;ng~ myelinW. lysophosphatidylcholine(LPC)) using thin-layer chraeatography sewration The chtwatograa was developed with chloroform/methanol/acetic acid/later(SD:afl:4:2). Fattv acid uwmsition of each ccamnents of phospholipids were gas ch;amatography. The quantities of PE and Ps could be recoaized in inslde of cell membrane were large in AD.

Yti Barada’ . Camon-Use

, ‘DeFartment : Department of


Analvsis in PC and SI located in outside of cell membranewas iust the opposite t” it. Short-chain saturated fatty acids were decreased in R@C membraneof AD, but they were increased in serum. &me of polyunsaturated fatty acids were incresed in RRC membrane of AD. Howver. na signilicant difference was found in the ratio of LA and CLA ktwen AD and control These data sUggest that fluidity of cell mbrane or cell activation is changed m AD.whereas the role of LA and CLA in AD is not exactly known.



WN SURFACE LIPID PFBOXIDATION M ATOPICDEKXUITIS. Ycshiyuki Kdun rOtojj Kitaura’ and Zenro Ikezara’ Shiseido Takahashi. Junk” Ohsara’ ‘De~rtuent of Der&olcw. Yok&re City Research Center. Y”k”haa Jarw


University S&x31 of Medicine Ydrti Japah Recently. lipid peroxidation has dramn muchattentiw of the dermtilogist because of its importance in pathological and etiological studies on skin diseases ard aging le haw studied skin surfxe lipid peroxi&taicn in atopic dermtitis (AD)patients (n=60) and nod subjects (II*). Lipid ids collected frw forehead. neck and back sites by gently wiping skin surface by cotton impreg&ed with acetone. Lipid peroxides were investigated using a Cl-llFU: liquid mm rith cbznillmninescaae detection systm). (hi& tionwe le have found that swalene is the first target lipid on skin surface by an oxidative stress and that a conversion ratio of squalene to squalene momhydropxoxide is exd Faraoeter to indicate the degree of peroxidation of skin surface lioids. In hD r&i&s_ the conversion ratio was significantly higher tlran t& in nonal subjects taken as control. And in several cases of AD. other lipids than squalene vere also heavily peroxidized. Furthernow clinical saolls for drytess ard scaling in ADpatients becameseverer along with the increase of the conversion ratia Fnm these results it was aarluded that the antioxidative potential of ADskin is inferior to that of normal skin and it is pres& tbt the antioxidative potential is related to the skin disorders such as dryness and scaling.

According to the previous studies, there are tw” kinds of lipases in Propionibacterium acne” (P. acne”); free the lipase activity of which is free from P. acnes lipase, cells, and cell-bound lipase, which shows the activity on the cells. The peak of free lipase activity was located only in the basic pH area. However, it has not been known yet where the optimum pH value of the cell-bound lipase is located. We thu; studied on the optimum pH of the cellbound lipase for more understanding of P. acnes skin infections. Two P. acnes strains, ATCC 11827 and ATCC 11828, Were cultured in peptone-yeast extract-glucose medium with Tween 80. Lipase activities of the harvested cells were examined using the modified Whitaker's method under various pH conditions. The cells of both the two P. acne.5 strains showed two optimum pH values of llpase activ
. Kaztio







IN PROP1ON1BACTEFZUM ACNES. Satoshi Department of Dermatology, Shimane


Dekio Medical

PH VALUE and Joji Jidoi, University,