896380 Slope stubilisation for building safety - a case study Viladkar, M N; Ranjan, G; Singh, B Proc 5th International Symposium on Landslides, Lausanne, 10-15 July 1988 V2, P1015-1021. Publ Rotterdam: A A Balkema, 1988
896384 Slope stability evaluation in schistose rocks of Aosta valley Barisone, G; Bottino, G; Brino, L; Fornado, M Proc 5th International Symposium on Landslides, Lausanne, 10-15 July 1988 V2, P1097-1102. Publ Rotterdam: A d Balkema, 1988
Failure occurred on a steep limestone slope. The limestone is highly porous and jointed, and prone to solution, causing caving and undercutting. Stability of other areas of the slope was studied. Equations for back analysis and stability analysis of plane wedge failure are presented. Anchors were considered for stabilisation, and anchor capacity, spacing and length were studied. Remedial measures consisted of a retaining wall, drainage, and wire mesh fastened to anchors.
Stability of slopes in schistose rocks was studied. A structural survey was used along with rapid in situ tests (Schmidt hammer, point load) and laboratory tests to classify the rock mass into 4 main stability classes. These are presented as a thematic map.
896381 Landslide stabilization using drainage wells, concrete dowels and anchored bore pile walls Wichter, L; Krauter, E; Meiniger, W Proc 5th International Symposium on Landslides, Lausanne, 10-15 July 1988 1:2, P1023-1028. Publ Rotterdam: A A Balkema, 1988 During construction of a road across a slope of inhomogeneous bedded clays and silts, some ancient landslides were reactivated. Inclinometer measurements identified creep movement along the entire slope on a slip plane. Drainage was necessary for stabilisation. A series of deep vertical wells connected at the bottom with a pipeline was installed, and small slides were stabilised by concrete dowels, bored pile walls and rock fill toe berms.
896382 Identification, analysis and control of Hengshan landslide at Hnncheng power plant Xu, B D; Wang, G X; Dong, M Y; Song, X A Proc 5th International Symposium on Landslides, Lausanne, 10-15 July 1988 V2, P1029-1033. Publ Rotterdam." A A Balkema, 1988 A deep slide, caused by underground mining and threatening a power plant, has been studied. Analysis of the slide is described, showing mining caused the rock mass to relax and move towards the river. Surface water penetrates the relaxed mass easily and concentrates on the slip surface, leading to further movement. Remedial measures include removal of soil to reduce loading and construction of a piled structure to cut off lateral thrust.
896383 General report: evaluation of landslide hazard Hanlen, J; Viberg, L Proc 5th International Symposium on Landslides, Lausanne, 10-15 July 1988 I:2, P1037-1057. Publ Rotterdam: A A Balkema, 1988 Methods to evaluate landslide hazards are being developed all over the world. An overview of different approaches introduced via papers in the conference is presented. Four types of hazard are described: the relative hazard, derived from mapping and/or calculation to deduce landslide susceptibility; (2) absolute hazard, derived from calculations; (3) empirical hazard, based on existing knowledge for which calculations are difficult; and (4) monitored hazard, related to internal or external slope processes.
896385 Estimation of the risks involved by a large excavation at the toe of a slope (In French) Bolle, A Proc 5th International Symposium on Landslides, Lausanne, 10-15 July 1988 V2, Pl111-1117. Publ Rotterdam: A A Balkema, 1988 A probabilistic approach was applied to study the stability of a large excavation to be carried out at the toe of an unstable slope. Such an approach appeared a good method, due to the large scatter of the geometrical and mechanical soil characteristics. It allows an estimate, on the basis of uniform criteria, of the stability before, during and after the works, taking the random actions into account also. Auth.
896386 Evaluation of risks of slope instability along a coastal reach Bosscher, P J; Edil, T B; Mickeison, D M Proc 5th International Symposium on Landslides, Lausanne, 10-15 July 1988 V2, Pl119-1125. Publ Rotterdam: A A Balkema, 1988 The glacial till shoreline slopes of Lake Michigan are prone to erosion, failure and retreat. The slope characteristics and causes and type of erosion were studied. Each shoreline section was classified into 1 of 5 probability analysis classes, and potential instability analysed using a probabilistic approach. In this approach, the factors which are to be estimated based on the limited actual data are generated in random combinations using the Monte Carlo Method. Results allow classification of each shoreline section for hazard potential.
Landslides risk in the Peruvian Andes Carrillo-Gil,A; Carrillo-Delgado,E Proe 5th iaternatiolml Symposium on Landslides, Lausanne, 10-15 July 1988 V2, Pl137-1142. Publ Rotterdam: A A Balkema, 1988 Major slope failures in the Peruvian Andes generally take the form of debris flows of unconsolidated surface materials. They usually occur during the rainy season, or are earthquake triggered. The climate of Peru,with long dry periods and intense rainfall, assists weathering deterioration of rocks. Some case studies and preventative or remedial measures using stabilizing berms, improved drainage and slope reinforcement are described.
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