628 lege, by the way, how plerœque radices are to be found antrquam caules ant foliaexserant. It is now the season fur rathrriul; the root of tarax...

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lege, by the way, how plerœque radices are


be found antrquam caules ant foliaexserant. It is now the season fur rathrriul; the root of taraxacum, it ht’ing now in possession of its maximum of juices, whichjuices, obtained by expression, and inspissated by spotitaiieous evapurattuu in shallow eartheu disheg, will form an extract of decided medicinal properties, and will be found to be a ery valuable remeditil agent, in various forms of dyspepsia, in doses of from five to ten grains three times a day. I do not believe it has any direct iunueuce on the liver, but by its relieving gastric and intestinal ii-ritation, will ftequentiy do more for cases termed bilious, than calomel and other activemedicines. I have frequently seen the most happy results follow the use of taraxa cum alone, in cases which have been tormeuted by mercury and other heroic remedies, which have superinduced a degree of irritation more serious than the original disease itself. I am, Sir, your obedient servant.


87, Lisson-grovee, July 20, 1838.


was scarcely any Increased quickness of it during the maturation of the pustules. The eruption was slightly confluent on the face, but perfectly distinct, though copious, over the rtstofthe body. It began to clecline about the eighth day, and she soon recovered her usual good health; felt the movements of the fœtus as before, and no pits or marks were left on the face or any other part of her bocly. During the course of the disease, in addition to the treatment already mentioned, she had castor oil oc casiouallv and small doses of tartrate of antimony. After the usual period of utero.

standard, and there

completed, and after

an ordi. delivered of a son on the 18th January following, who though small and somewhat emaciated, scemed to iabour under no disease, and there were no marks of any kind on his body; or, indeed, any other appearance, which could induce the supposition that he had laboured under

gestation ijai-y


labour, she


small-pox. He was vaccinated when about two weeks old, but without effect; this was re. peated three times at intervals with dry mat. ter, but with the same result. It was again done with fluid matter, but still without etl’ect; but it was at last performed succes’ fully on the 18th of this month, and three very regular and beautiful vesicles, con.

To the Editor of THE LANCET. taining very transparent lymph, were pro. SIR:—In THE LANCET for 20th January, duced, which were after the 8th day sur. 1538, there is an account of a case with re- rounded by the usual areola. Itmay,perhaps, marks, which was read by Mr. Streeter, at be supposed by some persons that the difthe Westminster Medical Society, on the ficulty of succeeding in the vaccination of effects of modified small-pox upon the this case arose from the child having been foetus in utero. He stated in this paper affected with the virus of sniall-poz while that one case only of this disease, under in utero ; but it is much more probable that these circumstances, had occurred in his the repeated failures were owing to the practice, and that he had only heard of three necessity of attempting it when he was so other cases. As a record of facts respect- young- and possessed of so little plnmp»ess ing this point in the disease, by practitioners,or vigour in the systemfor the same want of ultimately tend to determine the law by sticeei5s frequently occurs in ordinary cases might which its effects on the foetus are regulated, under similar circumstances of body, or if I have sent you the following case, which the skin be harsh and dry. you will oblige me by inserting in THE LANCET. I am, Sir, your most obedient servant, HYDATIDS OF THE HEART. WILLIAM DAVIDSON, M.D. 71, West Nile-street, Glasgow, To the Editor of THE LANCET. 29th June,1838. SIR :—In the last numberof Dr.Coplanrl’s CASE :-A married lady, set. 21, of healthy valuable Medical Dictionary, at page 218, constitution, vaccinated when an infant,, he treats of 14 watery cysts and hydatids" having a regular cicatrix on her arm, and in found attached to, or within, the substance the eighth month of her first pregnancy, wasof the human heart. He considers that the seized on 9Ui Dec., 1837, with pyrexial former are not unfrequent, but he thinks symptoms, cough, and urgent difficulty ofthat the presumed hydatids mentioned by breathing, attended with pain in the chest. continental writers, are mostly mistakes, She was bled from the arm and blistered on being watery cysts merely. There is, howthe chest, with decided relief to the pain ever, a case by Trotter, and published in his and difliculty of breathing, the blood being " Chemical and Medical Essays," in 1796, buffy; but complete relief was not obtained which looks more like the truth, but respectuntil the eruption of small-pox made its I1p- in- even the correctness of this, the Doctor pearance on the 12th ; after which the throws considerable doubt. Indeed, al. pulse gradually subsided to its naturalthough he does not venture to deny that