J. Aerosol Set., Vol. 19, No. 7, p. 779, 1988 Pergamon Press pic.Prlnted in Great Britain
(GAeF) The Smoluchowski Award for 1989 will be conferred by the Gesellschaft ftir Aerosoiforschung (GAeF) during its Annual Aerosol Conference, which will be held in Vienna (Austria) in September 1989. The selection committee of G A e F solicits recommendations from members of G A e F and other scientists working in aerosol science. The Award will be presented to young researchers who have published (or will publish) significant, new results during the years 1985-1989. Researchers in all areas of aerosol science are eligible, and can be nominated by any scientist or researcher. The nomination letter should include at least one specific reference to outstanding work of the nominee. The recipient(s) will receive a certificate and a cash award of DM 3000. Proposals should be sent not later than 31 March 1989 to the chairman of the selection committee on GAeF: Dr K. R. Spurny, CSc. Fraunhofer-Institut fiir Umweltchemie und Okotoxikologie D-5948 Schmallenberg-Grafschaft F.R.G.