Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy

Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy

260 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY suits of basic oculomotor research into a form useful to clinicians and to use this synthesis to interpret the...

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suits of basic oculomotor research into a form useful to clinicians and to use this synthesis to interpret the pathophysiology of the signs and symptoms of eye movement disorders. If one asks whether they have accomplished their task, the answer must be unequivocally affirma­ tive. Unlike several other texts and trans­ actions of symposia on eye movements that have been published in recent years, this book is written by clinicians for clini­ cians. Both authors are clinical neurolo­ gists with strong basic science back­ grounds. They have admirably assembled the large body of information on eye movements collected by sundry, and fre­ quently nonmedical, disciplines into an easily digested and readable format. The book is divided into nine chapters, beginning with a survey on eye move­ ments, their characteristics, and teleolo­ gy. This is followed by chapters on the vestibular and optokinetic system, the saccadic and smooth pursuit systems, vergences and versions, and eye-hand coordination. After this comprehensive introduction, two larger chapters cover the diagnosis of peripheral ocular motor palsies and strabismus and central ocular motor disorders. Two practically oriented appendices provide a scheme for the bed­ side ocular motor examination and sum­ marize current clinical methods of eye movement examination. Each chapter is followed by a succinct summary as well as a comprehensive bibliography. The only shortcomings of this book concern several aspects of the diagnosis of strabismus and the physiology of binoc­ ular vision. I wish the authors had sought expert advice in these areas which are outside their own speciality. For exam­ ple, it is not true that fusional vergence movements are, as a rule, accompanied by synkinetic changes in accommodation and pupillary size, that the alternate cover test is used to diagnose a heterophoria, and that the difference between primary and secondary deviation de­

AUGUST, 1983

pends on eye position rather than on whether the patient fixates with the nor­ mal or paretic eye. Confusion of this latter issue is especially unfortunate as an understanding of H e r i n g s Law of equal innervation is indispensable in the differ­ ential diagnosis of paralytic strabismus from other forms.of ocular motility disor­ ders. Possibly these and other errors per­ taining to the physiology and pathophysiology of ocular motility disorders will be revised in a future edition. Despite these shortcomings, this book is full of useful and up-to-date informa­ tion and I recommend it highly to those with an interest in the physiology and pathophysiology of ocular motility, espe­ cially to neuro-ophthalmologists and neu­ rologists. G U N T E R K. VON N O O R D E N

Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy, 10th English ed., vols. 1 and 2. Edited by Helmut Ferner and Jochen Staubesand; translated by Walther J. Held. Balti­ more, Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1983. Hardcover, 757 pages, index, 735 color figures, 424 black and white figures. $85 ($42.50 each volume) Johannes Sobotta (1869-1945) was pro­ fessor of anatomy and director of the Anatomical Institute of the University of Bonn when this atlas was first published in 1904. This is the English translation of the 18th German edition. It is beautifully done in magnificent color with English labels. Bone anatomy is correlated with roentgenograms, there are Xerographs of soft tissues, arteriograms of the coronary arteries, and excellent depictions of clini­ cal, surgical, and anatomic relationships. With 1,159 figures, thousands of labels, and exquisite artwork, I may be carping to complain of minor errors in the eye section. The contraction furrows and col-

VOL. 96, NO. 2


larette of the iris are not labeled; there is reversed labeling of the action of vertical ocular muscles (another generation of medical students convinced that t h e su­ perior rectus muscle elevates the adducted eye); there is reverse labeling of pupil­ lary sphincter and dilator muscles. These volumes are a joy to read and to study. One envies the students who will use them. They will remain a standard reference and I highly recommend them. FRANK W. N E W E L L

Dyslexia. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Reading Disabilities. By Herman K. Goldberg, Gilbert B. Shiftman, and Mi­ chael Bender. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1983. Hardcover, 217 pages, glossary, index, 10 black and white figures. $19.50 This is a modest volume, modestly priced, that gives an overview of t h e problems facing the specialist who tries to help t h e dyslexic child. Although Dr. Goldberg is an ophthalmologist, the book is not addressed to ophthalmologists. The section on t h e visual aspects of dyslexia follows t h e chapters on neurologic and psychiatric aspects—in what seems to b e a logical order. The emphasis is on com­ munication among the various disciplines involved. Teachers, special education ex­ perts, pediatricians, neurologists, and psychiatrists, as well as ophthalmologists, may b e interested in reading this book. H. STANLEY T H O M P S O N


This pamphlet for the layman describes macular disorders, photocoagulation, low vision aids, and self-help groups who share information and emotional support. FRANK W. N E W E L L

Advances in Ophthalmic Laser Therapy. Edited by Wayne F . March. Birming­ ham, Aesculapius Publishing Co., 1983. Hardcover, 135 pages, index, 84 black and white figures. $50 Most of the material in this book comes from the Laser Symposium held in Okla­ homa City, Oklahoma, Sept. 26 and 27, 1982, under the auspices of the Oklahoma Society to Prevent Blindness and the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. LINK, W. : Introduction and the American experi­ ence with YAG ARON-ROSA,


H. C ,

A N D ARON, J.-J.:

The French use of a pulsed picosecond neodynium YAG laser in endocular surgery. Overview of 6500 cases ARON-ROSA,


H. C ,


The French comparison of mode-locked picosecond and Q-switched nanosecond YAG ophthalmic lasers FANKHAUSKR, F., LÖRTSCHER, H., AND M C C O R D ,

R.: The Swiss experience with a Q-switched YAG ophthalmic laser SCHLAEGEL, T. : Use of the argon laser for ocular histoplasmosis MARCH, W. F. : Use of the argon laser for senile macular degeneration WORTHEN, D . , AND WiCKHAM, G.: The develop­ ment of laser procedures for glaucoma WISE, J. B., AND RHODES, L. W.: Data base man­ agement system for laser trabeculoplasty

A Vision Impairment of the Later Years. Macular Degeneration. By Irving R. Dickman. New York, Public Affairs Committee, I n c . , 1982. Softcover, 28 pages, 7 black and white figures. $.50 (Available from Public Affairs Commit­ tee, 381 Park Ave. South, New York, NY 10016)


Complications of laser trabeculoplasty and laser iridotomy SABATES, F., L E E , K. Y., ZIEMIANSKI, M. C , AND

S ABATES, R.: Use of the krypton laser for ocular histoplasmosis and senile macular degeneration MARCH, W. F. : Use of the dye laser for iridotomy L'ESPÉRANCE, F. A., JR. : Use of the dye laser for

malignant melanoma (photoradiation therapy)