Robert Ferber and Werner Z. Hirsch, Social Experimentation and Economic Cambridge Surveys of Economic Literature, Cambridge University Press, 1982.
The first thing to note about this book is its title, Social Experimentation and Economic Policy, for in a real sense it is about neither one nor the other subject. It is about social program evaluation from a cost-effectiveness point of view. The authors never question social policy nor do they address economic policies. Instead they engage in what Karolynn Siegel and Pamela Doty’ have identified as “management review” or “audit” as contrasted with “advocacy research.” Briefly, management review is performed for those who make the decisions and policies; it accepts basic purposes and strategies as given and concentrates on rational factors in the administration of policies and programs. This emphasis on rational factors gives high priority to the determination of whether the program is cost-effective and efficient. Needs of the recipients are not seriously questioned by the analyst but are reserved for consideration of the decision and policy makers. Clark C. Abt does not beat around the bush when he calls his version of this review activity “The Social Audit for Management.“2 Curiously enough, Abt edited in the previous year (1976) another book entitled The Evaluation of Social Programs,3 where different practitioners of the art discuss what Siegel and Doty call “advocacy research.” Here the role of the political process that has to cope with competing needs as reflected by the different preferences of various social groups is laid bare. The success of a public policy is judged by its ability to translate individual preferences into social choice rather than cost effectiveness. Once these differences are admitted to the discourse, a crucial question pertains to the goals themselves, the fundamental assumptions underlying them, and the elucidation of facts and values. Finally, the clients in the wide sense are the stakeholders and affected parties rather than the decision and policy makers. Ferber and Hirsch have written an entertaining book, in a genre not noted for its entertainment value, that is almost a classic management audit. Were it not for the authors’ complete lack of self-consciousness, one might be tempted to call it a caricature of the management audit, so strenuously have all hints at anything but Zweckrationalitat been avoided. The first three chapters constitute a brief but eminently sensible discussion of costbenefit methods. Chapters 4-9 document a number of case studies ranging from income maintenance to electricity pricing and cash housing allowance. Every case study is presented in the same format: Background, Treatment Variables, Basic Designs, Administration, Implementation, Findings, and Evaluative Comments. The last chapter, dealing very modestly with what has been learned from the case studies, is restricted basically to a discussion of methodological issues. But then this would be appropriate for an “audit.” I found this a very easy book to read and would recommend it to those who would like a quick introduction by two sophisticated economists to a method of evaluating social programs. IKarolynn Siegel and Pamela Doty, “‘Advocacy Research’ versus “Management Review.” A Comparative Analysis, Poliq Anrc~ysis 5 (1), Winter 1979. ‘Clark C. Abt, The Social Audit for Managemenr, AMACOM, 1977. ‘Clark C. Abt, ed., The Evaluarion of Social Programs, Sage Publications, 1976. 0 1983 by Elsevier Science Publishing
Co., Inc.
References I Karoiynn Siegel and Pamela Doty, ‘Advocacy Analysis. Po/ic.~ A~~/~.sis 5 (I ). Winter 1979.
versus “Management
2. Clark C. Abt. The Social Audit for Management. AMACOM. lY77. 3. Clark C. Abt. ed.. Thr Ewlucmon qfSocitr/ Pro,yrcm.\. Sage Publications.
Review.” A comparative
JOSHUA MENICES Received 12 April 1982