R&D reports Sharda, N K, Mulchandani, R and Arockiasany, R 'Microprocessor control of cycloconverters: techniques for implementation and testing' IEEE Trans. Indust. Electron. Vol IE-33 No 3 (August 1986) pp 281-291
Programming languages Baker, T P and Riccardi, G A 'Implementing Ada exceptions' IEEE Software Vol 3 No 5 (September 1986) pp 42-51 Presents a set of rules for implementing ADA exceptions without imposing an abnormal overhead. The discussion is based on experiments with a crosscompiler written in PASCAL,using a Zilog Z8002 microcomputer as the target system.
Robotics Rye, M R and EIMaraghy, H A
Breuer, M A and Ismaeel, A A
'A scale model automated guided vehicle for physical simulation of flexible manufacturing systems' Microcomput. Appl. Vol 5 No 2 (1986) pp 33-38
'Roving emulation as a fault detection mechanism' IEEETrans. Comput. Vol C-35 No 11 (November 1986) pp 933-939
Security Suhler, P A, Bagherzadeh, N, Malek, M and Iscoe, N 'Software authorization systems' IEEE Software Vol 3 No 5 (September 1986) pp 34-41 A classification of software authorization techniques applicable to microprocessor and other systems.
Fisher, A l 'A multi-processor implementation of occam' Software PracL Experience Vol 16 No 10 (October 1986) pp 875-892 Fisher presents an implementation of OCCAM on a network of Z80A-based processing elements. OCCAM'S 'channels' are multiplexed onto the token ring linking the processors. Ring controller is a Prime 550 programmed in BCPL.
Mellor, P V, Dubery, l M and Whitehead, D G 'Adapting Modula-2 for distributed systems' IEESoftware Eng.] Vol 1 No 5 (September 1986) pp 184-189 MODULA-2 was developed primarily for use on monoprocessors. Mellor et al. describe the changes to the source language and support environment that were necessary to allow it to be used on a distributed system; the target system consisted of a PDP-11/ 23+ master (running under RT-11) and a number of slaves based on DEC DCT 11-AA microprocessors.
Signal processing Bayoumi, M A and lullien, G A 'Analysis of microprocessor-based digital filters' InL J. Mini MicrocompuL Vol 8 No 3 (1986) pp 56-60
Duncan, H A 'Preprocessing of signals from barcoded silicon usinga microprocessor' IEEE Trans. Indust. Electron. Vol tE-33 No 3 (August 1986) pp 235-240 Bar code reading is one of the prominent methods of automated data entry into a computer. For accurate reading the bars have to contrast well with the background colour. This is not so for the case considered in this paper, of the automatic identification of VLSI devices during manufacture. A signal processing system based on the ZS0 is presented for this application.
A new built-in test methodology for complex digital systems, particularly VLSI designs, is described. 'Roving emulation' consists of an offline 'snapshot' emulation or simulation of operating components in a system, and is suitable for nonrealtime fault detection. This is done using a'roving emulator' a hardware device made from VLSI ASICs or standard microprocessors that emulates or simulates another system via 'software duplication'. The technique, its parameters, modelling of faults and of the roving emulator's performance, and application to combinational circuits are described.
Books received These books have been receivedrecently by the EditorialOffice. They may be reviewed in later issues.
Holland, R C Integrated circuits and microprocessors Pergamon Press, Oxford, UK (1986) $14.50 pp 245 Covers what the book classifies as the three main categories of ICs - - digital circuits, analogue circuits and microprocessors. For the electronics student, with exercises and answers. Motorola MC68851 paged memory management unit user's manual PrenticeHall, Englewood Cliffs, N J, USA (1986) £18.95 Strauss, E Inside the 80286 Brady/Prentice Hall, New York, USA (1986) £19.10 pp 243 The 80286 explained by a senior Intel marketing engineer.
Software development
Newport, J 'An invitation to OCCAM and the development of parallel software' IEE Software Eng.J. Vol I N o 4 (July 1986) pp 165-I 69
VLSI design and test
Gary, T 'Optimizing and verifying software in embedded systems' Digital Des. (August 1986) pp 58-62
Speech input~output techniques and applications lEE, London, UK (1986) £37.OO pp 335 Proceedings of the international conference held in London, UK, in May this year (65 papers).
Microprocessors and Microsystems