Software Engineering Environments - Concepts and Technology R.N. Charette
Intertext Publications, McGraw-Hill, USA, Hardback, 407 pp, £38.95, ISBN: 0 07 010645 2 As an introduction, Software development is presented with emphasis on the major problems that appear: High cost of development and maintenance, variation in practice, and need for increased productivity. Before coming to the specific phases of development, the software engineering environment, which aim to to reduce the above mentioned problems, is presented as a whole. The main phases of development are then examined: Requirements analysis, Specification, Design, Implementation, Testing and Evolution. For each one of them the generic processes, methods and automation used are examined and the activities that can be supported by a software engineering environment are listed. Of course, these different phases must be linked together and a whole chapter is dedicated, to the linkages database, support functions and physical architecture. A more general, but very important task is also examined, this is the Management activity throughout the life-cycle of a product development including funding, time, personnel and equipment resources management, product assurance and reusability of the products. Using all the previously discussed aspects and techniques, an "Ideal" software engineering environment is then described. Finally the present and future is discussed. The main existing environments in the USA, Asia (Japan, Taiwan, and Singapore), Europe and the United Kingdom, and South
America are presented. For the future, technology issues together with "How to introduce this environment" in software engineering activities are discussed with emphasis on the main difficulties which are likely to arise. For those who have not already met one of the problems described in the introduction, the concepts, technologies and tools presented in this book, may seem superfluous. For all the others, from the lower level to the upper one, they will find in this book useful processes and tools to help them in their daily tasks.
A. Chaudouet-Miranda CETIM, Senlis Cedex, France
COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS PUBLICATIONS Computational Methods in Viscous Aerodynamics Editedby: T.K.S.Murthy,Consultant.UK; C.A. Brebbia, Wessex Institute of Technology,Southampton.
This book contains chapters written by eminent scientists on computational methods in viscousaerodynamics. Mostproblemsin viscousaerodynamicsare concerned with the computationof the characteristics and effects of the boundarylayer caused by viscosity and manifested in the form of drag, turbulence, separation, vortex, and generallyunsteady flow. All these problemsinvolvethe solutionof highlynonlinear Navier-Stokesequationsand progressis onlypassibleby adoptingvaryingdegreesof linearisationand approximationto these equationswhenapplying them to model the flow regime. There are four main methods of numericalsolution of the Navier-Stokesequations, namely, i) integral, it) finite difference, iii) finite element and iv) finite volume. The choice of a particular method will to a large extent depend upon the flow region of special interest. Thisbook contains illustrations and examplesof all four methodologies. Chapter I: Three DimensionalBoundaryLayers;by R. Grundmann. Chapter 2: Calculationof Three DimensionalBoundary Layers:by J. Cousteix.Chapter 3: Computation of Unsteady LaminarIncompressibleViscousFlowsusing the VorticityStream Function Formulation;by Y. Lecointe, J. Piquet. Chapter 4: The Finite VolumeApproach for the Navier-Stokesequations; by J.G. Kallindens, J.R. Baron. Chapter 5: Navier-StokesComputations for Aerodynamics Configurationsat HighAngleof Attack;byJ.L. Thomas,R.W.Waiters.Chapter6: AdaptationMethodsfor ViscousFlows;by J.G, Kallinderis,J.R. Baron.Chapter 7: Finite ElementVorticityBased Methodsfor the Solutionof the CompressibleNavier-Stokesequations; by W.G.Habishi,G. Guevremont,M.F.Peeters, S.M. Przybytkowski, M.M.Hafez. Chapter 8: Experienceswith Finite Element Methods for the Velocity-VorticityFormulation of Three DimensionalViscous IncompressibleFlows;by M. Gunzburger,M. Mundt, J. Peterson. Chapter 9: Navier-StokesCode Developmentfor TransonicFlowSimulations;by H. Nagasu, K. Fujii.Chapter lO: A Fast ViscousConvectionMethodfor TransonicAerodynamics;by S.C. Lee.Chapter I]: Two DimensionalIncompressibleAerofoilDesign and Analysis;by R.h.Mcl).Galbraith.F.N.Coten. Publication Date: March, 1990. ]SBN: 1 85312 030 8 : 0 945824 16 5 (U.S, Canada. Mexico) 375 Pages;, Hardback; Price: L59
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Adv. Eng. Software, Vol. 13, No. I
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