Product News
Software for chemists
Chemical libraries
Oxford Asymmetry, through its
Adept Scientific havc relcascd ChemOffice 4.0 and ChemDraw 4.0 from (]ambridgcSoft Corporation. (]heml)rax~ is tile industry standard for chemical structure drawing, while tile (]hcmOffice suite features applications
for structure drawin<<, molecular modelling and chemical information management. Both packages are available for \\:indows and Macintosh. T h e new { rltra versions of (]hemOffice 4.0 and ChcmI)raw 4.0 inchldc additional added-vahie programs to enhance productivit~ in tile chemistry laboratory. T h e new (]hcm l)raw 4.0 shows advances in database query capability, chemical intclligcncc and publishing flexibility. (;hemI)ra~ can l)c used to communicate structures and mcchanisms in print or on thc web, faster than bcforc. Important information such as molecular x~cight, cmpirical formulac and elcmcntal composition can easih' be calculated.
division Oxford Diversity, is launching a range of divcrse, well-characterized, singlc compound lead generation libraries called ProspectorTM. T h e s e libraries ate designcd primarily for use in the identification of new lcad structurcs. Examplcs include ar\l ettmt, o~-amino acid and ]3-amino acid libraries; fliture libraries inchtde the fi)llowing chemical classes: tertiary amides, Ivsines, pyrrolidincs, hiaryls, tmnz(ixazcpinones and prostaglandins. q'hc Prospector rM libraries are based on both commercially available and novel building blocks. T h e y provide substantial structural diversity, uhile ensuring that the library compounds are 'drug-like' in their characteristics.
Circle letter a on reader response card
Circle letter d on reader response card.
Swing-out nosepiece Automated Analysis of Biomolecules
PerSeptive Biosystems, Inc. has introduced the first robotic interface d m i c e designed specificallT to prepare biological samples for analysis by mass spectrometry. The SymBiotTM Sample Workstation fully automates and accelerates the current, manual sample treatment stcps involvcd ~ith timc-nfflight ('I'()F) mass spcctrnmetry. This new plattimn is of potential use to scientists inx oh'ed with protein and pcptide analysis, with I ) N / \ SC(luence and variation analysis, or with c(mfl)inatorial chemistry for drug disc(ix cry. S~n3 Bi<)t creates an intcrfacc betx~ccn two distinct entities: zt sample containing complex biological substanccs, a n d a l]]ass s p c c t r o m c t e r t h a t l l l e a s l l r C s t h e Ill:.ISN
to chargc ratio of ions. 'l'hrotmgh this linkage, information ill)Out tile sequence, variation or identity of substances contained in a sample can be derived automatically at a ratc excccding 1000 per day. Circle letter b on reader response card.
Data analysis software
SPSS Inc. has just released the new version 4.0 of SigmaPlot for Windows, tile data analysis and presentation software. T h e software is used by scientists aild cnginccrs to analyze raw data, ~isualize resttlts and create graphs. One nc~ featurc is the regression wizard fi)r easy curve fitting and graphing which providcs a graphically ilhistrated cquation, determines the initial paranmtcrs automaticalh' and creates rcsult graphs from them. SigmaPlot 4.0 also rim', inchldcs time-scrics graphs, tcrnar'/plots, bubble plots lind transparent 3I) meshes. In addition, the user can select dcthuh graph settings to create the precise ,'pc and cnlour, background coh)ur etc. SigmaPlot users can e x p o r t their graphs as EPS, T I F F , \\:MF and J P E G file t'onnats. A Sigmalqot n o t c b ( i o k a l l o w s tlSCrS tO d(Ic t l l rl C nt protocols, techniques
COllllllCnt (Ill d a t a a n a h ' s i s and f'ornltllatc
Circle letter c on reader response card.
T h e new BXS0WI microscope has been designed by Olympus to incorpnratc a nosepiecc ~ith dual swing in/out action. This allows users to change magnification without altering the micro-manipulator settings. (]hanging between lnx~ set-up magnification and high observation magnification is achieved by swinging the objcctive carricr in a longitudinal direction. Since there is no rotation of the noscpicce, objcctivcs can bc changed without adjustment of thc manipulators, elcctrodes and head stages. T h e low position of thc stake enstircs that a Z-stroke of 25ram is available for exchanging samples, Petri dishes and clcctrodes. Circle letter e on reader response card.