12~4 M[m~I.~3 L HQ~,H Slope stability a stage in sliding process. Congress. Discussion. In German. 5F. PROCEED. 2 CONGRESS, INTERNAT. SOC .ROCK MECH.HELGRAD, 1970, V4,1974, P57 2- 574.
1255 FUMAGALLI •E Static models employed in assessing the stability of the Ismes arch dam. Congress. Discussion. In French. 6F. PROCEED. 2 CONGRESS, INTERNAT. SOC .ROCK MECH.BELGRAD, 1970, V4,1974, B62 9-630. 1256 LARGAIOLLI, T GEOL. AIuPL.UNIV. TRIEST, I Geological and geotechnical study of two slopes prone to landslides in the valley of Rio di Brusago, Trentino, Italy. In Italian. 8F,2T,6R. GEOLOGIA TECNICA, SEPt-OCT.1973, P187-196. Stability analysis of the terrain has been carried out by studies of the degree of saturation of the rocks. Remedial measures were suggested in form of ground anchors and a continuous monitoring of the terrain. 1257 WANG,WL YEN, BC !;oil arching in slopes. 12F,1T,28R. J °GECTECH. Eh~GNG.DIV.V100, GT1, JAN. 1974, P61- 78. method of analysis, based on the strenghh of soils along failure planes, is presented for the evaluation of th~ arching phenomenon in soil created by rigid piles placed in potential slides. This method can be used as a first approximation to evaluate load acting on piles placed for the purpose of slope stabilization.
~258 SACHS, J ~l~e influence of vibrations and shocks following blasting upon stability of slopes in open cast mines. 31F, 9R. PEACE GLOWN. INST. GORN. N5~6 j1973, P3- 22 • Consideration was given to the effects of vibrations and shocks on the stability of slopes made on cohesive soils. Two methods have been used to determine the range of amplitude and vibration frequency on the stability of slopes: Seismic tests; and levelling surveys of selected bench marks on the slope surface. The results obtained from both methods enabled the determinations of elastic and non-elastic deformations of the slope centre. The main parameter for calculation of results was the deformation determined by the ratio of wave velocity of the vibration velocity. It has been observed that the deformation is proportional to the value of the settled sediment of the slope. It can be assumed that this proportionality creates good conditions for a sllp on the slope surface. A differential equation is presented which refers to the shape and the location of the slip area on the slope in case of vibrations following blastings.
12~9 CHA/~LER~ RJ IMPER. COLL. SC I.TECHNOL. LONDON, GB Lias clay; The long-term stability of cutting slopes. 16F, 2T, 26R. GEOTECKNIQUE, V2~, N1, MAR. 1974, P21-38 • Twelve case records of failures of Upper Lias Clay cutting slopes are presented. In each case it is believed that grottndwater comditions have reached the loz~-term "stead~r" state. Evidence for this ~rour~water behavio~r is ~ o v i d e d by piezometric
data from four of the sites. The results of effective stress stability analyses reveal a similar pattern to that found earlier in London Clay. The Lias Clay data show greater variations of strength, however, which are ascribed to different degrees of weathering and, at some sites, to the occurrence of brecciation.
Harbours, canals and coast protection works 1260 ANONYMOUS ExcaVating Europe's vital link - Techniques used in construction of the Elbe Limk Canal are briefly described. 3F. CONSTR.FLAH2 AND EQUIPMENT,MAR.1974,P22-23.
Earth retaining structures 1261 DA KOSTA NUNES, AJ Special methods of stabilization of slopes constructed from fractured ar~ weathered rock.Congress.D~ scussion. In French.6F. PROCEED. 2 CONGRESS, INTERNAT. SOC. RO~< MECH.BELGRAD, 1970: V4,1974, P556-557. 1262 S~]3ZEVAR!,A UNIV. PAHLAVI, SHI~b~Z,IR GHAHRAMAA~, A UNIV. PAHLAVI, ~[L%~Z, IE Dyrmmlc passive earth-l~essure problems. 12F, 16R. J. GEOTECH. EhDNG.DIV. VI00, GTI, JAN. 1974, PI5- 30. This paper presents an incremental approach %o the d3axn~ic analysis of the passive-earth p~essure problem, in which an initially rough verticsl retainiz~; wall is considered to move with dlfferenb values of acceleration into a dry loose sand median. T~ree types of ~all movement are examined: I. Translation; 2. Rotation about the top point; ~md 3. Rotation about the toe. An iterative method is employed for constructing each field (i.e. stress, displacement3 velocity etc) and the stress-sirloin fields ~re interrelated by empirical constitutive relations betwee~ the angle of internal friction and the angle of dilation derived from simple shear tests.
Base courses and pavements of roads railway: and airfields 1263 DROZDjK ~TAVEBNI GEOLOGIE, PRAHA, C2 Site investigations for a railroad cut in Prague, In Czech.10F, 7R. INZENYRSKE STAVBY, NI, 1974, PI-9. Rock stability amalysls has been successfully applied in this project in co~ection with blasting operations and prespllt technique. A detailed description of seismic tests on short distances between two points is given. The tests have been peformed in order to evaluate the damage of a rock mass surface In the rail. road cut before and after blasting. Another aim was to estimate the rock mass stability under dyns~Ic loads and the seismic hazards for structures situated in the neighbourhood of the cut.
Geological factors of i m p o r t a n c e in surface structures 1264 PANE~(OV, AS Determining defarmabillty of fractured rock bases beneath tail-dams. In Russian. 10R. MOSCOW. INZHEN. STROIT. INST. SBORNIK TRUDOV sNll5,1973, P67- lOl.