Soil Parameters Prediction with Soil Image Collected by Real-Time Soil Spectrophotometer

Soil Parameters Prediction with Soil Image Collected by Real-Time Soil Spectrophotometer


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] Made Anorn S. Wijaya, S. Shibusawa, A. Sasao, K. Sakai, H. Sato

United Graduate School ofAgricultural Science Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Fuchu, Tokyo 183-8509, Japan Correspondent e-mail [email protected]

Abstract : In order to study the role of surface condition or surface texture of soil sample, the textural image analysis was applied to the soil images that were collected using the real-time soil spectrophotometer. The experiments were conducted both in laboratory and on the field. The results show that soil reflectance was significantly affected by the condition of the sample surface. The rough surfaces tended to reduce the soil reflectance. The changing of the reflectance can be predicted calculating the changing of correlation feature of the soil image, especially for the red channel of the image. The correlation feature of red channel also gave a good prediction for moisture content. Copyright @2001IFAC.

Keywords: precision farming, image processing, real-time sensor, soil parameter

Another approach is the spectroscopic approach. In our


laboratory, the real time soil spectrophotometer has been Precision furming as an intensive data used in agricultural

developed (Shibusawa et al., 1999,

system practices, the gathering data tools which can provide

times both in the laboratory and on the field (I Made Anom et

accurate information about the field for making decision how

a/., 2(ffia, 2roll, 2001). The results showed, however, that if

to manage the field, is necessary. Image processing lechnique

the original reflectance were used to predict the soil parameters

is one of challenging methods, which can be used to collect the

without any pretrealrnents, the prediction accuracy were very

information related to the field. AI-Abed, Lewis and Samson

low. When pretreatments were applied to the retlectanre, the

(1989) used cob-splitting lechnique to separate soil moisture

prediction accuracy was increasing but the reflectance

group, and Bodun (2CXX) used the textural image analysis 10

wavelengths used for soil parameter prediction were changing

predict the moisture content of sludge. While \'arvel et al.

with time and soil type. To improve the accuracy and

(1999) tried to

repeatability of the prediction models, many efforts have been


the aerial image for descnbing the spatial

variability of organic matter and phosphorus level of cornfield.


and tested several

done such as observing the effect of the surface angle, the


1.2 Field experiment

The field experiment was conduded on an experimental field

affected by the surface
of Kyoto University from which the soil samples for

rule of surface
laboratory experiment were collected. The soil reflectance and


the texturnl image analyses are

soil images were colleded using the real-time soil

applied to study the role of soil surface condition on the soil

spectrophotometer that is mounted on the trador. The soil


reflectances were colleded at 20 rns of scanning time with 20

needed. In this

times of integration times, and in a depth of 20 cm The The objectives of this study were to define the relationship

reflectance wavelength ranged between 400 nm and 1700 om

between textural features of soil image and soil reflectance in

From this field, 63 soil samples were also colleded at the same

which will be used for developing a correction factor to

location the same depth of scanning point, and then analyzed

determine the soil parameters using the real-time soil

in laboratory.

spectrophotometer, a<; well as to study the probability of using the textural image feature to predid the moisture content and

To select the sample for studying the relationship between soil

ather parameters of the underground soil

image features and soil reflectance, the colJeded soil samples were firstly sorted aa:urding to the moisture content (MC) followed by soil organic matter (SOM) conten~




pH and electric conductivity (EC). Only the samples

with relatively the same soil parameters were selected for

1.1. Labormory experiment

further analySL'i. In this experiment 10 soil samples with

relatively the same value of soil parameter (MC 43±0.2%, The laboratory experiment was conduded as a prelirninary

SOM 9±OS%, pH &.to.!, NO)-N 10±4 mgIL, EC 21±23

obseIVation in studying the effect of surface condition in tenn

mS/m) were seleded for image analysis.

of textural image features to the soil reflectance. The obseIVation wa<; perfonned at 9 levels of moisture content (3%, 7%,13%,18%,22%,28%,33%,39%, and 44%) and 5 levels

1.3. Textural image analysis

of surface condition (fla~ ditch, hollow, convex., and concave) using the soil samples that colleded from experimental funn

Figure 1 illustrated the procedure for textural image analysis.

(paddy field) of Kyoto University. The moisture content of the

Frrstly, the soil images that recorded in digital videotape were

soil samples wa<; simulated by adding certain amount of water

tran.<;{erred into image file using the Panasonic DV2 Studio

to the dried soil and equilibrated for one day in closed

software, and saved as JPG file. 1\.vo images were collected

container at room temperature after the water and the soil were

from each location of scanning point or sampling point. A

mixed well. By using these soils the soil surface was formed

redangular area of 192 pixels x 192 pixels was selected from

and the retlectance and the images were captured. The

the middle of the image and then divided into 9 segments. The

capturing of soil images and scanning of soil reflectance were

size of each segment was 64 pixels x 64 pixels (see Figure 2).

performed using the replication of soil sensor, which ha., the

The segmented portions were converted into text files by

same configuration as the real-time soil spedrophotometer that

saving them in "RAW' file format of the Adobe PhotoShop

used for field experiment The soil images were captured

software. The saved images were then quantized into their

through the micro

camera and recorded into the digital

respedive red (R), green (G), blue (B), and gray (Y) channels,

videotape. Finally, the spectral and textural image analyses

valued in the range 0-255 grey levels in a program coded in

were perfonned.

C++. By mapping the grey-level from 0-255 to 0-15, resulting


in 15 x 15 co-oa::urrence matrixes, the textural features of each


image was calculated. The textural features calculated in this

experiment, the soil reflectance of rough or non-flat surface

experiment included angular serond moment (ASM), entropy,

dropped up to 30% from the reflectance of flat surface.

contrast, and correlation feature. 60

Image acquisition


(recorded as video images)







B . 40


Image transfer


~ 30


(saved as JPG file) T


1075 1200 1325 1450 1575 1700

Region segmentation and file

Wavelength (nm)

conversion FIgUre 3. Refledance response to the surface condition at MC



Image digitization and grey level

mapping T

On the other hand, the field experiment showed that the soil

Co-occurreoce matrix generation

reflectance was seemly affected by the soil surface texture.

(saved as JPG file)

From the 10 samples that selected from the field data in which


had same moisture and SOM content (43% and 9%~ the soil

Textural features calculation

reflectance varied according the surface texture. The reflectance variation of those soil samples was 165% in

average. FIgUre 1. Flowchart of soil surface image textural features 3.2 Correlation



textural soil image


to soil

rejlectance From laboratory experiment the correlation analysis of textural image features to the soil refiedance slx>wed that all of the gray channel of ASM, contrast, and entropy features had higher correlation than the R, G, and B channel The absolute

correlation value of those features ranged between 0.45-053, 0.44-055, and 0.46-058 for ASM, contrast, and entropy

FIgUre 2 Segmentation of soil image

feature, respectively. The absolute correlation value of gray

channel of correlation feature, however, was much lower than


correlation feature value of the R, G, and B channel The highest absolute correlation value was seen in the correlation

3.1. Rejlectance responses to soil surfoce texture

feature ofbIue channel (0.75-0.79). The results of laboratory experiment showed that the soil

refiedance shifted when the surface was simulated to be rough

ID contrast with the laboratory experiment results, the

(FIgUre 3). ID all levels of moisture content, the rough surfaces

correlation analysis results of field experiment slx>wed that the

temed to have lower refiedance value than flat surface. Only

entire gray channel of the textural features had lower absolute

the refledaoce of convex surface had a higher value. ID this

correlation value than the R, G, and B channel Also, the


correlation coefficient values of alJ features were much higher

higher the moisture contents the lower the correlation value.

than the laboratory resuJts. The highest correlation of ASM 50

and contrast feature appeared in blue channel, while for


entropy and correlation feature appeared in green and red



" 30 E

channel, respectively. The correlation coefficient of blue


channel of ASM and contrast feature ranged between 0.52-

" B .~

0.68 for ASM, and 0.69-0.78 for contrast feature. For green



20 10

channel of entropy and red channel of correlation feature, the correlation coefficient range between 0.73-0.83 and 0.78-0.82,

Correlation value (x 10000)


FJgUte 5. The relationship between correlation features to the moisture content

By using the data in which the highest correlations were observed, the relationship of textural image feature 10 the soil reflectance were calaIlated Figure 4 shows the relationship

The correlations of gray channel of contrast feature and

between the ratios of image feature difference 10 the mean

entropy, however, seemly have l\\Q regiom. Allow moisture

image feature against the ratio of reflectance difference to the

content «=22%), the moisture content bad positive correlation

overnll mean reflectance. It can be seen that all features bad

to the contrast and entropy feature. The higher the Imisture

linear relationship 10 the soil reflectance. The correlation

content, the higher the contrast and entropy value. In contrary,

feature of red channel gave the best linear relationship to the

at higher Imisture content (>=22%), the moisture content was

soil reflectance (Y =0.3645 X -

negatively correlated to the contrast and entropy feature. At thli

7 10.18,

R~ 0.65).

region, the higher the moisture contents the lower the contrast and entropy values (see Figure 6).

Ratio of reflectance difference to the overall mean reflectance



(a) • ASM-B




Contrast value

Con-B "Ent-G - Cor-R

FIgUte 4. Relationship between ratios of reflectance difference to overall mean reflectance against ratio of feature

difference to the mean feature

3.3. Moisture reltJtionship to the textural image feature From the correlation analysis of textural image feature 10 the



moisture content of the soil using the flat surface samples, it



Entropy value

was futmd that only correlation feature of R, G, and B channel

bad high linear correlation ~ r I = 0.84 for R, 0.83 for G and

Figure 6. Relationship between (a) contrast and (b) entropy features 10 the moisture content .

0.80 fur B channel). Figure 5 shows moisture relationship to the correlation feature of red channel It can be seen that the


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