Volume 104A, number 2
13 August 1984
N.A. SERGEEV, D.S. RYABUSHKIN Simferopol State University, Simferopo1333036. USSR
and Yu.N. MOSKVICH Institute o f Physics, Academgorodok, Krasnoyarsk 660036, USSR Received 23 March 1984
Expressions describing the temperature dependence of the solid echo amplitude in the case of slow atomic and molecular motions for arbitrary ratios of the motion correlation times re and intervals between the RF pulses r have been obtained. Comparison with the experimental data measured in polycristalline cyclohexane in temperature ranges of slow reorientation and diffusion motions demonstrates a good agreement with the theoretical consideration made and shows new possibilities in measuring motion parameters using a simple solid echo experiment.
The study of slow atomic and molecular motions using the analysis of the NMR line shape g(6o) or free induction decay G(t)is limited mainly by solids containing well isolated two- and three-spin groups 0-12O, D20, CH 2, CH3, NH 3 etc.) [1]. This is due to the fact that the problem of the calculation ofg(~o) or G(t) allows in these cases an exact analytical solution. In the more general case a theoretical consideration o f g ( w ) and G (t) is a complicated mathematical problem. Recently, for its solution Lowe et al. [2-4] have suggested to use a method similar to the moment method of Van Vleck [5]. The principle of the method consists in calculating the coefficients an in the time expansion of the function G(t) oa
G(t) = ~
(1/n!)antn .
In the case of a stochastic Markov process describing the thermal motion of the magnetic nuclei this expression can be written as [2-4,6]
1 AM2 t4 + ) 4! 1-2 .... c
v(2r)-- 1 -
G(t)=(1--~I.M2t2 + I M4t4) 1 Z~i/2 t3 + ~.~'r e
Here r e is the correlation time of the motion considered,M2, M 4 are the second and fourth moments of the NMR line in the rigid lattice, AM2 = M 2 -/1~2, where 312 is the measured second moment of the motionally narrowed NMR line (re 1 >M21/2). From (2) it follows that for the determination of the coefficients a 3 and a 4 which contain the information about the motion it is necessary to know the behaviour of G(t) at t ~ 0. However, the initial part of the FID cannot be measured usually because of the finite pulse length, the presence of a "dead" time of the receiver, etc. Several methods were suggested for removing this "dead" time of the pulse experiment. The simplest method among them is the sohd echo method in which a spin echo in solids is formed by the two-pulse sequence 90"-~'-90°90 * [7,8]. It has been shown recently that for the Markov process the dependence of the solid echo amplitude at 2r can be described as follows [9]
0.375-9601/84/$ 03.00 © Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland Physics Publishing Division)
Vrl(20 (zxM2/
c)r3 ÷ ½
4 + ....
where Vrl(2r ) is the expression describing the decay of the solid echo amplitude in the rigid lattice [8]. The ex. pressions (2)and (3) describe correctly the behaviour 97
Volume 104A, number 2
of the FID and solid echo amplitude for times t < %. In the present paper the calculation of the solid echo amplitude is performed for an arbitrary ratio t/r c. The same problem for the two-spin system was solved earlier [10-13]. It is known [1] that the function G(t) can be expressed in the case of a dipole-dipole interaction spin system having space spin motion described by the stochastic Markov process as t
13 August 1984
Then for the autocorrelation function of the form (5) we find from (9) V(2r) = exp {-AM2 r2 [1 + 2r/r c - [2 -
In the slow motion region
(r/r c < 1) we have from (10)
V(2"/') = 1 - ~(AM2/~'c)r3 + l(AM2/'r2)r4 + .... (1 1) which agrees well with the expression (3). For rapid motion (r/r c >> 1) V(2r) ~--exp[-2AM2rcr ] .
0 where C(r)is the autocorrelation function of the local dipole fields on the resonant nuclei. If C(r)is chosen in the form [I]
C('r) = "~2 + AM2 exp(-r/rc),
then we get from (4)
a(t) = exp (-AM2 r2 [exp(-t/rc) - 1 + t/rc] - ~/142t2) •
It follows from (6) that when
G(t) = ( 1 - -~vM2t2 ( 1 AM2 + ~'.t - - r c t3
t/r c < 1,
which is in good agreement with (2) obtained using more strict initial conditions than (6). When t/r c ~, we have
G(t) = exp(-~- ~t2t2 ) exp(-AM2rct),
The calculated dependences of the solid echo amplitude on the ratio r/r c are presented for some values of AM2r2 in fig. 1. It can be seen from it that the minimum of the temperature dependence of V(2r) is always at r/r c = 1.8937. Therefore the correlation time of the studied motion r e = 0.528r can be obtained with good accuracy from the temperature dependence of the solid echo amplitude. The minimum value of this dependence is determined by both the motion type and the parameter of the pulse sequence V(2r) = exp(-0.38 AM 2 r 2 ) .
1 (3M22)t4 + ...) + -~.
1 AM2 ) 4! r2 t4 + . . . .
The measurements performed in polycristalline cyclohexane confirm well the obtained expressions. Fig. 2 shows a strong decrease of the solid echo amplitude in the slow motion regions of the reorientation of cyclohexane molecules about their threefold axes (at temperatures below the phase transition Tc = 186 K) and
which corresponds to the motionally narrowed NMR line shape [ 1]. Using a method similar to the Abragam method presented above we have obtained for V(2r) the following expression
V'(2~) 0,8
V(2r) = e x p ( - 4
f ( r - t')C(t')dt'
0 2r +f 0
Fig. 1. The dependences of the solid echo amplitude V(2r) on ln(r/rc) for some values o f y = &M2r 2 calculated using eq. (10).
tn ×
Volume 104A, number 2
~% '% ,
~=' 1J0Xs~
• ~"o
60 &
% o o,, .,, ~.=10j~s
40 #s .~s
2o.=s- ~ ,
13 August 1984
5.4 + 0.5 kcal/mole, r 0 = (5.0 -+ 2.0) × 10 -13 s. It should be noted that it is the first time that the parameters o f this reorientation motion are obtained. Previous attempts to measure the motion parameters in the lowtemperature phase using the T ~ and T2e relaxation times were not succesfull due to the high local dipole field in this phase o f cyclohexane which is comparable with the usually used R F field strengths o f the spin-locking and MW-4 multipulse sequences [16,17]. Thus the obtained results demonstrate clearly that the study o f the solid echoes in the slow motion region can give accurate information about the motions in solids within a wide range o f d i p o l e - d i p o l e interactions.
Fig. 2. The temperature dependences of the solid echo amplitudes in polycristalline cyclohexane for some values of the interval ~"between RF pulses of the pulse sequence 90°-~-90~o°. The length of the 90 ° pulses was 2.0 #s, the I.armor frequency was 30 MHz. The broken line shows the temperature dependence of the FID amplitude in poly'cristalline Ca (OH)2 which is of rigid-lattice type in the whole measured temperature range. diffusion (at T > Tc) [ 1 4 - 1 7 ] . The experimental values o f the minimal V ( 2 r ) for b o t h studied motions agree well with the calculated ones. So, in the low temperature phase the V ( 2 r ) values obtained using (13) and A M 2 = 19 × 10 - 4 T [14,18] are equal to 0 . 5 8 , 0 . 4 6 , 0.21 and 0.12, for r = 10, 12, 17 and 20 ~ts, respectively. The corresponding experimental values are 0.58 + 0.02, 0.50 + 0.02, 0.29 + 0.03 and 0.18 + 0.03. The correlation times o f the cyclohexane molecule motions in two solid phases, obtained using the relation between r and r c, ~'/r c = 1.8937, at temperatures o f the observed V(2r) minima (164 + 1, 162.5 + 1, 157-+ 1 , 1 5 4 + 1 K a n d 195 + 1,200-+ 1 , 2 0 6 + 1, 211 4" 1 K) are described well by the Arrhenius expression re = roexp(Ea/RT). The parameters o f the cyclohexane diffusion motion in the plastic cubic phase at T > 186 K calculated in such a w a y E a = 9.5 + 0.2 kcal/mole, r 0 = (3.3 X 2.0) X 1015 s are in very good agreement with the known data o f the previous studies o f this phase made by the NMR pulse methods [ 1 5 - 1 7 ] . The parameters o f the reorientation motion o f the cyclohexane molecule around its threefold axis in the low-temperature monoclinic phase [14,18] are
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