a minimum pressure difference between the chamber and the box of 0.7 torr. The pressure difference is measured by a diaphragm differential pressure gauge with electric contacts. K M Avakyan et al, Prib Tekh Eksper, No 4, 1971,73-74 (in Russian), 32 421. S~ometer for pulsed electron beam. (USSR) A magnetic spectrometer for accelerated pulsed electron beams is described, which permits measurement of the maximum energy with an accuracy to 2.5 per cent and to record the energy spectrum of electrons with an error of not more than 10 per cent. The vacuum chamber of the spectrometer is made of brass and the shield of steel. The electron collector is composed of a number of lamellas sealed with epoxy compound. A I Gerasimov et al, Prib Tekh Eksper, No 3, 1971, 31-34 (in Russian). 32 422. Injector of the LUMZI-10 linear accelerator for rnultic~rg~ ions. (USSR) Basic parameters of the injector for the type LUMZI linear accelerator for multicharg~ ions, are given. The injector contains a pulsed high-voltage supply, pulsed ion-source and high-voltage accelerating tube. The pulsed ion source with cold cathode is described, which provides intense helium, hydrogen and ~~lliurn ion beams. An oscillating electron discharge is excited in a copper discharge tube to produce the ions. The accelerating tube is evacuated by an oil diffusion pump with a pumping speed of 1000 litresjsec to a pressure of 5 X lo-’ torr. E I Revntskiy et al, Prib Tekh Eksper, No 3, 1971, 3841 (in Russian). 32 423. High-current impulse electron gun based on an ELIT-1 accelerator. (USSR) Construction of an electron gun based on an ELIT-1 type accelerator is presented which provides impulse electron currents up to 1 kA with current impulse duration of 10 nsec at accelerating voltage of 1 MV. The working pressure in the electron gun is 10d4 torr. Pressure increase to 10m3torr did not change the parameters of the electron impulse current. V A Danilichev and D D Khodkevich, Prib Tekh Eksper, No 3, 1971. 1.57-158 (in Russian). 33. GENERAL PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS 33 424. Chanelling of boron ions with energy up to 100 keV in single crystal silicon. (USSR) In an experimental investigation of the chanelling of boron ions with energies of 30 and 100 keV in single crvstal silicon. the distribution of ion penetration depth was measired. It was found that the penetration depth was 1.5 to 2 times greater than that for an amorphous target. R I Garber et al, Radiation Physics of Non-Metal Crystals, Collect, 3 (2), Kiev Naukovaya Dumka 1971, 122-128 (in Russian). 33 425. Silicon doping by ion bombardment. (USSR) Doping of n-type silicon with resistivity of 0.035 to 150 ohm cm has been performed by mon~ner~tic boron ions with current density of 10 mA/cm*, and maximum energy of 300&0.15 keV at doses of 1x 1O15-1 x 10” cm-*. Uniformity of 10 per cent in doping was obtained by scanning. The doped samples were annealed in vacuum at 500 to 700°C for 30 minutes. The methods of sample investigation and the results obtained are described. I B Amirkhanova et al, Radiation Physics of Non-metallic Crystals, 3, Part 2, Colltrtion, Kiev Naukovuya Dumka, 1971, I I l-122 (in Russian). 33 426. Corn~~~n of 5-15 MeV electron and positron ranges in substances with various Z numbers. (USSR) Results of experimental investigations of the ranges of 5 to 15 MeV electrons and positrons in carbon, aluminium, sulphur, titanium, cobalt, nickel, copper, molybdenum, cadmium and tungsten are presented. The experimental arrangement is described. A Faraday cylinder evacuated to pressure of 3 x IO-* torr was used for measurements of fluxes of electrons and positrons passed through absorbers. The experimental results are discussed. I G Tarutin et al, Zh Eksper Teor Fiz, 60 (3), 1971, 901-905 (in Russian). 124
33 427. Inthtence of some inorganic protective coatings on surface properties of silicon. (USSR) Using the method of reactive sputtering, SiO, films with properties at least as good as those of thermally grown films have been obtained. The influence of reactively sputtered films on surface properties of silicon is investigated. Accumulation of holes in the space charge layer is observed at the boundary of SiOz--Si. It is assumed that the reactively sputtered SiOa film has a negative charge with density 2 to 5 x 10” cm-+. M A Reveleva et al, Problems of Microelectronics, Cohection, Kiev Naukovaya Dun&a 1971, 103-l 10 (in Russian). 33 428. High-temperature sample heating in an electron microscope. (USSR) A method of sample heating in an electron microscope is described in which the electron beam of the microscope is simultaneously employed for heating and imaging. The sample is attached to a thermally insulated tungsten disc. Temperatures in the range 800 to 3OOOW are measured by an optical pyrometer. An example of observation of a single crystal corundum layer prepared by heating amorphous AlzO, in the electron microscope, is presented. All intermediate stages of crystallization are visually observed. Also local boiling of the tungsten surface in vacuum at 3000°C is observed. The described method can be also used for investigation of the intemction of refractory materials in vacuum. G S Zhdanov, Prib Tekh Eksper, No 4, 1971, 219-220 (in Russian). 33 429. Solution cryostat with condensation pump. (USSR) A solution cryostat, based on heat absorption on dissolving 3He in *He, is described. aHe circulates in the cryogenic volume by condensation of 3He evaporating from a solution of 3He-t *He on a surface cooled to 0.4”K by sorption pumping of pure 3He. A tem~rature of 0.06”K is reached in the cryostat. V S Rdelman, Prib Tekh Eksper, No 4, 1971, 229-231 (in Russian). 33 430. A new method for measurement of temperature and changes of samples in emission electron microscope EF-26 of VEB Carl Zeiss Jena. (Germany) A new method for ~termination of sample temperature in an emission electron microscope is described. It is based on measurement of the thermal dilatation of the sample in the emission microscope. Also an arrangement for stretching the samples in the emission microscope at high temperature with simultaneous observation is described. B Vera and P Tardy, Jenaer Ru~schau, 16 (4), 1971, 246249 (in German). 33 431. Apparatus for x-ray investigations. (USSR) A review of modern equipment for x-ray analysis is presented. Sources and detectors for x-radiation, chambers for x-ray analysis, devices for small-angle divergence are covered. Sealed and demountable x-ray tubes evacuated to lo-& torr are described. An x-ray apparatus was constructed enabling high temperature operation up to 2500°C in the pressure range lOmEtorr to 500 kbar. M M Umanskiy and D M Rheyker, Prib Tekh Eksper, No 3, 1971, 7-28 (in Russian). 33 432. GIass cbamher for ~servati~ of tow-energy electron diff~ction. (USSR) A glass chamber for LEED observations, utilizing the principle of post-acceleration of diffracted electrons, is described. Its construction possesses some significant simplifications in comparison to known diffraction chamber constructions. An electron gun employing an induction-free directly heated tantalum cathode is placed in a separate &amber connected to the main chamber by a narrow tube. The luminescent screen is deposited by spraying on the inner surface of the spherical part of the chamber. Diffraction patterns are observed with the aid of a partially reflecting prism a~angement. As the light from diffraction spots does not go through the grids and the layer of the phosphor is thin, the brightness of the observed spots is high. To obtain clean sample surfaces of and for observation of temperature dependent effects, the observed crystal may be heated by the passage of an electric current. The crystal surface can also be cleaned by ion bombardment in an argon discharge excited between the crystal the inner grid and maintained by electrons emitted from a tungsten