THE EFFECT OF PAINFUL ARGON LASER STIMULATION ON HUMAN EVOKED POTENTIALS DURING HYl?NO3?ICAlLY INDUCED ANGER AND DEPRESSION. R.Zachsriae +l, II.Arendt-Nielsen2, P. Bjerring +3, K.Gotliebsen+2, & T.N'elsen +l. (SPON: C.Gaib), Departments of 1Psychology and 3Dermatology, U3iversity of Aerhus, DK8000 Aarhus C, and Department of Medical Informatics,University of Aalborg, 9000 Aalborg, Denmark.
Poster 93 BROWNMon-Tues ACC Hall E Abs No 400 1
AIM OF INVESTIGATION: This study evaluated the effect of painful argon laser stimulation on evoked potentials during hypnotically induced emotional states of anger and depression in 12 highly hypnotically susceptible subjects (4 male, 8 female). METHODS: Subjective sensory- and pain thresholds were obtained, end evoked potentials measured as an average of 16 single potentials stimulatedby a laser energy of 1.5 x pain threshold were recorded in the non-hypnoticcondition. Following a brief hypnotic induction procedure the emotional states of anger and depression were suggested in random order. -Evoked potentials were recorded under the neutral hypnotic state end both emotional states. RESULTS: There were significantdifferences in evoked potentials under th emotional conditions,the state of anger resulting in the lowest and t:e state of depression resulting in the highest evoked potentials compared to both the non-hypnotic end the hypnotic neutral state. CONCIXJSION: The results indicate that the clinically known effects of emotions on pain can be measured quantitatively.
Smm!rICEmKED WTENTIALOFPAINUND~HYPNfXIS D.Revenstorf,C!hr.Braun,andW.Miltner,Dep.ofPsychology,.'Ihe Universityof Tuebingen, Tuebingen,Federal Repblicof Germany
Poster 94 BROWNMon-Tues ACC Hall E Abs No 401
AIMOF INvESrIGATIrn:This study evaluated changesinthe scmtic emkedpotentialunder diff~th~icinstructionsdesignedtocapewith~rimentdl
painin16 self-selectedhuman subjects. MlX¶%X): Staradardized electricalstimlationwas ap&ied intracutaue3us ly to thetipof theX&?3,Wtmiddlefinger (rectangular bipolarimpulses, inrneeach). man intrasubjectdesignconsistingof60 stimlaticnseachunderbaselinecorditions,hypmticdesensitizatimand hypnoticsensitization wre balawed with respectto habituation effects.
BesidesSEP,several physiological measures and eubjeotivepain ratings(graphically) were taken RESULTS:Significant reduction in theNlOO-P260 BP-amplitude (CZandPZ) and subjective pati~underboth hypnoticconditionswreachieved.Hypmticdesensitization (analgesiainstndions)resultedinsndLlerpeaktopeakmeasures(N160-P260) than hypnotic sensitization (hyper-algesia). CXXCLUSION: ThereduotionofSubjectivepainandEP-anplitudeunderhypxisis canparabletoresultswithother strategies of unspecificshiftsof attention.Hwever, since thehyper-algesia differ&iintheexpe&eddirectionfrantheanalgesia -ion, spe-
cificeffects of thehypnotic contentis inplied.Rfzlationtodepthoftranceneeds to be investigated.