Acta Crystallographica,
Vol. 9
October, 1956 (partial contents): An improvement of the “Heavy-atom” method cfystal. M. M. WOOLFSON. Uber die Kristallstruktur des Natriumpolyarsenats, FRIEDRICH LIEBAU. The crystal structures of thorium antimonides.
The absorption of Y-rays by photographic films. MICHAEL G. ROSSMANN. On the visual estimation of X-ray reflexion intensities from upper-level Weissenberg photographs. II. Charts for the correction of reflexion spot extension. D. C. PHILLIPS. On the reported invers& of hexagonal to cubic zinc sulphide by grinding. F. G. SMITH and V. G. HILL. Crystal data for two new co-ordination compounds. MOXTIMER I. KAY and LEWIS KATZ. The structures of Cs,ThCl, and Cs,UCl,. STANLEY SIEGEL. Comparaison de deux mAthodes de determination des constantes de reseau $ l’aide d’un diffractom&re B rayons X. P. SLUM et, A. DURIF.
Archiv fiir das Eisenhiittenwesen Meft 9, September 1956: Zur thermodynamischen Analyse. V. Ein empfindliches Kleinkalorimeter und seine Anwendung. WILLY OELSEN, OLAF OELSEN, und GERH.4RD HEYNERT. Erfahrungen bei der spektralanalytischen Bestimmung der Spuren- und Begleitelemente im Roheisen. CARL FRICK und KARL FRIEDRICH LAUER. Tiegel aus Schmelzmagnesia fiir VakuuminduktionsGfen. KARL HEINZ Ki?I!HEnwNn-, HELMUT TREPPSCHTTH, und WILHEI.M ANTON FISCHEH. Reinsteisen nach dem KohlenstoffErschmelzung van reduktions-Verfahren und Kerbschlagziihigkeit-TemperaturKurvnn dieses Eisens. WILHELM ANTON FISCHER, HELMUT TREPPSCHUE, und KARLHEI~Z KBTHEMANN. Perlitund Martensitbildung in Mangan-Hartstahl. KLAES JANSSEN und WERNER JELLINGHAGS. Fehleraufzeichnung beim iiberschall-Imp&-Laufzeit-T’erfahren. ERICH MARTIN und KARL WERNER. Beispiel einer prakt,ischen Anwendung des Kontenrahmens der Eiscn- und Stahlindustrie. J. BECHBERGER.
of Metals
and Metallography
Metalloverlenige),Vol. II, No. 3, 1956: The dependence of magnetic anisotropy constants of cubic crystals on temperature and field. S. B. TYABLIKOV and A. A. GUSEv. On the question of the multi-electron model of semiconduction. E. N. AGAFONOVa. On t,he cmestion of the absoration and emission of nhonons. I 1 M. S. S”;RSKII. The ferromagnetic susceptibility in the temperature region above the Curie Point. K. B. VLASOV and S. V. VONSOVSKII. An investigation of the sintering of mixtures of metallic powders. The Cu.Ni system. Equal-sized powders. YA. E. GEGIJZIN.
The recovery of the induced thermal e.m.f. of copper. N. F. KUNIN and JI. A. YAKOVLEV. The variation of thermal e.m.f. of metals of the copper subgroup deformation at different under the action of plastic t,cmpcratures. N. F. KUNIN and I. 2. MELAMED. (‘oncernine the size effect under comnlex stress conditions. I S. D. VOL:OV. The thermodynamic method of studying the ferromagnetic t,ransformation in alloys. K. P. BELOV and A. N. GORYAGA. On the thermodynamic theory of magnetoelastic and magnetostruction phenomena in ferromagnetic materials. K. P. BELOV. S-ray investigations of certain alloys of transition metals
with silicon. E. I. GLADUSHEVSKII, P. I. KRUPY.~KIVICH, and Yu. B. KUZMA. On the coefficients of transverse deformation in the plastic region. A. B. GUR’YEV. The influence of Mn concentration and the degree of cold work on the physical properties of ferrite. D. G. KURILIX and G. M. FEDASH. The influence of additions of silver or zinc to aluminum on the rate of diffusion of copper. V. I. ARCHAROV and ?r’. I. NOSKOVA. The structure of slip traces on the surf&cc of deformed aluminum alloys. N. N. BUINOV. An investigation of the structure of defoImed alloys Z41-Cu by the electron microscope. N. S. Brr~ov and 0. D. SHASHKOV. The influence of intergranular boundaries on thr coefficient of self diffusion of Gon in alloys of’ iron-nickel-carbon. B. M. Nos~ov, E. V. KTTZNETSOV, and 0. V. SH(.HERBEDINSKII. The strength of metals and non-loading strains of the second kind caused by a decrease of tempctrat,ure. G. P. z!AITS&V. Internal friction of plastically deformed copper and aluminum. V. S. POSTNIKOV and M. M. BELYAI~. On the question of the influence of the 1ubIirating medium on the process of impressing a tapered indentw into ductile metals. V. D. KUZNETSOV and 9. I. LORKITTOV. Fragmentation of the surface of polycrystalline metals during alternating bending. F. Y. RYBALKO. A study of the process of high tcmperat,ure oxidation of metallic titanium in mater vapor. (:. I’. LITCHKIN and G. G. IL’IN. The influenre of foreign atoms in ordewd alloy-s. -4. A. SYERNOV and I. A. STOYANOV. The formation of o-phase in high alloy aust,enitic steels. E. El. PIBNIK. ,4n invest,igation of stress and deformation during elongation of tubes of specimens of polycr\-stallint:ystalline metals whirh neck. L. G. APENDIK and L. I. SHICH~I~ER. a device for measuring surface tension and density of liquid metals in vacuum. N. L. POKROVSKII and 111.SAI~OV. An investigation of the internal oxidation of alloys of silver with cadmium and copper. V. V. Usov and E. M. MURAV’EVA. On the theory of the collective motion of paI%iclrs in quantum mechanical svstems. V. 31. ELEONSKII and P. S. .?TiRY1NOV. On the possibility of the use of the analog method for detormining the parameters of liquid metals. I. J?J. KIRKO and 0 .I.4 LIeLAu.sIs. The initial susceptibility of fbrromagneticb containing finely dispersed inclusions. K. B. ULASOT. and R. V. J~ISHINSXII. On’thc question of oxidation of mol\-bdenurn in the temperat,ure region above the melting point of MOO,,. V. 1. ARCH 4x0~ and YTJ. D. KOZMANOV. The influence of elastic stresses and thermomechanical processing on the magnetic properties of high coewivity alloys. YA. S. SHUR, M. G. L~JZHINSKAYA and 1,. A. SHUDINA. Residual magnetism of nickel and its stability. YA. S. SHUR and I. E. STARTSEVA. Peculiarities of the process of commercial magnetization of textured samples from fine powders. Ya. S. SHLJR, E. V. SHTOL’TS and G. 8. KANI)AI-IEOV.~.
La Metallurgia
Italiana, Vol. XLVIII
September, 1956: The zone-melting process in the study of systems with more than two components. F. h~.%zzOLENI. Constitution of slags coming from lead furnaces. F. MASSAZZA. Evolution in manufacturing iron mixers. P. DEVIDTS. Action of some organic compounds on acid dissolution of 1,. CA~ALLARO and monocrystalline zinc of high purity. G. P. BOLOGNE~I.