Some notes on the (q,t) -Stirling numbers

Some notes on the (q,t) -Stirling numbers

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Discrete Mathematics 342 (2019) 628–634

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Some notes on the (q, t)-Stirling numbers Mircea Merca Academy of Romanian Scientists, Splaiul Independentei 54, Bucharest, 050094, Romania



a b s t r a c t The orthogonality of the (q, t)-version of the Stirling numbers has recently been proved by Cai and Readdy using a bijective argument. In this paper, we introduce new recurrences for the (q, t)-Stirling numbers and provide a (q, t)-analogue for sums of powers. Specializations of these results are given in terms of Stirling numbers or q-Stirling numbers. © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Article history: Received 15 March 2018 Received in revised form 3 August 2018 Accepted 27 October 2018 Available online xxxx Keywords: (q, t)-analogues Stirling numbers Recurrence relations

1. Introduction The q-Stirling numbers of the first kind sq [n, k] and the second kind Sq [n, k] are a natural extension of the classical Stirling numbers. Recall that the q-Stirling numbers are the coefficients in the expansions (x)n,q =

n ∑

sq [n, k]xk


xn =


n ∑

Sq [n, k](x)k,q ,



where (x)n,q =

n−1 ∏

(x − [k]q )


is the q-analogue of the nth falling factorial of x (with (x)0,q = 1) and

[n]q = 1 + q + · · · + qn−1 =

1 − qn



is q-number. There is a long history of studying q-Stirling numbers [1,3–5,7,13,16,17,20]. Combinatorial interpretations of the q-Stirling numbers have recently been given by Cai and Readdy in [2] using the more compact q-(1 + q)-analogues. In addition, Cai and Readdy considered the following extension for (2)

{ [n]q,t =

(qn−2 + qn−4 + · · · + 1) · t ,

for n even,

qn−1 + (qn−3 + qn−5 + · · · + 1) · t ,

for n odd,

where t = 1 + q and generalized (1) to (q, t)-polynomials. We remark the following identity. E-mail address: [email protected]. 0012-365X/© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


M. Merca / Discrete Mathematics 342 (2019) 628–634


Lemma 1. For n ⩾ 2,

[n]q,t = q2 [n − 2]q,t + t , with [1]q,t = 1. The (q, t)-Stirling numbers of the first kind sq,t [n, k] and the second kind Sq,t [n, k] are the coefficients in the expansions (x)n,q,t =

n ∑

sq,t [n, k]xk

xn =



n ∑

Sq,t [n, k](x)k,q,t ,



where (x)n,q,t =

n−1 ∏

(x − [k]q,t )


is the (q, t)-analogue of the nth falling factorial of x, with (x)0,q,t = 1. Because

[n]q = [n]q,1+q it is clear that the q-Stirling numbers are specializations of the (q, t)-Stirling numbers. According to Cai and Readdy [2, Corollary 9.2], the (q, t)-analogues of Stirling numbers of the first and second kinds satisfy the following recurrences sq,t [n, k] = sq,t [n − 1, k − 1] − [n − 1]q,t · sq,t [n − 1, k] and Sq,t [n, k] = Sq,t [n − 1, k − 1] + [k]q,t · Sq,t [n − 1, k], with boundary conditions sq,t [n, 0] = Sq,t [n, 0] = δn,0


sq,t [0, k] = Sq,t [0, k] = δ0,k ,

where δi,j is the usual Kronecker delta function. Moreover, Cai and Readdy [2, Theorem 9.4] give a bijective argument to show that the (q, t)-Stirling numbers of the first and second kinds are orthogonal: n ∑

sq,t [n, k] · Sq,t [k, m] =


n ∑

Sq,t [n, k] · sq,t [k, m] = δm,n .


In this paper, motivated by these results, we shall provide other properties of the (q, t)-Stirling numbers that are similar to those of the classical Stirling numbers or the q-Stirling numbers. 2. (q, t)-Stirling recurrences The classical (signed) Stirling numbers of the first kind s(n, k) = s1,2 [n, k] and the Stirling number of the second kind S(n, k) = S1,2 [n, k] are specializations of the (q, t)-Stirling numbers. It is well known that the Stirling numbers satisfy the following recurrence relations [10, Eq. (2) p. 186] s(n + 1, k + 1) =

n ∑



( ) j


s(n, j)

and [10, Eq. (9) p. 187] S(n + 1, k + 1) =

n ( ) ∑ n j=k


S(j, k).

In this section, we shall prove a similar result for the (q, t)-version of the Stirling numbers.


M. Merca / Discrete Mathematics 342 (2019) 628–634

Theorem 1. The (q, t)-Stirling numbers of the first and second kinds satisfy the following recurrences: (i) sq,t [n + 2, k + 2] =

n ∑


(−1)i−k t i−k−1 q2n−2i q +


(ii) Sq,t [n + 2, k + 2] = Sq,t [n + 1, k + 2] +

n ∑

i+1 k+1

) (i) k

t n−i q2i−2k

sq,t [n, i], Sq,t [i, k].




Proof. Recall [12] that the kth elementary symmetric function ek (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) and the kth complete homogeneous symmetric function hk (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) are given, respectively, by

ek (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) =

xi1 xi2 . . . xik ,


hk (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) =

xi1 xi2 . . . xik ,

1⩽i1 ⩽i2 ⩽···⩽ik ⩽n

for k = 1, 2, . . . , n. We set e0 (x1 , . . . , xn ) = 1 and h0 (x1 , . . . , xn ) = 1 by convention. Taking into account (4) it is an easy exercise to show that the (q, t)-Stirling numbers are specializations of the elementary and complete homogeneous symmetric functions [12, Ch. I, S. 2, Example 11], i.e., sq,t [n, n − k] = (−1)k ek [1]q,t , [2]q,t , . . . , [n − 1]q,t




and Sq,t [n + k, n] = hk [1]q,t , [2]q,t , . . . , [n]q,t .




To prove this theorem, we consider the relations

) k ( ∑ n−i

ek (x1 + 1, . . . , xn + 1) =



ei (x1 , . . . , xn )


and hk (x1 + 1, . . . , xn + 1) =

) k ( ∑ n−1+k k−i


hi (x1 , . . . , xn ),


which are special cases of the following Schur function formula [12, p. 47, Example 10] sλ (x1 + 1, . . . , xn + 1) =

dλµ sµ (x1 , . . . , xn ),



)) λi + n − i µj + n − j 1⩽i,j⩽n

(( dλµ = det

is a determinant of a matrix of binomial coefficients built from the parts of the integer partitions λ and µ. By (7) and (8), with xi replaced by xi /t (t ̸ = 0), we obtained ek (x1 + t , . . . , xn + t) =

) k ( ∑ n−i i=0


ei (x1 , . . . , xn )t k−i


and hk (x1 + t , . . . , xn + t) =

) k ( ∑ n−1+k k−i


hi (x1 , . . . , xn )t k−i .

Considering Lemma 1 and the relation (9), we can write ek [1]q,t , [2]q,t , . . . , [n + 1]q,t



( ) ( ) = ek [2]q,t , [3]q,t , . . . , [n + 1]q,t + ek−1 [2]q,t , [3]q,t , . . . , [n + 1]q,t ( ) = ek t , q2 [1]q,t + t , . . . , q2 [n − 1]q,t + t ( ) + ek−1 t , q2 [1]q,t + t , . . . , q2 [n − 1]q,t + t ) k ( ∑ ( ) n−i = ei [1]q,t , . . . , [n − 1]q,t q2i t k−i k−i i=0


M. Merca / Discrete Mathematics 342 (2019) 628–634


) k−1 ( ∑ ( ) n−i ei [1]q,t , . . . , [n − 1]q,t q2i t k−1−i k−1−i





∑[ ( t




( +




ei [1]q,t , . . . , [n − 1]q,t q2i t k−1−i .




In terms of the q-Stirling numbers of the first kind, this relation can be written as sq,t [n + 2, n + 2 − k] =

k ∑


(−1)k−i t



( +






sq,t [n, n − i]q2i t k−1−i .

By this identity, with k replaced by n − k, we obtain sq,t [n + 2, k + 2]


n−k ∑



i=0 n


[( t


(−1)n−i t



[( ) i



( +

( +


(−1)i−k t

( +



i=k n ∑




sq,t [n, n − i]q2i t n−k−1−i

n−k−1−i n+k−i







sq,t [n, n + k − i]q2i−2k t n−1−i

sq,t [n, i]q2n−2i t i−k−1 .

The proof of the first identity follows easily. The proof of the second identity is quite similar to the proof of the first identity. So considering Lemma 1 and the relation (10), we can write hk [1]q,t , [2]q,t , . . . , [n + 2]q,t



( ) ( ) = hk−1 [1]q,t , [2]q,t , . . . , [n + 2]q,t + hk [2]q,t , [3]q,t , . . . , [n + 2]q,t ( 2 ) ) ( = hk−1 [1]q,t , [2]q,t , . . . , [n + 2]q,t + hk t , q [1]q,t + t , . . . , q2 [n]q,t + t ) k ( ) ( ) ∑ ( n+k hi [1]q,t , . . . , [n]q,t q2i t k−i . = hk−1 [1]q,t , [2]q,t , . . . , [n + 2]q,t + k−i i=0

This relation can be rewritten in terms of the (q, t)-Stirling numbers of the second kind as follows: Sq,t [n + 2 + k, n + 2] = Sq,t [n + 1 + k, n + 2] +

) k ( ∑ n+k i=0


Sq,t [n + i, n]q2i t k−i .

Replacing n with n − k gives Sq,t [n + 2, n + 2 − k] = Sq,t [n + 1, n + 2 − k] +

) k ( ∑ n Sq,t [n − k + i, n − k]q2i t k−i . k−i i=0

Replacing k with n − k gives n−k ( ∑

Sq,t [n + 2, k + 2] = Sq,t [n + 1, k + 2] +

i=0 n



Sq,t [k + i, k]q2i t n−k−i


∑( n ) Sq,t [i, k]q2i−2k t n−i . n−i

= Sq,t [n + 1, k + 2] +


The second identity is proved. □ New recurrence relations can be easily derived for Stirling numbers or q-Stirling numbers considering Theorem 1. Corollary 1. The q-Stirling numbers of the first and second kinds satisfy the following recurrences: (i) sq [n + 2, k + 2] =

n ∑


(−1 − q)i−k−1 q2n−2i −q −


(ii) Sq [n + 2, k + 2] = Sq [n + 1, k + 2] +

n ∑

i+1 k+1

) (i) k

(1 + q)n−i q2i−2k


sq [n, i], Sq [i, k].

(n) i


M. Merca / Discrete Mathematics 342 (2019) 628–634

Corollary 2. The Stirling numbers of the first and second kinds satisfy the following recurrences: (i) s(n + 2, k + 2) =

1 2(k+1)

n ∑

(−2)i−k (k + i + 2)


(ii) S(n + 2, k + 2) = S(n + 1, k + 2) +

n ∑



s(n, i),

(i) k

(n) i

S(i, k).

3. A (q, t)-analogue for sums of powers Faulhaber’s formula [11], expresses the sum of the kth powers of the first n positive integers as a (k + 1)th-degree polynomial function of n as follows: n ∑

k ∑


jk =






k+1 j


Bj (0)nk+1−j ,


where Bn (x) are Bernoulli polynomials, Bn (x) =

n k ∑ ∑



k (x + j)n

( )



k=0 j=0


The problem of q-analogues of the sums of powers has been approached by several authors [6,18,21]. They have found q-analogues of the Faulhaber formula (11) for k = 1, 2, . . . , 5. A general formula was provided in 2005 by Guo and Zeng [9]: S2k+1,n (q) =

k ∑

(−1)j Pk,j (q)


(1 − qn )k+1−j (1 − qn+1 )k+1−j qjn (1 − q2 )(1 − q)2k−3j


i=0 (1

− qk+1−i )

and k ∑

S2k,n (q) =


1 2


(−1) Qk,j (q )



(1 − qn+ 2 )(1 − qn )k−j (1 − qn+1 )k−j (1 − q 2 )j qjn (1 − q2 )(1 − q)2k−2j−1


i=0 (1


− qk−i+ 2 )



( )k−1 n ∑ 1 − q2j 1 − qj q(n−j)(k+1)/2 . 1 − q2 1−q

Sk,n (q) =


The polynomials Pk,j (q) and Qk,j (q) are given explicitly in [9, Theorems 1.1 and 1.2]. Very recently, Merca [15] introduced a q-analogue for sums of powers in terms of the q-Stirling numbers of both kinds, i.e.,

)k n ( ∑ 1 − qj 1−q



k ∑

j · sq [n + 1, n + 1 − j] · Sq [n + k − j, n].


In this section, motivated by these results, we shall provide a (q, t)-analogue for the sums of powers in terms of the (q, t)-Stirling numbers of both kinds. For what follows, let η be the characteristic function of the set of odd numbers, i.e.,

η(n) =


for n odd,


for n even.


Theorem 2. Let k and n be positive integers. Then n k ∑ ∑ ( )k η(j) · qj−1 + t · [⌊j/2⌋]q2 = − j · sq,t [n + 1, n + 1 − j] · Sq,t [n + k − j, n]. j=1


Proof. The proof is similar to the proof of Merca [15, Theorem 1.1]. □ 4. Two identities involving (q, t)-Stirling numbers Recall that the q-analogues of the binomial coefficients are the q-binomial coefficients

⎧ ⎨

[ ] n k


[n]q ! , for k ∈ {0, . . . , n}, = [k]q ![n − k]q ! ⎩ 0, otherwise,

M. Merca / Discrete Mathematics 342 (2019) 628–634



[n]q ! = [n]q [n − 1]q · · · [1]q is the q-factorial, with [0]q ! = 1. Guo and Yang obtained in [8] a q-analogue of some binomial coefficient identities of Sun [19] as follows: ⌊n/2⌋ [

[ ] ∑ m + k] [ m + 1 ] n−2k m+n ( ) 2 q = , k n − 2k n q2 q q

k=0 ⌊n/4⌋ [

[ ] [ ] ⌊n/2⌋ ∑ m + k] [ m + 1 ] n−4k ∑ m+k m + n − 2k q( 2 ) = (−1)k . k n − 4k k n − 2k q4 q q2 q k=0


Merca provided in [14] generalizations of these identities and obtained new convolutions for the complete and elementary symmetric functions:

(−1)i hi (x1 , . . . , xn )hj (x1 , . . . , xn )ek (x1 , . . . , xn ) = hn (x1 , . . . , xn )

i+j+k=n i+j even


(−1)i ei (x1 , . . . , xn )ej (x1 , . . . , xn )hk (x1 , . . . , xn ) = en (x1 , . . . , xn ).

i+j+k=n i+j even

In this way, considering that the (q, t)-Stirling numbers are specializations of the elementary and complete homogeneous symmetric functions, we derive the following result. Theorem 3. The (q, t)-Stirling numbers of the first and second kinds satisfy the following relations: (i)

(−1)i+k Sq,t [n + i, n]Sq,t [n + j, n]sq,t [n + 1, n + 1 − k] = Sq,t [2n, n],

i+j+k=n i+j even


(−1)j sq,t [n, n − i]sq,t [n, n − j]Sq,t [n − 1 + k, n − 1] = sq,t [n, 1].

i+j+k=n−1 i+j even

5. Concluding remarks The complete and elementary symmetric functions have been used in this paper to discover and prove new identities involving the (q, t)-Stirling numbers. Specializations of these results can be given in terms of the Stirling numbers or the q-Stirling numbers. The first identity of Theorem 1 can be rewritten in terms of the unsigned (q, t)-Stirling numbers cq,t [n, k] = (−1)n−k sq,t [n, k] as follows cq,t [n + 2, k + 2] =

n ∑ i=k

t i−k−1 q2n−2i

( q+

i+1 k+1

)( ) i


cq,t [n, i].

This expression would very likely lend itself to a bijective proof using the bistatistic on the restricted staircase-shaped boards of Cai and Readdy as it no longer has negatives appearing in it. Acknowledgments The author appreciates the anonymous referees for their comments on the original version of this paper. References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]

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