Some pharmacological actions of the venom of the stonefish, Synanceja horrida

Some pharmacological actions of the venom of the stonefish, Synanceja horrida

Srnea, E. V., Corro~, R. M. and Goon, R. A. : Studies on the biological relationship of endotoxin and other toxic proteins-II. Enhancement of suscepti...

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Srnea, E. V., Corro~, R. M. and Goon, R. A. : Studies on the biological relationship of endotoxin and other toxic proteins-II. Enhancement of susceptibility to snake venom by endotoxin. J. exp. Med.,115, 579, 1962 of sub"kthal doses, S00 l~/kg, of Agkistrodon placirnrorrs venom into rabbits pre-treated with 100 pgpcg of endotoadn caused papillary oonatriction, drooping of the ears, hypmactivIty, lotion, rigidity, and a rapid death. While the signs were simtlar to those observed in a oontml group of aatreated rabbits receiving lethal doses of the venom, the time of death was much shorts. When the mdotoxin was gives intraveaous~y the period of ~ty to the venom developed within 45 min, sad persisted for thzre days. Iiypersusoeptibility to the venom wen of shatter duration following iatiadermal or iatraperitoaeal pro-treatmeat with eadotoxin. Pro-treatmeat of the rabbits with sub-bthal doses of venom increased flair sasoephbility to eadotoxm given intravenously. The mdotasin-indnoed i~ppeiwsoeptibility state (EIIiS) was studied with other Crotalidae, and with certain Yiperldae and Fllpfdae veaoma. Hyperwsceptibility was sees with the vraoms of A. pisdronnra, Crotalru adammuaua and Yipero rrcstelli. It was not produced whh the veaoau of Crotabv dialasrar terr~rae, Nada ~leva or B+aigarva aoadidWS. A different form of increased susoeptiblüty, with late death, was seen with the venom of NotecbLr arxtaaus. F.E.R . IPDEC7ION

Ausmv, L, C~auvcaass, K D. and McC~u v~, L A. N. : Some pharmacological actions of the venom of the stoaefish, S`ynmicaja banda. Arch. lut. Plaa7rwcodye., 131, 339, 1961 Varx~ obtained from the venom sacs on the dotwlspines of fi+eeh S:h was lyophilized prior to investigat~n of its pherrnacok~gical actions. Inttsvenous of venom into aaestheti~d rabbits peodaoed a small transia~t rise in blood pras ne follaaed by a pronounced fall, sad death with larger doses . Respitxtary arrest aaunrd prior to block of oonductian in the pbtmic nmve, but artißcial respiration did not prevent dmth. Venom produced a basesvasooonstrictioa in the pe~eed hind limb of the rat nukes the pafluiag Said contained aosepmephriae, in which sae vasodlhtatian oocmred. Direct toxic effete (ba~dycardia, negstive inotmpic action, deceased coronary Sow and AV block) wa+e produced in isolated pahued hearts. The 1~ypot~eioa is believed to be due to combined effects of venom upon the heart and peripheral vasailature. Venom applied di~eetly to the isolated toad sartarlus muscb reduced the str~gth of evoloed muscle twitches and action potentials . Ia addition, a slow apontaneons oontractioa of the isolated toad sartorius muscle oavrred. P.R.S .