Some ‘phialidic’ hyphomycetes from Ethiopia

Some ‘phialidic’ hyphomycetes from Ethiopia

[ 723 ] Trans. Br . mycol. Soc. 84 (4), 723-730 (1985) Primed in Great Brita in SOME 'PHIALIDIC' HYPHOMYCETES FROM ETHIOPIA By D. J. BRAT Department...

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[ 723 ] Trans. Br . mycol. Soc. 84 (4), 723-730 (1985)

Primed in Great Brita in

SOME 'PHIALIDIC' HYPHOMYCETES FROM ETHIOPIA By D. J. BRAT Department of Biology, Asmara University, P.O. Bo x

1220 ,

Asmara, Ethiopia

AND B. C. SUTTON Commonwealth Mycological Institute, Ferry Lane, Ke w, Surrey, TW9 lAF, U.K.

Some' phialidic ' hyphomycetes including Paradischloridium ychaffrei gen . et sp.nov., Diety ochaeta tilikfrei sp. nov ., Kylindria excentrica sp.nov. and Sporoschisma nigroseptatum are described and illustrated from Ethiopia and compared with known taxa. Hyalocylindrophora is reduced to synonymy with Dischloridium, and Dischloridium venez uelense (Crane & Dumont) comb.nov. is proposed. The mycofiora of Ethiopia is relatively poorly documented, the standard reference works being Castellani (1946) and Castellani & Ciferri (1937). The fungi occurring on fallen, decaying, dead stems and leaves are now being more extensively surveyed. Collections are mainly from a young forest at Ghinda, near Asmara, and from the montane rain forests of Gojjam, Kaffa , Wallega and Illubabor provinces in the south-west of the country. The holotypes and other reference materials are deposited at the herbarium of the Commonwealth Mycological Institute, Kew, England (I M I) and additional material is lodged in the herbarium of the Natural Sciences Museum of Asmara University (N MAU) . This communication deals with some unusual ' phialid ic' hyphomycetes from this survey. Some of the terminology used in this context differs considerably from that in established works. For instance, the terms phialide and phialidic, if used at all, are qualified by reference to Ellis (1971). Otherwise the growth of the conidiogenous cell after conidiogenesis and the development of conidia are described according to the principles discussed by Minter, Kirk & Sutton (1982, 1983) and Minter, Sutton & Brady (1983).

Paradischloridium gen.nov. (etyrn. Para (G r.), by the side of, near - et Dischloridium) Coloniaeeffusae, atro brunneae, velutinae. Conidiophora mononematosa, ereeta, atro brunnea. Cellulae eonidiogenae terminales, in eonidiophoris incorporatae, sine collo, successione conidiorum planum eundem producentes proliferationeenteroblastica.Conidia holoblastica, solitaria, mucosa, cylindrica, ambo extrema obtusa, distoseptata, brunnea, laevia. Sp, type: P . ychaffrei sp.nov.

Colonies effuse , dark brown, velvety. Conidiophores mononematous, erect, dark brown. Conidiogenous cells terminal, integrated, lacking a collarette, proliferating enteroblastically to produce a succession of conidia at the same level. Conidia holoblastic, solitary, slimy, cylindrical, obtuse at both ends, distoseptate, smooth. Ver y few hyphomycete genera have been described with terminal integrated cylindrical phialides (sensu Ellis , 1971) in which the apex of th e conidiogenous cell is of similar diameter to the base or only just a little narrower. These include Bahusutrabeeja Subramanian & Bhat (1977) and Dischloridium Sutton (1977) . Whereas in the se two genera the minute remains of a collarette resulting from conidial production are sometimes visible, in Paradischloridium there is no collarette at all. In these three genera the cytoplasmic channel is comparatively wide in relation to the total diameter of the conidiogenous cell. It is only in Dischloridium where any periclinal thickening is noticeable, but even here it is not very distinct. There are marked differences in conidial morphology between the three gen era . In Bahusutrabeeja the aseptate conidia are hyaline, globose and with many slende r appendages distributed over the surface. In Dischloridium the conidia are again aseptate and hyaline but thick-walled, ellip soid and without appendages. In Paradischloridium the brown conidia are also ellipsoid and lack appendages but the y are consistently 3-distoseptate.

Paradischloridium ychaffrci sp. nov . (etyrn. ychaffrei (Amharic) - seed s at the end) Coloniae effusac, atro brunneae, pilosae, velutinae. Conidiophora mononematosa, erecta, recta vel fiexuosa,

Hyphomycetes from Ethiopia long , 6'S-8 I'm wide . Conidiogenous cells terminal, integrated, 37'S-42 I'm long, S'S-6'Sltm wide, up to S 11m wide at the conidiogenous loci, lacking a collarette, proliferating enteroblastically and producing successive conidia at the same level. Conidia holoblastic, solitary, accumulating in slimy brown masses at the apices or sometimes sliding down along the sides of conidiogenous cells after secession, cylindrical to cylindric-clavate, obtuse at both ends, medium brown, 3-distoseptate, thickwalled, smooth, 19-22'S I'm long, 7'S-9llm wide. NOTES ON HYALOCYLINDROPHORA AND DISCHLORIDIUM



Paradischloridium y chaffrei.

4-12 septata, septis 10-15 I'm distantibus, non ramosa, laevia, atrobrunnea, regeneratione percurrenti, apicem versus pallidiora, 110-400/,m longa , 6'5-8 '0 I'm lata, Cellulae conidiogenae terrninales, in conidiophoris incorporatae, 37'5-42'0 I'm longae, 5'5-6'5/lm crassae, locos conidiogenos usque ad 5'0 I'm crassae, sine collo, successione conidiorum planum eundem producentes proliferatione enteroblastica. Conidia holoblastica, solitaria, post sccessi o in massis mucosis, brunneis in apicem accumulent ia vel secus latos conidiophorum clabcntia, cylindrica vel cylindrico-clavata, ambo extrema obtusa, medio brunnea, 3 distoseptata, par ietibus crassis, laevia, 19-22'5 p.m longa, 7'5-9/tm lata , In ramunculos emortuos ignotos, 11 krn BongaFelegesalam Rd, Kaffa, Ethiopia, 25 Jan . 1984, leg. D . J . Bhat NMAU 130, 1M1 289502 , holotypus.

Colonies effuse, dark brown, ha iry, velvety. Conidiophores mononematous, erect, straight or flexuous, 4-12-septate, septa 10-1S pm apart, unbranched, smooth, dark brown, percurrently regenerating, paler towards the apex, 110-400 I'm

The generic name Dischloridium was introduced by Sutton (1977) to accommodate Chloridium laeense Matsushima, originally described from leaves in Papua New Guinea. It was characterized by fasciculate macronematous, pale brown conidiophores, terminal, cylindrical conidiogenous cells which proliferate enteroblastically to produce a succession of conidia at the same level or which are occasionally percurrent, each with a wide channel, distinct though small collarette and slightly thickened periclinal wall, and hyaline, thick-walled, smooth, ellipsoid, aseptate conidia which were truncate at the base . The genus was distinguished from Chloridium Link: Fr. (Gam s & HolubovaJechova, 1976) and Craspedodidymum Holubovajechova (1972) on the basis of differences in conidiogenesis and conidiophore and con idial morphology. Later, Crane & Dumont (1978), who were unaware of the prior publication of Di schloridium, proposed the name Hyalocylindrophora for a single species collected on unidentified wood from Venezuela. Conidiophores were fasciculate and hyaline, and con idiogenous cells phialidic (sensu Ellis, 1971 ), thick-walled and frequently verrucose, with one or two percurrent proliferations. Conidia were described as oval, hyaline, one-celled and thick-walled. Dischloridium laeense was illustrated by Matsushima (1971) and Sutton (1977), and Hyalocylindrophora v enezu elensis by Crane & Dumont (1978). A comparison of the original accounts, the illustrations and ph otographs, and an examination of the holotype spe cimens shows that both fungi are congeneric. They differ in minor characteristics which are interpreted as justifying their separation as distinct species, The most striking difference between the two is in conidial size (15- 20 x 8-10 11m for D. laeense, 31-46 x 16,-19.S/lm for H. venezuelensis), which can be correlated with a readily observed difference in conidial morphology (F ig. 2). In D . laeense they are ellipsoid and obtuse

D. J. Bhat and B. C. Sutton IMI 289503 ; dead twigs of Vi ctoria regia, Botan ic Gdn, Peradeniya, Sr i Lanka, 24 Jan. 1973, B. C. Sutton , IMI 173432a.

Dischloridium venezuelense (Crane Dumont) comb.nov . Hyalo cylindrophora venez uelensis Crane Dumont, Can . J. Bot . 56: 2616 (1978).

20 /tffi

& &

Sp ecimen examined : on unidentified wood, 30 km N . San Cristobal, on San Cri stobal-La Grita Rd , Ed s. Tachira, Venezuela, K . P. Dumont, G . J. Samuels & L . Borgas VE-3249 , IMI 243344 , holotype,


Dietyo chaeta tilikfrei sp.nov. (etym . tilikfrei (Amharic) - big seed )

F ig. 2. Conidia. (A) Dischloridium laeense ; (B ) D . uenez uelense,

at the apices, whereas in H. venez uelensis they are fusiform with conical apices. The distinct large guttules typical of D. laeense conidia are absent in H . venez uelensis. The conidiophores of H. venezuelensis are shorter than in D. laeense yet bear conidiogenous cells that are usually longer, and in addition remain hyaline or very pale brown. As a result of this comparative study the follow ing nomenclature is proposed: DISCHLORIDIUM Sutton, Kavaka 4 : 47 (1977)· Hyalocylindrophora Crane & Dumont, Can. Bot . 56: 2616 (1978).


DISCHLORIDIUM LAEENSE (M atsushima) Sutton, Kavaka 4: 47 (1971)· Chloridium laeense Matsushima, Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus . Tokyo 14: 462 (1971). Spe cimens examined: on dead leaves, Lac, Papua New Guinea, 23 Jan . 1970, T. Matsushima MFC 2685, IMI 175670, isotype ; dead leaves of A cer, M t. Coot-tha, Queensland, Australia, 1 Sept. 1981, B. C. Sutton & J . L. Alcorn, IMI 263544; dead leaves of Amomum , M izan Teferi, Kaffa, Ethiopia, D . J . Bhat NMAU 128, IMI 289648; Pinus caribaea, Sabah, Mala ysia, 31 Jul y 1979, Wormald, IMI 240406; twigs of Tin ospora quadrifolia, Gorakhpur, India, 16 Sept. 1981, P . C. Misra, IMI 260833; Mala ysian fruit tre es, Kuala Lumpur, Mala ysia, 13 Ma y 1982, A. J . Kuthubutheen, IMI 267737 ; dead twigs, Mt. Kondali11a, Queensland, Australia, 30 Aug . 1981, B. C. Sutton & A. L. Alcorn, IMI 263460 ; dead twig s, 37 km Gore-Mocha Rd , I1lubabor, Ethiopia, 2 Feb. 1984, D. J. Bhat NMAU 31,

Coloniae effusae, atrobrunneae, pilosae . Conidiophora mononernatosa, erecta, recta vel flexuosa, non ramosa, interdum regeneratione percurrenti, 4-10 fasciculata, atrobrunnea, apicem versus pallidiora et fertilia, 95-490/lm tonga, 5'<>-9'o/lm crassa; basim usque ad zo jzm crassa. Cellulae conidiogenae in conidiophoris incorporatae, terminales, 1-3 locis conidiogenis sympodialiter producentibus apicem restrictis; collis usque 6/lm diam infundibuliformis effusis, successione conidiorum planumeundemproducentesproliferationeenteroblastica. Conidia 20-25 Itm longa , 10-12 ' 5 Itm cras sa, holobla stica, in massis muc osis translucentibus, late fusiforrnia, falcata , ambo extrema obtusa, semper cum guttula singula in latum concavum dispo sita , aseptata, hyalina , laevia, ambo extrema setula non ramosa, cur vata , 5-6 Itm longa instructa , In ramunculos emortuos ignotos, 23 km BongaFelegesalam Rd , Kaffa, Ethiopia, 25 Jan . 1984, leg. D. J. Bhat NMAU 131, IMI 289652, holot ypu s.

Colonies effuse, dark brown, hairy. Conidiophores mononematous, erect, straight or flexuous , unbranched, sometimes percurrentiy regenerating, fasciculate in groups of 4-10, dark brown, paler towards the apex, 4-12-septate, apically fertile, 95-490 pm long, 5'0--9'0 pm wide; basal cell up to 20 pm wide . Conidiogenous cells integrated, terminal, with 1-3 sympodially produced conidiogenous loci restricted to the apex, each with a funnel-shaped, flared collarette up to 61tm diam, proliferating enteroblastically to produce successive conidia at the same level. Conidia 20'0-25'0 Ilm long , 10-12 '5 pm wide, holoblastic, produced in slimy translucent masses, broadly fusiform, falcate, obtuse at both ends, often with a single guttule on the concave side, aseptate, hyaline, smooth, with an unbranched, curved setula 5'0-6'0 I'ID long at each end . The setulate, hyaline conidia formed from conidiogenous cells with conspicuously flared collarettes (polyphialidessensu Hughes & Kendrick, 1968) place this species in what has been known as Codinaea Maire . Hughes & Kendrick (1968) took


Hyphomycetes from Ethiopia

10 ).lm

20 um

Fig. 3. Dictyo chaeta tili kfr ei.

up this generic name and excluded the earlier Dictyochaeta Speg. because of the scanty nature of the holotype, D. fuegiana. Gamundi, Arambarri & Giaiotti (1977) redescribed D. fuegiana from fresh material and re-established the genus, citing Codinaea and Menisporella Agnihothrudu as synon yms. About 30 species have been described in Codinaea, and only Kirk (1982) and Romero (1983), of more recent authors have taken up Dictyochaeta in preference to Codinaea. Irrespective of whether the fungus described by Gamundi et al. (1977) as Di fuegiana is the same as the holotype from Chile,

it is clear that Spegazzini's genus can accommodate the species subsequently described in Codinaea . A revision ofthese taxa is required before making new combinations in Dictyochaeta. For D. tilikfrei, however, comparison with described species of Dictyochaeta and Codinaea shows that none apart from C. obesispora Hughes & Kendrick approaches it in conidial size. The conidiophores in C. obesispora are synnematous, and conidia are 17-21 x 5'4-6'2/lm with setulae up to 6 '4 flm long . In D. tilikfrei conidia are 20-25 x 10-12 '5 fl m with setulae 5-6 flm long.

D. J. Bhat and B. C. Sutton


Fig. 4: Kylindria excenrrica.


Hyphomycetes from Ethiopia Kylindria excentrica sp.nov. Coloniae effusae, atrobrunneae, pilosae, velutinae. Conidiophora mononematosa, erecta, simplicia, recta vel f1exuosa, semper 2-5 fasciculata, parietibus crassis, atro brunneis, apicem versus pallidiora, 6-10 septata, regeneratione percurrenti, 250-410 uti: longa , 6,5-10 lim crassa, basim versus usque ad 15 pm crassa , Cellulae conidiogenae 50-62 '51lm longae, basim usque and 7'51lm crassae, terrninales, in conidiophoris incorporatae, elongato lageniformes, supra medium usque ad 12'5 pm crassae, apicem versus deminutae 2'5-3/im crassae, canale angusto cytoplasmico et in supra quarta spissescent ibus periclinalibus distinctis, sine collo, successione conidiorum planum eundem producentes proliferatione enteroblastica. Conidia holoblastica, solitaria, in massis mucosis translucentibus formata, cylindrica, apicem obtusa, basim versus leniter deminuta, hyalina, 3-euseptata, laevia, eguttulata, 27'5-35 pm longa, 7'5-8'5 pm crassa, ad basim 2'5 crassa, cicatrice basale incrassata lata, excentrica, laterale. In ramunculos emortuos ignotos, 23 km BongaFelegesalam Rd, Kaffa, Ethiopia, 25 Jan, 1984, leg, 0 , J , Bhat NMAU 135, IMI 2895°7, holotypus .

Colonies effuse, dark brown, hairy, velvety, Conidiophores mononematous, erect, simple, straight or flexuous, often in fascicles of 2-5 , thick-walled, dark brown, paler towards the apex, 6-10 septate, percurrently regenerating, 250-410 pm long, 6,5-10 pm wide in the middle, up to 15 /lm wide at the base , Conidiogenous cells 50-62' 5 pm long, up to 7'5 pm wide at the base, terminal, integrated, long lageniform, broadest above the middle up to 12'5 pm wide, narrower at the apex 2'5-3 11m wide, with a narrow cytoplasmic channel and marked periclinal thickening in the upper quarter, lacking a collarerte, proliferating enteroblastically to produce successive conidia at the same level. Conidia holoblastic, solitary, accumulating in translucent slimy masses at the apices of conidiogenous cells, cylindrical, obtuse at the apex, slightly tapered towards the truncate base, hyaline, 3-euseptate, smooth, eguttulate, 27'5-35/lm long, 7'5-8'5/lm wide, up to 2' 5 /lm wide at the base, with an excentric lateral flat unthickened basal scar. In a revision of the species of Cylindrotrichum Bonorden and Chaetopsis Greville, DiCosmo, Berch & Kendrick (1983) established the genus Kylindria DiCosmo, Berch & Kendrick for those species of Cylindrotrichum producing one to several septate, hyaline conidia from monophialidic conidiogenous cells with narrow apertures and borne on dark, setiform conidiophores. Five species were assigned to the genus, including the type species Kylindria triseptata (M atsush ima) DiCosmo et al. (syn . Cylindrotrichum triseptatum Matsushima) which is similar to K. excentrica in its conidiophore and conidium morphology but differs markedly in size. Conidia of K. excentrica are 27 '5-35 x 7'5-8 '5 /lm,

" Fig. 5. Sporoschisma nigroseptatum, whereas in K. triseptata they are 18-24 x 6-T5/1m. Matsushima (1975) illustrated a few conidia of Cylindrotrichum triseptatum with the excentric basal scars so typical of Kylindria excentrica . NIGROSEPTATUM Rao & Rao , Mycopath . Mycol. appl. 24: 82 (1964). Colonies effuse, blackish, hairy, velvety. Conidiaphores mononematous, 2--6 fasciculate, erect, straight or flexuous, arising from a dark brown stroma up to 100 pm wide, unbranched, smooth, dark brown, 1-3 septate, up to 340/lm long, 32-38 pm wide at the base, up to 18 pm wide in the middle, always intermixed with 4--6 sterile, capitate SPOROSCHISMA

D. J. Bhat and B. C. Sutton



Fig . 6. Paradischloridium y chaffrei, x 400. Figs 7, 8. Kylindria excentrica, x 650, x 800.

hyphae ansmg from the same stroma, erect, flexuous, medium brown, smooth , 6-10 septate, up to 13'5 I'm wide at the base, 7'5 pm wide in the middle, up to 220 pm long, percurrently regenerating through a flared apex up to 12'5 pm wide. Conidiogenous cells terminal, integrated, consisting of a slightly swollen base and a tubular collarette, up to 140 pm long, 16-18/lm wide , which is truncate at the apex, with a wide aperture, proliferating enteroblastically and producing conidia endogenously in basipetal chains, 170-230 (- 205) pm long, 18-22'5 I'm wide at the base. Conidia solitary, often in short, linear, slimy chains of 4-6, cylindrical to long doliiform, slightly narrower and truncate at both ends, y-euseptate, septa up to l ' 5 pm wide, thick-walled, dark brown, end cells pale brown, 40-47 pm long, 12-14 psi: wide in the middle, up to 12 pm wide at the ends, end cells half the length of central cells .

Sp ecimens examined : on dead wood of S chefflera aby ssinica, 23 km Bonga-Felegesalern Rd , Kaffa, Ethiopia , Mekonnen Teckeste NMAU 127, 25 Jan. 1984, IMI 2896¥; on dead twigs, Zegai Island, Lake Tana, Goj jarn, Ethiopia, 29 Sept. 1982, D. J. Bhat NMAU 82, IMI 289600; on dead wood, 21 Km Bonga-Felegesalarn Rd, Kaffa, Ethiopia, 25 Jan. 1984,D. J. BhatNMAU 134, IMI 289557; on dead wood , Belete State Forest, Kaffa , Ethiopia, 24 Jan. 1984, D . J . Bhat NMAU 111, IMI 2895 35 a.

This species is so far known onl y from India and New Zealand (H ughes, 1966) and Japan (M atsushima, 1975 ). A sizeable number of collections from Ethiopia and India ind icate its widespread occurrence in the tropics . Hughes (1966) emphasized the variations in conidial size among his collections. This is also true with Ethiopian collections. In some of the collections the upper limit of conidial length extends to 65 pm.


Hyphomycetes from Ethiopia

One of us (D.].B.) is grateful to The Royal Society of London for the award of a Developing Country Fellowship, Dr D. L. Hawksworth, Director, Commonwealth Mycological Institute, Kew, for bench facilities, and Dr Tewolde Berhan Gebregziabier, President, Asmara University, for constant encouragement and generous grants for various collecting trips in Ethiopia and travel to the U.K. We thank the Curator of herb. NY for allowing us to examine material of H. venezuelensis. Mrs Sue Edwards, Department of Biology, Asmara University, is thanked for Amharic terminology, and Mrs Christine Thatcher and Mr David Hobbs for technical and photographic assistance. REFERENCES

CASTELLANI, E. (1946). Micromycete Ethiopici ed Eritrei. Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano, n.s. 53, 211-229. CASTELLANI, E. & CIFERRI, R. (1937). Prodomus mycofiorae Africae Orientalis Italicae. Firenze, Istituto Agricolo Coloniale Italiano. CRANE, J. L. & DUMONT, K. P. (1978). Two new hyphomycetes from Venezuela. Canadian Journal of Botany 56, 2613-2616. DICOSMO, F., BERCH, S. & KENDRICK, W. B. (1983). Cylindrotrichum, Chaetopsis, and two new genera of hyphomycetes, Kylindria andXenokylindria. Mycologia 75, 949--973·

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(Received for publication 27 September 1984)