Some practical observations in Alaska

Some practical observations in Alaska

~[EM BERSHIP NOTES. 10 5 SOME PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS IN ALASKA. A lecture hearing the above title was delivered in the Ilall of the Institute on Fri...

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SOME PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS IN ALASKA. A lecture hearing the above title was delivered in the Ilall of the Institute on Friday evening, December I6, I9IO, by Mr. Edward R. Taylor, of Penn Yah, N. Y. The speaker gave an account of a journey which he made to Alaska (luring the summer of I9IO. He described the conditions existing in that country at the present time and referred especially to the agricultural possibilities, the coal and other mines and their development, and the railroads recently constructed. Views of the Taku glacier, the White-horse Pass, Lake Bennett and other impressive scenery were shown. A detailed description was given of placer miiling by the individual as well as on a large scale with streams of water under high head. The lantern slides were made from negatives tal~en by the speaker during his visit. ....

MEMBERSHIP NOTES. Elections to Membership.

MR. EDW. O. WARNER, Railroad Supplies, Franklin Bank Building, Philadelphia. MR. N SPF.~.'CERGREENFIELG 1962 N. Stanley Street, Philadelphia. NON-RESIDENT. ME. FRITZ V. BRIESEN, Lawyer, 25 Broad St., New York City. MR. WM. T. CUTTER, State Chemist, B 4418, New London, Conn. MK ELIJAH B. BENHAM, Mechanical Engineer, 6 Central Ave., New London, Conn. ASSOCIATE. MK JOSEPIt E. GIBBONS, Student, I528 Glenwood Ave., Philadelphia.

Changes ol Address. Ms. M A ~ K B. REEVES, Wildwood', N~ J. MR. J. B. RUMBOUCH, NO. 4 The Iowa, Thirteenth and O Sts.,Washington, D.C. MR. R. A. WXDmCO~BE, 5552 Lakewood Avc., Chicago, Ill. MR. E. F. MASON, Union Station, Pittsburg, Pa. MR. JOHN P. EATON, 6II4 Spruce St., Philadelphia. MR. J. SNOWDEN BELL, Singer Building, New York. MK J. ALLm'r HEANY, Heany Electric Co., Flint, Mich. M. BE TEIVE E. ARCOLLO, C. E., Hotel Royal, Vienna, Austria. NECROLOGY. RESIDENT.

Samuel B. Cawley, I443 North Thirteenth St., Philadelphia. Henry Reeves (Stacy Reeves & Sons, ISog-IZ Filbert St.), Phila. Craig D. Ritchie, 414 N. Thirty-fourth St., formerly president of the Real