PROCEEDINGS OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR A meeting of the Association was held on 15th and 16th December in the Psychology Department, Birkbeck College, London, by kind permission of Professor C . A . Mace . The President, Dr. K . Mellanby, C .B .E ., was in the chair . Thursday, 15th December THE EFFECTS OF CHEMICALS AND DRUGS ON BEHAVIOUR USING DRUGS TO STUDY ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR . A REVIEW . By HANNAH STEINBERG (London)
Research on the relations between drugs and animal behaviour has much increased during the last ten years : for example, a recent bibliography (Caldwell, 1958) lists 2 animal studies with chlorpromazine in 1953 and 44 in 1956 . Many new drugs which act on the nervous system have been introduced, and this has also stimulated interest in older drugs like barbiturates ; and many kinds of animal and of behaviour have been studied . Most investigations can be roughly classified according to their predominant aim, and in practice each is apt be to pursued by workers with different backgrounds : either (i) behaviour is used to analyse the action of drugs, or (ii) drugs are used as tools to analyse behaviour . The two aims are of course complementary, since a better understanding of the mode of action of these drugs partly depends on a better understanding of behaviour, and vice versa . (i) Drugs do not usually act exclusively on any one kind of behaviour . But if several doses of the same drug are used, it can sometimes be shown that one kind of behaviour is modified by a lower dose than some other kinds ; `profiles' can be plotted for each drug showing the doses at which different kinds of behaviour become sensitive to its effects, and in this way striking quantitative differences between the patterns of action of different drugs can be demonstrated,
e .g . Janssen (in the Press) . Systematic information of this sort is most easily obtained when relatively quick and simple tests of behaviour are used, as in `screening' new compounds, but the more information becomes available the more it will help those who want to use drugs as tools for analysing more complex kinds of behaviour step by step . (ii) Anaesthetics and curare have long been found valuable for elucidating the physiological bases of learning and memory, drugs like amphetamine and `tranquillizers' are being much used to study motivation and emotional behaviour in rats, cats and monkeys (see e .g . Miller & Barry, 1960), and there are many other examples . Doses may again be crucial . Thus barbiturates-like alcohol-normally depress most forms of activity, but sometimes they stimulate it when given in small doses ; whether they do this in a particular case will depend on the kind of activity, on the environment and on the past experience of the animal . It is possible that there are optimal doses for demonstrating effects of environment and experience . REFERENCES Caldwell, A . E . (1958) . Psychopharnmca. Washington : U .S . Dept . Health, Education & Welfare . Janssen, P . Pharmacology of 8 .1625, including a review of methods of testing for the action of drugs on the nervous sytem . In Syngnosiaai on R . 1625, Haloperidel. (in the Press) . Miller, N . E . & Barry, H. (1960) . Motivational effects of drugs . Psycho-pharmacolugiu, 1, 169-199 .
*The preparation of this review and of the list of publications was supported by research grant MY-3313 from the National Institute of Mental Health, Public Health Service, U .S .A .
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