logiques sont des estimations et qu'il ne faut pas attribuer h ces chiffres une pr6cision que ne peuvent atteindre les proc6d6s uti...
logiques sont des estimations et qu'il ne faut pas attribuer h ces chiffres une pr6cision que ne peuvent atteindre les proc6d6s utilis6s pour les calculer. Dans le dernier chapitre, l'auteur s'int6resse h l'6volution du climat, aux transformations subies par la couverture v6g6tale et aux mouvements de l'occupation du sol. Examinant les diagrammes polliniques avec l'optique d'un historien, l'auteur excelle h y d6celer les faits qui t~moignent d'interactions entre l'homme et son milieu. Ce livre, complet et concis, retiendra l'attention de tous ceux, arch6ologues, g6ologues, g6ographes e t c . . , qui ressentent le besoin d'une initiation palynologique de qualit& Son int6r6t d6borde donc largement le cadre de la s6rie qui l'accueille. A. V. MUNAUT(Louvain)
Sonographs o f the Sea Floor. R. H. Belderson, N. H. Kenyon, A. H. Stride and A. R. Stubbs. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1972, 185 pp., Dfl. 80.00. This book is a picture atlas of sonographs made with side-scan sonar equipment. The sonographs for the shallow water areas were made with the sonar equipment mounted on the hull of the ship while many of those for the deep water areas were made with a towed sonar. There are 162 sonographs reproduced, 108 of which are geological sonographs from the conti~aental shelf, the upper continental slope and the deep sea floor. The remaining other sonographs are of marine life, sea effects and man made objects. Most of the sonographs reproduced were drawn from the extensive collection at the British National Institute of Oceanography. Each sonograph is accompanied by a diagram on the facing page showing the interpretation in geological and other terms. There is a short text at the beginning of the book with a description of the principle of the side-scan sonar method and the apparatus that is used in making the sonographs. This book should be especially valuable to marine geologists but should also be of interest to other geologists since it shows that the kinds of geological structures which are observed on the sea floor are similar to corresponding structures which are observed on land. The illustrations of bed forms due to sediment transport should be of interest to hydraulic engineers. The quality of the sonographs chosen for reproduction is very good and the reproduction is excellent. This book is a valuable addition to the oceanographic literature. VERNON M. ALBERS(State College, Pa.)