Southern division faculties

Southern division faculties

7. oxford: Daniel Lane 365, Banbury Road, OXFORD OX2 7PL Tel: (01865) 559329 8/10. East Anglla & NE Thames: Alfson Edwards, Cambrldge Tel: (01223) 31...

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7. oxford: Daniel Lane 365, Banbury Road, OXFORD OX2 7PL Tel: (01865) 559329

8/10. East Anglla & NE Thames: Alfson Edwards, Cambrldge Tel: (01223) 312020 Fax: (01223) 515250 Ian Hutchlnson, Chelmsford Tel: (01245) 353078 Fax: (01245) 493949

Saturday, 9th. Chlrqpractk:



twy.l)Cw7entWetafweofpmctkaihnpt Chapman-Smith,

editor of The Chlropntctic the AWS. (P Dlxon, F 3) Pmctke Afsn(K Proudman, M: the Health Care M&@&fce, (D Chapmar George Pkkedng Post-Graduate Centre, Tl Hospital, Headington, Oxford. 9am - 5.36~ advanco)/E60 (on door) including light rei of chkopmctk

Wednewa+ IFJ ?I Visceral approach to organ therapy. Clinical Schooi Addenbrooke’s 6.30-9pm. 516 (advance)


Somatic Problems: an SOT (K Garnham). il ti.1 Hospital, Cambridge. E20 (on door) Including coffe-.

9. NW Thames: Jeremy English 20, Grosvenor Avenue, HAYES UB4 8NL Tel: (0181) 8457881 11. SE Thames: Paul Dupker 53, Bamhorn Road Little Common, BEXHILL ON SEA TN39 4QB Tel: (01424) 842098 12. SW Thames: Anthony Parker 33, Woodbrldge Road, GUILDFORD, GUI 1ED. Tel: (01483) 35348

13. Wessex: Susan Hill 7, lcen Way, DORCHESTER, DTl IEW Tel: (01305) 263048 Fax: (01305) 251375

Obstruction Syndrome: a medical Wed~re%‘d~ : 1 Painful herbalist view. ‘D Liebrandt, Herbalist) :, ;II “.I .; Medico-legal report writing: overview of personal injury and medical lifigation. (C Hodgkinson, Solicitor) i 2). Post-Graduate Department, Salisbury District Hospital. 7-9pm. Cost: El5. (Including coffee and light refreshments 1

Wednesday 20th: Pa?diatrics: eS##?tia~ nation & treatment. (T Tellefsen). (D). Post-Graduate Department, Sallsbury C (6.30) 7-9pm. Cost: E15. (Including co refreshments).

14. SW England Tlm Jay 6, Woodstock Road, TAUNTON, TAl 1EJ Tel: (01823) 333973 Fax: (01823) 335169

Satu ti;:% i:,~i Sports Injuries 4: emergencv aid. (somerscat Ambulance Service). n Post-Graduate Department, Somerset & Taunton Hospitai. Weds,ttsciai ie. .’ Sports lnjrrries 5: peripheral manipula tion. (J Sherveli). L Post-Graduate Department. Somerset & Taunton tiospita’ 6.30.9pm..


15. South Wales Susan King 44, Heol y Ffynnan Efall lsaf Mld Glamorgan WALES CF38 lAU Tel: (01639) 642223


nary approach Post-Graduate

Day. Sports lnjdf to sports i~#~rles. (T Grc Centre, Somerset & Tau


JUNE WedneSdaY, 22nd: A multi-disciplinary approach to the management of asthma. 1) Chiropractic management of asthma. (G Rix, Lecturer, AECC); 2) AUopathk management of asthma. (J Hopkin, Consultant Physician). (D, H). The George Pickering Post-Graduate Centre, The John Radcliffe Hospital, Headington, Oxford. 7 - 9.30pm. L17 (in advance)/E20 (on door) including light refreshments.

it0 the 21st cenI to clinicians. (D ,t); 2) The Mure &of the BCA); :hiroptactic in )).(H,P,D). The :’ Radcliffe :!(in

@ts 81 lunch. .-

.$4 /. Proprioceptive King) Clinical School, Addenbroohe’s 6.30-9pm. f16 (advance). f20 Also: Annual General Meeting

Neurcrlogv Wosprtal. t on oorpr)



Crmbrrdge. ir eluding









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Saturday, 25th: Homeopathy: an aid to chiropractk (V Lawrence, homeopath); British diet, British disease, bone and muscle health - Basic hearthy eating. (S White, nutritionist); The yoga approach to back proMems (S Hersee). (H). St. Martin’s Church Hall, Birkdale, Little Common, Bexhiilon-Sea. (9.30) 10-5.30. Cost: E35 (including lunch). Saturday,

Werrrcsd.-?> 3rr: Medico-Legal report writing. (D Humphris, solicitor); Proprioceptive Rehabifitation. ! A Franklin. D L ? Roux). .I ’ White Horse Hotel, High Street. Dorking. Sirrrev / 7) 7 3 3 9.30. Cost: El2 (including light refreshmert~i

18th: Speaker

& Venue TBA. Afternoon.

history, exami:t Hospital light


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Hill). . Post-Graduate 7-9pm. .s.*i i. j


Howat). Post-Graduate




Department. :

:: Study Department.

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Somerset Day,


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