of Mathematical
9 (1982) 259-274.
of Karlsruhe, D-7500 Karlsruhe 1, W Germany
1980, accepted
This paper presents a model of spatial barter economy with costly transportation to the CBD and a continuum of households. The notions of competitive equilibrium under spatial choice as well as under fixed assignment of households to their place of residence are introduced. Using a formal framework which allows for a simultaneous treatment of both types, equilibrium results will be derived under natural conditions for households’ characteristics and transportation technologies.
1. Introduction:
A critical
to spatial economies
Traditionally, economists introduced spatial dimensions into the well known Arrow-Debreu-frame of equilibrium analysis by an a-prioriassignment of households to a set of possible locations [see, for instance, Samuelson (1953), Isard and Ostroff (1958), Lefeber (1968), Foley (1970) or Takayama and Judge (1971)]._But, the analysis of household’s locational choice behaviour itself in such a frame leads to considerable problems when following Debreu’s device (1959, p. 29) of indexing commodities by locations: multiplying the dimension of the ordinary commodity space times the number of possible locational sites and assuming convex preference preorderings of households over the extended commodity space, under competitive equilibrium, every household usually has to consume at every possible location r. Of course, this implication of a spatial overall presence of households is one of the major disadvantages when adopting the ArrowDebreu-frame directly to a spatial analysis. On the other hand, the union D(h,p) of households h’s preference optimal demand sets D(h,r,p) over all possible locations r under a price system p is in general not convex, as simple examples show (see fig. 1 and section 2.3 for the exact definitions). An economically meaningful interpretation of the convex hull of the demand set D(h,p) can easily be derived by assuming a continuum of households which can be distributed arbitrarily over space. This assumption well known in modern Urban Economics [Alonso (1964)] was introduced into equilibrium analysis first by Schweizer, Varaiya and Hartwick (1976) and taken up by Castello-Ruiz (1978). 0304-4068/82/0000-0000/$02.75
@ 1982 North-Holland
A. Kawnann,
Spatial barter economy
In the following, the model of a barter economy with a central marketor so-called CBD (central business district)-structure and finitely many locational sites will be presented. The approach will allow for a simultaneous treatment of the ideas of locational choice and of a-priori fixed assignment of households to locations. Besides, the models described in Schweizer, Varaiya and Hartwick (1976) and in Castello-Ruiz (1978) will be extended by introducing general convex transportation technologies and generalizing the definition of budget sets in the sense that households’ selling activities are restricted not any longer to the trade with own initial endowments [see also Kurz (1974)]. The existence of competitive equilibria [rather than compensated ones as in Schweizer, Varaiya and Hartwick (1976)] will be established. 2. Basic elements 2.1.
of the model
Let R = {r E N: 15 r 5 t} be the set of possible household locations r. We distinguish between 1 mobile commodities and at each location d (locationally) fixed commodities (as housing etc.). Therefore, c := dt + 1 will be the natural candidate for the dimension of the commodity space after embedding fixed commodities at the t different locations into the t-fold product of R”+. Let P = (Pf,PJ
denote a generic element of the unit simplex P of normalized ptice systems in R’. Thereby, pf =(p,r(r))rER where p,.(r) E Rd, denotes the price system of fixed commodities at location r, and pm E R!+ is the price system of all mobile commodities. At each location r, there is available a transportation technology set T(r) in R3’ for mobile commodities with generic elements (x,,x,,g)
E T(r),
describing the amount g E R’ of real resources used up in transporting the commodity bundle x, E R’ from location r to the CBD and xb E R’ from the CBD to r (subscript s stands for selling, b for buying). The following assumptions will be met throughout [see Kurz (1974)]: (T.l) T(r) is a closed convex set in R?. (T.2) (Free disposal) If (xb,x,,g) E T(r) then Ojxb~~~,O~x:~x, and imply (x&x&g’) E T(r). (T.3) (Inaction) (O,O,O)E T(r). (T.4) (Active trade) There exists (xb,x,,g) E T(r) such that x, - g >>0.
A. Kamann,
barter economy
Remark. We present two examples of transportation known in literature for which (T.l)-(T.4) are fulfilled:
sets well
1) Linear
transportation [Castello-Ruiz (1978)]: Always a certain percentage 0 < hi(r) < 1 of commodity i will be usedup (at least) in transporting one unit of commodity i between location r and the CBD, i.e.,
(%&g) (ai denotes
E T(r)
the ith component
of vector
a E R’).
2) Labour-intensive
transportation [Isard and Ostroff (1958)]: Transportation of any commodity i is possible only in the presence of a predetermined commodity, say 1 like labour. Let 0 < Af(r) < 1 be the portion of commodity I used up (at least) in transporting one unit of commodity i between location r and the CBD, then _
(xb,x,,g)E T(r) 3) A generalization Hartwick (1976)]:
(xb,xs,g) E T(r) where
Lziil AKr>(xt,i + Xsi)*
gt2 g(xt,,x,)
1) and
as [Schweizer,
g 2 T’(x, +x,),
T’ is a non-negative
2) is given
(1 x Q-matrix
with elements
less than
There is given a partitioning of households into finitely many different household classes each of which is represented by a continuum of individual households. Let I be the finite set of all household classes, Si a non-empty measurable subset of complete preference preorderings > over Rp and of initial endownments e = ((efJrsR, e m) in K+,Ki a measurable subset of replica numbers K in fhe unit interval with positive Lebesgue-measure. Similarly as above, ef,. denotes the initial endownment of fixed commodities at location r. Every household is now defined as an element (> ,q,e,
;K) E H,
where H:=uierHi and Hi:=SiXK,. We assume that Si n S,=g and Ki A Kj=$J holds for i,jE I with i#j. For simplicity, let us assume that only trade with mobile commodities is costly, not the transfer of assets coming from sales of fixed commodities for example. Therefore, we adopt the convention that an individual household first chooses a location r and sells all his initial endowments of fixed
Spatial barter economy
commodities. Then he can buy back some amounts of those fixed commodities available at his location and can trade in mobile ones according to the transportation technology T(r) available at r. Formally, let X,(r): ={(xf1,. . .,xf,*)EIZd,t:~i=O
then action space X(r) and consumption space C(r) at r are given by X(r):=Xf(r)xT(r)
For technical reasons we introduce rectangles K,, in p+31 defined by (n EN). We set X,(r): =X(r) n K,. Similarly, for T,(r), X,,(r), etc. K,: = {X:Xi~ n}
2.3. Households’
Let h=(>,ef,em;lc) be a household and >, the restriction of > to C(r). An action x = (xf,xb,xS,g) E X(r) in r leads to a consumption bundle c(e,x) and to an excess demand (at the CBD) Z(x) where c(e,x):=
( e,+x,-xx,
Let af(e):= (2). For p E P, r E R we define h’s budget set, demand optimal consumption plans at r under p, respectively, by B&,r,p):
(4) and
= {x E X&r): &x) B 0, G(x) i p6#},
D,,(h,r,p): = {x E l&(h,r,p):c(e,x)
is >-,-optimal},
Ct,,,(h,r,p) : = Me,x> E C(r): x E Q,~(h,r,pN. Note that by the above definitions individual households are not restricted by x, s e,,, or g 5 e,,, as required in Schweizer, Varaiya and Hartwich (1976) and Castello-Ruiz (1978). We shall assume that for every household h = (> ,e,K) the following holds: (Cl) >I is convex and locally non-satiated (C.2) e is strictly positive.
on C(r) for every r E R.
Note that by completeness assumption of > we claim that consumption bundles c, E C(r) at different locations r are comparable in utility, but not, that households can calculate convex combinations of them. The following result is a direct generalization of lemma 2 in Kurz (1974). The proof is therefore omitted. Lemma 1.
The correspondence
A. Karmann, Spatial barter economy
Fig.1. Optimal consumption bundles in the case of one fixed and one mobile commodity, three location sites I and preferences z , on C(r) being independent of location r. For simplicity, e, = O,T(r) linear.
from P to X,,(r) is upper hemicontinuous, every hgH, rER, ncN.
convex- and compact-valued
A EC,, = ~CG&LR~(Hi)isl) with properties (T.lHT.3) and (Cl)((2.2) will be called a (restricted) transaction structure [and with deterministic characteristics if for Hi = Si X Ki, in addition, holds ISi\ = 1 (i E I); in this case, the representative characteristics of Si will be denoted by si = (> i,ei)]. 3. Locational
choice in spatial economies
3.2. Spatial economies
Considering spatial economies with a continuum of households we introduce a probability space (Q.&F) and a measurable mapping a: 0+(P
x IF+) x [O, 11,
where 9 is the space of all preference preorderings over R”+. By (Y~= (> (.), er(.), e,(.)) we denote the respective projection of a into B x R!! x R:, by q the one of a into [O,l]. Let EC,,)be a (restricted) transaction structure. Adopting the definition of economies in Hildenbrand (1974) to our setting we get: Definition I. 8,“) = wM~~J;;E;~,n,) a(.) E H p-u.+ such that M.) dp
> 0 (i E I).
is called a (restricted) spatial economy if k
w-a.e. for some
k E R\;
where Q(P) is Lesbesgue-continuous
and @)(Hi)
A. Karmann,
If in addition characteristics, characteristics. A feasible
Spatial barter economy
EC,,, is a (restricted) transaction structure with deterministic we call gCnj a (restricted) spatial economy with deterministic
of the
is now
a ,u-integrable
mapping, f = (f(r, .))reR = (xf(r, .), xb(rY .), x,(6 .), g(r, .))reR,
from 0 to fl,,,X,,,(r> such that x,(r, .)-x,(r, .) is p-integrable f(r, .)) 9 0 a.e. for every r E R. Let M(R) be set of all probability measures on R. Then, distribution is a tupel
v =
and c(e(.), a population
(Vi)ieI E nM(R).
Thus, vi(r) represents Q :=cy -‘(Hi) for iEI. Definition distribution
of household
2. A pair (f,v) of feasible action is called market allocation of d,,,, if
of B,,,
i living
of population
C [ C I (Zof)(r,.),
Cf := J$(e(.))
in r. Let
Remark. (10) is equivalent to [xi,, co{Jni (Z of)@, .) dp: r E R} -efl By this formula, the convexifying effect of population distributions apparent. For every market allocation (f,v), a corresponding properly ment of household samples in R to locations can be found;
n RL # 8. becomes
chosen assignformally:
Proposition. For every market allocation (xv) there exists a corresponding locational decision function 6, i.e., a mapping from 0 to R with the properties: (a) 6 is compatiable with v in the sense that for every i E I, (i) if w E pi then.b(w) = r implies v’(r)> 0, (ii) vi(r) = pni({w E l2i: 6(O) = r}); (b) 6 is compatible with f in the sense that
For fixed i E I define of LX&L) there exists a
Proof. Let (f,v) be a market allocation. R +(vi):= {r E R: vi(r) > O}. By Lesbesgue-continuity disjoint covering (Kiir)rcR+C,,S)with the property cYz(F)(Ki,)=
For r E R\R+(v’) let K,, := $?J.Let respectively, from K,,H,, respectively, S’(S,K)=~(K)=~ Then,
i e I.
for every h = (s,K) E to R by
(11) a mapping
for 6 : = 8’0~~ we get by independency
Spatial barter economy
(12) of (or and CY_~,
S (ZOf)(s’(h>,h)a(EL)(dh) SxK.
= Doing
,~I,~ (Zof)(r, .I c-b-u’(r).
this for every
i E I we get the desired
Locational choice
As a first approach we would define a competitive equilibrium as a market allocation (f,u) and a price system p E P with the property that f leads for all household classes i to an optimal consumption choice at all those locations which are occupied by i, i.e., f(r, .)E D(a(.),r,p)
a.e. on Oi for r with
This definition is unsatisfactory because it does not exclude the case that two household samples 01,w2 with identical characteristics s = (> ,e) are located at different sites rl, r2 E R [with v’(r,), vi(rz) > 0] where they achieve different utility levels, i.e., with
Spatial barter economy
For a carefully chosen redefinition let us focus first on: Example
1. Let 8 be a spatial economy with deterministic characteristics (> i,ei)i,r. Let C(i,r,p) := C(h,,r,p) be the representative optimal consumption plans of all households of class i at r under p. It is quite natural to assume that these households try to locate at those location sites where they achieve the highest utility level available in R under p. Formally, for (c~),.~ with c, E E+ let
%c~,(~,P):={r E R : Cdi,r,p)
R and there is no I with c,>~ c,.~}, c m(>
Then P&,, is the set of optimal locations for i. In this case, an a-prioriselection of ‘reasonable’ locational distributions will be an element in the set &,,,(i,p) : = {vi E M(R
r E R with vi(r) > 0 holds r E 2&,(&p)}.
(13) The relation
&/II’from IX P to M(R)
will be called selection’ of optimal
locational distributions.
For any spatial economy &(,,, the following locational, distributions are meaningful:
two concepts
in selecting
2. When dealing with an a priori fixed assignment rr of household classes I to locations R [see, for example, Isard and Ostroff (1958), Takayama and Judge (1971), Samuelson (1953)], we define
where E, denotes the Dirac-measure Example Lemma
3. 2.
on {r}.
: = M(R).
The correpondences
JU”, AR and A:: are well-defined,
upper hemicontinuous,
(15) compact- and convex-valued.
Any correspondence & from IX P to M(R) with these properties called selection of a-priori possible locational distributions.
will be
The assertions for A”, _&YRare trivial. Let nE N and B, be a restricted spatial economy with characteristics (> i,ei)i,I. Let i E I. By completeness and continuity of I> i, the relation a)
is non-empty
A. Karmann,
barter economy
is non-empty and upper hemicontinuous on P for 1 and the continuity of the mapping x-+c(e,x).
b) p-+c,(p) := C,,(i,r,p) every r E R by Lemma C) p+%,(i,p) := ML(> ous by a) and b).
is non-empty
d) p-W,(i,p) is non-empty by c) and upper hemicontinuous: .?&,(i,p)= {r E R:C,(i,r,p) n %‘Ji,p)# 8. Let (p,,JmoN in P with lim and
first, pm=p
(16) Consider a sequence in C,(i,r,p,) n W”(i,p,) which is bounded by boundedness of X,(r). Choose w.l.0.g. c =lim c, which, by upper hemicontinuity of C,,(i,r, .> and %,(i, .>, is an element in C,,(i,r,p>n%,,(i,p), thus (17) We establish e) non-empty
now the desired because
of the relation
for rOE 2&(&p) [see d)] we get e,,~A.C,(i,p).
f ) upper hemicontinuous: that limu,=v and
let (p,)
in P with lim pm = p, (v,,,) in M(R)
v, E KXi,p,). By the latter, R+(v,,,) is in %,,(i,p,) where R+(v,,,):={r: vm(r)>O}. r E R+(v) implies r E R+(u,) and thus r E a,(&&) for m sufficiently Hence, we have v E AtC,(i,p).
Then large.
g) closed-valued, because for (v,,,) with lim u, = v follows for m sufficiently large. h) convex-valued, because vl, v2 E .A’,& p) vz(r) = 0 and thus DIVE + (1 - cI)v2(r)= 0.
R+(v) = R+(v,,,)
r q!%?,(i,p) implies
vl(r) =
The examples l-3 motivate now the following notion of equilibrium which, besides, allows for the above promised simultaneous representation of different spatial concepts. Let A? be a selection of a-priori possible
A. Karmann, Spatial barter economy
Definition 3. (f, v, p) is called competitive equilibrium of &‘(“)relative to ~2’ if (f, v) is a market allocation of E,,, and p E P is such that for every i E I holds vi E .M(i,p),
(20) a.e. on .Ri for
f(r, .) E D,,(a(.),r,p) where
r E R+(u’),
Definition 4. A competitive equilibrium of & relative competitive equilibrium under locational choice.
.,&” is called
4. Results Let 8 be a spatial locational distributions. Theorem
~2’ be a selection
There exists a sequence
of a-priori
(fn,u,,,pn)nEN of competitive equilibria
(f,, \I,,, p,) of 8, relative to A with the additional property that there is some k E R$ such that independent of n holds x,,(r, .>5 k
where again fnCr, .) = (xfn(r, .), x,,(r, .), x,,(r, .), g,(r, .)). Theorem 2. A?“).
There exists a competitive equilibrium (f; v, p) of 6 (relative to
Theorem 3. Let II be an a-priori fixed assignment of household classes to locations. Then, there exists a competitive equilibrium (f, v, p) of 8 relative to AR, i.e., with the property v’(r)=
r =7r(i).
Thus, v concentrates i on r(i). Theorem 4. For any spatial economy d with deterministic characteristics there exists a competitive equilibrium (f,v,p) under locational choice. In addition: (f,v,p) is egalitarian, i.e., for all r E R with vi(r) > 0 holds ML(>
R) -
f (r, .))
a.e. On G.
Thus household samples of one class achieve equal utility independent where they live in R+(v’). Second, total expenditures, p,(x,(r,‘.)-x,(r,
(23) of (24)
Spatial barter economy
A. Kamann,
for trade in mobile and purchase in fixed commodites available constant for almost all samples in Oi and equal to the income
at r are (25)
w(i,p) : = pf.efi, derived from sales of all fixed commodities. 5. Proofs Let gcnj, A be given. For the proof of Theorem
1 define for ns:N,
f%,(i,r,p) := J Q,(. ,r,p) da (I*), H,
finbW,p) :={(~~(i,r,p).v’(r)),,,: viE.Mi,p)l, &W)(P)
:= ~((finW)(i,P))iEr),
where i2((xi(r))i,,)
=I Z(x’(r)). i,r
The relations
o,,, B,,(A)
are well-defined, upper hemicontinuous, convex- and compact-valued pondences with respect to all variables. Moreover, p.A,(A)(p) Proof.
5 0
1) Consider
for every
the relation
p E P.
p +D,,(i,r,p)
(a) a correspondence by Hildenbrand (1974, DII4, theorem 2) because X,,(r) is bounded. (b) convex-valued by Lemma 1 and Hildenbrand (1974, DII4, theorem 4). (c) compact-valued by Hildenbrand (1974, DI14, proposition 7) because D,(. ,r,p> is integrably bounded and compact-valued by Lemma 1. (d) upper hemicontinuous by Hildenbrand (1974, DI14, proposition 8) because D,,(. ,r,p) is upper hemicontinuous on Hi by Lemma 1 and X,,(r) is bounded. 2) Consider (a) an upper
the relation hemicontinuous
p + a,(.A>(i,p) correspondence:
in P with lim pm = p,
which is let (28) and
A. Karmann, Spatial barter economy
limv, v E
= V. By u.h.c.
of A(& .) follows
We yet have to show that x(r) E %(i,r,p)v(r)
holds and, thus, x E fin(At)(i,p). Take r E R with v(r)>O; then boundedness, x,,(r)[v,(r)]-l E D,(i,r,p,) converges w.l.0.g. x(r)[v(r>lP’ which, by upper hemicontinuity [see l)], is an element o,(i,r,p). For r E R with v(r) = 0 relation (30) is easily verified. (b) compact-valued: the proof is similar to (a). (c) convex-valued: for j = 1,2 let xj(r)=ai(r)vj(r) For OSaSl
by to of
0 = 0
VI(r) = vz(r) = 0,
= cYvl(r>[avl(r)
+ (1 - a)v2(r)]-’
Then ax,(r)+(l -u)xZ(r)=(P6,(r)+(l element in I?,(A)(i,p) by convexity 3) The assertions linearity of Z(.). 4) p.2?,,(./tl)(p)SO: p[Z(f(r, and the transformation DII4, theorem 5)].
(32) otherwise.
-B)b,(r))(crv,(r)+(l-cc)v,(r)) of D,(i,r,p) and A&p). p +Zm(.&)(i,p)
by 2) and
this holds by .)) -
$(4.>>1~ 0,
for correspondences
By Lemma 3 we can adopt the fixed point theorem of Gale-NikaidoDebreu [Hildenbrand (1974, CIIIlS)] for the correspondence Z,,(A): Lemma
There exists p E P such that .&(At)(p)
c;IR? #$I
Thus, there exists a competitive equilibrium (f.,v.,p,,) We yet have to show that w.1.o.g. x,,(r, .) 5 k holds.
of 6.
to A.
A. Kamann,
Let C#Jbe a mapping
from @+31
Spatial barter economy
to tii3’
4(xf,xb,xS,g) : = (Xf’WS,d, with (33)
A proper reduction of large, trade activities in the above sense is technologically feasible and does not affect the outcome of trade; formally: Lemma
Let h = (> ,e,K) E I-l, x E X,,(r) with c(e,x) 2 0 and e, 5 k. Then
d(x) E X,(r)
c(e,x) = c(e,ddx)),
x 2 4(x),
k 2 f,,
Z(x) = Z(dJ(x)).
Proof If c(e,x)lO then x~~x,-~,~x,-R,zO. Always kzjC-,z 0. By free disposal
k by (T.2),
so 4(x) E X,,(r). The relation xb - ZS = x, - x, implies the last two properties. Especially for feasible actions f = (f(r, .))reR, Lemma 5 states that the mapping 4(f) with 4(f)(.)=((4 of)(r, .))reR is also feasible action with 2, (r, .) 5 k which preserves market allocations and preference optimality, i.e., if (f,~) is a market allocation, so (+(f),v), if (f,v,p) is a competitive equilibrium of 8, relative This completes
the proof
of Theorem
to 4,
so (4(f),v,p).
In the following, let (f,,v,,,p,) be a sequence of equilibria as stated in Theorem 1. Note that the sequences (v,,) and (p,) are bounded. Given i E I, consider any r E R for which a subsequence (n,) in N exists with lim Vi,(r) > 0. Let p =lim pn,. Lemma 6. Proof:
L s(f”,(r, .)) cD(a(.), r, p)
ae. on a.
W.1.o.g. lim v;(r) > 0 and limp,, = p.
Ls(f,(r, .)) c X(r) a.e. on Q by definition of (f,). Ls(f,(r, .))=B(c~(.),r,p) a.e. on 0, by fn(r, .)=B(a(.),r,p,) and the closedness of the relation B. Ls(f,(r, .))~D(a(.),r,p) a.e. on Q: otherwise there is fii in Q with CL(ni)>O such that (c) does not hold on di. Choose 0: in fli with ~(.il{) = ~(0~) and f,,(r, .) E D,,(a(.),r,p,) on 0:.
A. Karmann, Spatial barter economy
Observe that p(fii no;)> 0. By continuity of preferences we get the desired contradiction for all w E di no;: by construction of 4, for x E Z,s(f,(r,o)) holds x $ D(a(o),r,p). Therefore there exists a sequence (n,) in N and a certain X’E B(a(W),r,p) such that x = lirnxnG, Moreover, that
x, =f,,(r,w),
for n sufficiently
x&,E B,(cY(w),r,p,,,) Then
the continuity
for m,q sufficiently x, E D,(a!(w),r,p,)
Define Lemma
of > (o),
(o),c(e(o),x). large.
(35) (x&) such
x’ = 1imxL.
and (35)-(36)
large; this contradicts for some m = n, to the relation which holds by definition of 0:.
Z;(r):-jfn(r,.)dg*vL(r) 7.
The sequence
(XL(r))i,r,n is bounded in R$$-c3’.
Proof. By the conditions of market Z;,(r), Z:,(r), g:(r)) with _$,(r>S k,
we get for xi(r) = (x&(r),
gi(r)ZO, i,r
and so OS &(r)Sje,(.) Therefore we can adopt brand (1974), DII4L.3)]: Lemma 8. subsequence and
OS Z;,(r) 5 (qt)k.
Fatou’s Lemma
in several
There exist a feasible action f of the initial spatial economy and a (n,) of N with the properties that v = lim v,,, and p = lim pn, exists
1) (f(rJLR+(yl)E Ls((f,_(r, .))TER+~Y4 a.e. on % 2) 2 f(r, .) dp Sl’,” 3)
(2 f,,(r, .) dp)
jx,(r,.)d~=limjx,,,(r,.)dp Q 4 a.
for every
f(r, .) = 0 elsewhere;
i E I, r E R+(v’);
for iE1, rER,
with v’(r)>O.
A. Kamann,
barter economy
Proof. By boundedness of (v,), (p,) and choose (II,), in N such that the respective subsequences converge to some V, p, and xi(r). sequence Lemma to the Fatou’s every iEI adopt For ((f,,(r, .)4,(r))rAcN. By x,,,(r, .)S k, thus x&r, _)ui(r)S k for every q E N, this implies the existence of integrable functions (fl(r, _)rtR) on Q such that properties l)-3) hold for fl(r, .) [instead of f(r, .)]. Define for every i E I, f(r, .):=f”(r, := 0 and extend
f naturally
on Q if
elsewhere, on R = IJ i&i.
(38) Then properties
l)-3) hold for f(r, .).
For (f,v,p) as given by Lemma 8 it is easily seen that (f,v) is a market allocation so that together with Lemma 6 (f,v,p) is a competitive equilibrium in & (relative to A”). This completes the proof of Theorem 2. For J4 : = A”, observing that i E I.
which is possible by Lemma 2, we derive Theorem if v=lim vn4 such that vLq= E+) then vi = E,(i) for
3 by every
For A := A/II’ similarily: first, there exists for every n EN a competitive equilibrium (j;I,v,,,pJ of b,, relative to A?‘,. Consider (f,v,p) as in Lemma 8 which turns out to be a competitive equilibrium of & under locational choice by: Lemma 9.
Zf (f,v,p) has properties 4-3) of Lemma 8 then
vk E AC,(i,p,)
for every n E N implies viE A’(i,p),
i E I.
Proof. Fix i E I. For rI E R+(2) we have to show rl E %(i,p). By Lemmas 6 and 8 there exists 0: in IRi with I= Il(ai) such that for every o E Q: holds (a) aI(w) = si> (b) fJr,o)
E D,,(a(o),r,p,,)
for r E R+(d)
(c) (f(r,a)),,R+(vXj 6 Ls((f,,(r,w)),,,+c,,,)
(q sufficiently
c (Wkr~P)L~+cv~~,
(d) f(r,w) = 0 for r E R\R+(d). Case of r2 with vi(r) > 0: such that for all r E R+(d)
by (c), there exists a subsequence (n,,),, of (n,), holds f(r,w) = lim f,_(r,w). By (b) follows:
c(ei,fn,.(r,,o>> -ic(ei,f,,,.(rz~)) thus the relation
also holds
for every
q’ EN,
in the limit by continuity
of preferences.
A. Kamann,
barter econom);
Case of r, with ui(r) = 0: then f(r;w) = 0. From both cases follows that tl E JIc‘(i,p) The additional assertions of Theorem
4 are easy to verify.
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