Spatial variability of bottom types in the lower Chesapeake Bay and adjoining estuaries and inner shelf

Spatial variability of bottom types in the lower Chesapeake Bay and adjoining estuaries and inner shelf

1046 D. Submarine Geology and Geophysics world. Dept. of Geomorphography, Univ. of Melbourne, Australia. and the open Caribbean. MND Bldg., 2001 Ti...

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D. Submarine Geology and Geophysics

world. Dept. of Geomorphography, Univ. of Melbourne, Australia.

and the open Caribbean. MND Bldg., 2001 Timberlock, The Woodlands, TX 77380, USA. Oabf) 87:6856


de Jonge, V.N. and J. van den Bergs, 1987. Experiments on the resuspenslon of estuarine sediments containing benthic diatoms. Estuar. coast. Shelf Sci., 24(6):725-740. A laboratory system was used to test the effect of water flow on the resuspension of mud and sand sediments and, specifically, benthic diatoms from the Ems Estuary, The Netherlands. At low angular velocities, the amount of suspended matter increased linearly with angular velocity and float current velocity. However, at higher angular velocities, the increase in current velocity was less due to the strong turbulence: concomitantly, the current velocity boundary layer (8) became thinner and the suspended matter concentration increased rapidly. It is assumed that under natural conditions in shallow waters resuspension starts at current velocities as low as ca. 10 cm s ~. Kylos waterstaat, Tidal Waters Div., Hereweg 99a, 9721 AA Groningen, Netherlands. 87:6854

Dolan, Robert and Harry Lins, 1987. Beaches and barrier islands. Scient. Am., 257(1):68-77. A very readable, descriptive account of the development of the 2700 miles of beach on the 295 barrier islands protecting the coastline from New England south to Florida and the northern perimeter of the Gulf of Mexico, outlines the formative processes which have shaped the islands in the past, the shoreward migration of the islands with the rise of sea level, past and current engineering approaches to stemming erosion and migration, human impact, and prospects for the future. (hbf) 87:6855

Mitchell, J.T., L.S. Land and D.E. Miser, 1987. Modern marine dolomite cement in a north J ~ fringing reef. Geology, geol. Soc. Am., 15(6):557-560. Examination of samples of hardground, a boundstone composed largely of skeletal fragments of coral and algae with abundant Mg-calcite cement, reveal that dolomite crystals of 5/tm diameter, which 'have a fine modulated microstructure and c reflections, both apparently formed during crystal growth' within the past 1.8 ka. The study demonstrates that 'dolomite can precipitate from near-normal seawater on the time scale of 2000 yr,' perhaps, in this case, 'as a result of seawater mixing with meteoric water and small amounts of sulfate reduction,' augmented by the tidal exchange of waters between Discovery Bay

OLR (1987) 34 (12)

Wright, L.D. et al., 1987. Spatial variability of bottom types in the lower Chesapeake Bay and adjoining estuaries and Inner shelf. Estuar. coast. Shelf Sci., 24(6):765-784. VIMS, Coll. of William and Mary, Gloucester Point, VA 23062, USA.

D120. Sedimentary processes (deposition, diagenesis, etc.) 87:6857

Corselli, C. and F.S. Aghib, 1987. Brine formation and gypsum precipitation in the Bannock Basin, eastern Mediterranean. Mar. Geol., 75(1-4):185199. Dept. of Earth Sci., Univ. of Milan, Via Mangiagalli 34, 20133 Milan, Italy. 87:6858

Gorlich, Krzysztof, 1986. Gincimarine sedimentation of muds in H o r n s a d Fjord, Spitsbergen. Annls Soc. Geol. Poloniae, 56(3-4):433-477. Inst. of Geol. Sci., Acad. of Sci., ul. Senacka 3, 31-002 Krakow, Poland. 87:6859

Lee, Y.I., 1987. Isotopic aspects of thermal and burial diagenesis of sandstones at DSDP Site 445, Daito Ridge, northwest Pacific Ocean. Chem. Geol., 65(2):95-102. Oxygen isotopic composition of zeolite pore-fill cements in andesitic volcaniclastic sandstones recovered from DSDP Site 445 ranges from + 30.1 to +17.8 ppt (SMOW) downhole. This change is controlled by large heat flow from the basement which caused early diagenetic emplacement of zeolites during early basin rifting. 8*sO-values of late calcite cements range from +25.1 to +27.4 ppt (SMOW); their petrographic relation and inferred temperature of formation suggest that calcite cements were formed during late stages of diagenesis. Isotopic composition in these sandstones is in agreement with mineral paragenesis determined microscopically. Dept. of Geolog. Sci., Seoul Natl. Univ., San 56, Shinrim-dong, Kwanak-ku, Seoul 151, Korea. 87:6860

Magaritz, Mordeckai, 1987. A new explanation for cyclic depesitlon in marine evaporite basins: meteoric water Input. Chem. Geol., 62(3-4):239250.