Specification of a patent for an improvement in the percussion gun lock, for fire arms. Granted to Samuel Forker, Meadville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, February 18th, 1830

Specification of a patent for an improvement in the percussion gun lock, for fire arms. Granted to Samuel Forker, Meadville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, February 18th, 1830

i:c)ItmnTsL’crcussdon Gun 'Lockyor FifE~tirins. ait is for cd, it is of course provided with a grate .ik the fire-plaoe~ die 64OJIC 0th~ plntc is s...

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i:c)ItmnTsL’crcussdon Gun 'Lockyor



is for cd, it is of course provided with a grate .ik the fire-plaoe~ die 64OJIC 0th~ plntc is set in the ccntre nf the, stove, croS3Wtipt c~I,:c resting on the bottom plate, and fitting to the sides, ahd 6% fcl;tlin;; u11 wi:liiti three ixhcs of the bottom plate of $e oven. ‘lIi5 !Jatc. is tllc only point in which this stow appears to c1dT.Yfrom 411~c0m1~1on stove; tlie use nf’ it WC arc not told, but suppose it is intcntl~tl to lesse11 the fire-pl;w,r, and perhaps to force the heated air np qiGt:st the lower plate of the own; this manner of firing the plnfc woultl Icn~c ;Llygc hollow space behind the fire, respxting n91ic.hwc find no provlslon. the ‘I‘he clnims arc 6‘ the hci,$t from the bottom to the oven; mnnncr of dividing that pnrt by a plate, the manner of placing the gtxtc ant1 lining, alld the ncccssary doors, ant1 applyitlg it to tllC USC lt

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binder end of the lever, cnuscs the notches of the turnblcr to fall into a corresponding notch of the Jog. claims, as his exclusive improvemcn~, the form and T)le inventor arrangement of the parts OTthe lock, SO ;LY to render It WOE siqle, safe, certain and eff’ective. SANUEL F0RKER. 05 n potent foT a rnuchinc for Grinding Z&2 IS%ed,und otker kind8 of grain, pchzts,medicims, and other mhstnnccs. Grunt& to Asntmr. Cw2ss,and Emu Dllomx, L’a=enouia,‘n~~6diso~~ County, New York, .F&zuT~ 4th, 18X).


ON a horizontal shaft two feet sis inches, Or three fC?etin lcngt1~ ant] ten inches from one end of the same, is placed &‘cnStiron wheeI, eighteen inches in -diameter, and one inch, or more, in thickness; the flat sides of which arc turned straight and Smooth. Two case iron wheels, or cylinders, nine inches in diameter anil four inches in thickness, the circular surfaces of which are turned slight ad and IICW OIIC smooth, are placed on two shafts, two feet in hglh end of the same. ‘rhese shafts are placed in n horil.ontnt position across, and at rigllt aoglcs with, the Crst mentioned shaft, and from three to four inches below the snmej(mcnsuring from ccntre to ccntre) one on cnch side of the Rat wliccl, and in such a manner as to bring the smooth surfaces of the cylinders in contact with the smooth sides of the ilnt wheel; the outer ends of the cylinders extending as far as the outer extremity of the flat wheel at the point where they come The pivots on the ends of all the shafts run in boxes of in contact. metal, or other substance, attached to a frame prepared for the PLX~-. pose. The pcrpcndiculnr flat wheel constitutes the principle of the irn. provcmcnt in the above machine, by operating between two cylinders, or rollers, similar to those hcreto:‘orc in use. qIcTcltion. This mnchinc is propelid by water,- hand, or other power, by attachi1ig.a pulley arid strap, or other gear, to each shidt. ‘J.7~2 seed &c. is ted from above into the machine, on each side of the flat whceJ between that and the cylinders. The fiat wheel and cylinders are put in motion in ;1 direction calculated to draw the feed bet\vcen thetn; the flat wheel and cylinders making an equal number or re_ volutions in the same time. For some uses, this mncbine may be made much smaller thsn above described; but the flat wheel and cylinders should be nearly in the swne proportion to each othel-. The principle of this machine in its operation, in its improved form, is, it breaks the seed OY substance, and at the same time, by the raking motion uf the flat wheel against the cylindcrs,in coilsecjuencc of their being plnccd below its centre, it eFfectuslly grinds 01. pul. verizea it. ASUIRI. CROCK., Ezan
