965017 The February 3, 1995, ML 5.1 seismic event in the Trona mining district of southwestern Wyoming J. C. Peehmann, W. R. Walter, S. J. Nava & W. J. Arabasz, Seismological Research Letters, 66(3), 1995, pp 25-34. The seismological and geodetic evidence summarized in this paper indicates that most of the seismic wave energy of the Feb. 3rd event was generated by the collapse of a portion of the Solvay Mine, and not by an earthquake. However, the cause of the mine collapse is still unknown, and we cannot at this time rule out the possibility that a small nearby earthquake could have triggered the collapse. (from Author)
965018 A report on geotechnical aspects of the January 17, 1994 Northridge earthquake J. P. Stewart, S. W. Chang, J. D. Bray, R. B. Seed, N. Sitar & M. F. Riemer, Seismological Research Letters, 66(3), 1995, pp 7-19. The January 17, 1994 (Mw = 6.7) Northridge, California Earthquake was the most costly natural disaster in US history, resulting in estimated monetary losses on the order of 18 to 20 billion dollars. In this report, a variety of geotechnical phenomena which significantly influence the locations and severity of much of this damage are discussed. The report is organized into four sections to describe: 1) the characteristics of ground motions and associated damage patterns, 2) occurrences of ground failure in basin and coastal areas, 3) occurrences of landslides in mountainous areas, and 4) the performance of geotechnieal structures. (from Authors)
965019 Estimacion del Peligro sismico en el Sitio de emplazamiento de la presa Cuesta del Viento para su aplicacion al diseno sismorresisteute (An evaluation of earthquake hazards of Cnesta del Viento damsite and its application to earthquake resistant design) J. C. Castano, Revista Geofisica, 38, 1993(1995), pp 5-36. Firstly a study was made of potential seismic sources affecting the site in order to characterize them. One of the sources, named Sistema de Fallamiento El Tigre, was studied in more detail. The seismic history of the region was studied in order to estimate the regional and local seismieity parameters. The main destructive earthquakes, when possible, were associated to active faulting. Next, the seismic potential for each source was estimated and also the attenuation functions of the ground movement were specified. Finally, all the parameters obtained were combined, and the maxiraum expected amplitudes of ground movement in the site were calculated for different levels of probabilities and time period. (from English summary)
965020 The Poilina (northern Sicily, Italy) earthquake of 26 June 1993: an application of the new European Macroseismic Scale 1992 R. Azzaro & M. S. Barbano, Natural Hazards, 12(3), 1995, pp 289-301. The new European Maeroseismic Scale 1992 (EMS) is applied to intensity estimation of data collected in field investigations of the Pollina earthquake and the results compared with those obtained using the MSK-81 scale. The highest intensity estimated (VI-VII) fits with the low magnitude value (ML = 4.7) and the low resistance level of buildings is responsible for some unexpected severe damage, thus raising the seismic vulnerability of the area. The tectonic framework shows significant dements of recent activity accounting for the frequent seismieity. The study also evaluated the validity of using vulnerability classes of buildings as defined in the EMS scale in the intensity assessment of historical earthquakes of the area. (Authors)
965021 Spectral analysis of microearthquakes recorded by Aswan telemetered network M. M. Mohamed, Individual Studies by Participants at the
International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 31, 1995, pp 33-41. This study describes the determination of source parameters, using the spectrum method, of seismic moment, fault radius, and stress drop for microearthquakes in Northern part of Aswan High-dam lake, Egypt. Parameters chosen were local magnitude (M1) and focal depth between 0.5-2.9 and 1.9-23.8 Km. The observed frequency, obtained on the basis of P-wave spectra of 24 events, ranged from 8 to 14 Hz. Seismic moment ranged from 1.1 x 10 is" to 3.3 × 1019 dyne-era, fault radii from 0.069 to 0.124 Km, and stress drop from 6 to 143 bars. (from Author)
965022 Zoning for ground motions in Kenya - the case of incomplete and uncertain data P. C. Kariuki, Individual Studies by Participants at the International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 31, 1995, pp 73-85. In this study the process of zoning for expected ground motions was carried out for Kenya. Seismieity data comprised historical and instrumental data during the period between 1900 and 1992. In determining the maximum earthquake motion the probabilistic approach was used. (from Author) 965023 Paleoseismology of the North Anatolian fault: a ease study of the Mndnrnu Valley segment, Turkey R. Dendrtas, Individual Studies by Participants at the International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 31, 1995, pp 119-130. Turkish-German Earthquake Research Project excavated four trenches across the surface ruptures of the 1957 and 1967 earthquakes on the Mudurnu Valley segment in the years 1993 and 1994, respectively. In this study, clear evidence is revealed for at least three or four previous large earthquake events produced surface faulting prior to the last two earthquakes of 1957 and 1967 based on stratigraphy and structures appeared on the trench walls. Radiocarbon dates show that all faulting events prior to the last two earthquakes occurred on the Mudurnu Valley segment between some time 4335 BC and 2500 BP years ago. Furthermore, the excavation has demonstrated that the average recurrence interval of this segment is longer than 150 years. (from Author) 965024 The impact of the 1993 Latur-Osmanabad (Maharashtra) earthquake on lives, livelihoods and property S. Parasuraman, Disasters, 19(2), 1995, pp 156-169. The Latur-Osmanabad (Maharashtra) earthquake of 30 September 1993, measuring 6.4 on the Richter scale, took the scientific community by surprise, as it was thought that the Deccan region of India was free from serious seismic activity. The houses and infrastructure of the area were not constructed to withstand an earthquake of this magnitude. Thus, the scale of devastation was extensive. The objective of this report is to assess the magnitude of the destruction. (from Author) 965025 Seismic risk analysis of Pakistan Y. S. Ansari, Individual Studies by Participants at the International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 31, 1995, pp 103-115. Maps of peak ground acceleration (PGA) with return periods of 50, 100 and 200 years were developed for use in the seismic risk analysis of Pakistan. Earthquakes having magnitude greater than or equal to 4.5 were selected. The area was subdivided into discrete grids and parameters were computed for certain return periods. The same methodology has been