Abstract-Observations on the peak widths and intensities of inelastically scattered neutrons from Fe,O, are found to agree with spin-wave theory over a wide range of temperatures. The quadratic dispersion relation for ferrimagnetic spin waves-is verified, and the value ofJ4n - 2 x lo-* eV is in agreement with an earlier result bv BROCKHOUSE (Ph. Rev. 106. 859 (1957)). The statistical behaviour of spin waves (magnons) is found to be ‘welt described by Boge-Einstein statistics. The maximum temperature for the validity of the spin-wave approximation is seen to be a function of the magnon energy. At higher temperatures Auctuations are also found to exist in the z-component of the spins.
A RECENT paper by BROCKHOUSE(~)on the spinwave scatterirg of neutrons in magnetite (FesO4) has led us to take up and extend some work one of us had done earlier on this substance.(a) The aim of the work has been to see if this observed inelastic scatterirg can be interpreted in terms of spin-wave theory and if the results obtained could determme the proper dispersion law for spin waves in ferrites. In Section 2 we review the theory of spin-wave scatterirg of neutrons and the possibilities of experimental verification. We also mention the existing theories of spin waves in ferrites. In Sections 3 and 4 we give our experimental methods and results. In Section 5 we compare experiments and theory. 2. THEORY If a neutron with mass ma undergoes inelastic scatterir g by quantized waves in a crystal whereby its energy is changed by an amount tiw and its *A part of this work has been presented JENER Report No. 53 (1957).
earlier as
t On leave from the Institute of Nuclear Warsaw, Poland; now back there.
$ On leave from the Institute of Nuclear Krakow, Poland ; now back there.
momentum by ti(247) +@, tions must be satisfied:
the following
= 0.
Here k and k’ denote the incoming and outgoing wave vectors of the neutron and T is a reciprocal lattice vector with magnitude l/d, where d is the interplanar spacing. The quantum which gives rise to the inelastic scattering has wave vector q and angular frequency W; w(p) denotes the dispersion relation or the connection between the frequency and the wave vector. The above equations define a scattermg surface in reciprocal space on which the end point of k’ must lie. SEEGERand TELLERf3) have shown that in the case of scattering of slower-thansound neutrons by waves which have the dispersion relation :
where c is a constant, the scattering surfaces are ellipsoids. In the case of scattering by lattice waves, c is the velocity of sound, and in the case of scattering by antiferromagnetic spin waves, c is the velocity of propagation of the spin disturbance. 153
Ferromagnetic relation :
spin waves have the dispersion 0 = 4 A/2??2&2
in the case where equation (3) is valid. The graphical solution of equations (5) and (6) is represented in Fig. 2. The left-hand side of the equations gives the parabola a and the right-hand sides of (5) and (6) give the cone b and the parabola c respectively.
where CC is a constant. MOORHOUSE and ELLIOTT and LOWDE@)have shown that in this case the scattering surfaces are close to being spheres. The most direct experimental method of investigating the dispersion relation is the one which has been applied by BROCKHOUSE,~J in which he analyses the energy spectrum of the scattered neutrons as a function of 4. Such an experiment requires a high-flux reactor. Another method of establishing the proper dispersion relation, not limited to a high-flux reactor, has been discussed by MOO~OUSE,(~)ELLIOTTand Lo~DE,(~) and PEIJZRLS.@)The method consists of measuring the width of successive peaks arising from inelastic scattering as the crystal is rotated FIO. 2. A construction giving the graphical solution of away from the position for Bragg reflection. equations (5) and (6), as explained in the text.
Fro. I. A two-dimensionalgeometricalrepresentation of equation (1 b). The construction is for energy absorption by the neutron. The scattering surface on which k‘ ends is here drawn for the case of ferromagnetic spin-waves. In Fig. 1 we have given the geometrical representation of equation (lb). If we introduce: kr = k’--$
then equation (la) can be written K’s = kP+T#-_41
k-k1 ,~~PT(B--B~) ~0~0~
The sharpness of the peaks of different values of (0 -88) measures the width of the dispersion curve in Fig. 2 at different heights. The ways in which the peak width increases with (B-en) are, however, quite different for the linear and the quadratic dispersion laws. The analytical expressions given by ELLIOTT and LOWDE(~)(E. and L.) for the total semi-angle i of the peaks versus missetting (6 --en) are
in the case where equation (2) applies and K’s = Ks+or(k’-+s
The length of OA is kl and the length of A3 is k2. The curve a should be regarded as the section through a paraboloid with rotational axis OZ and b and c as surfaces of revolution with axis along AB. The curve of intersection of the paraboloid a with the surfaces b and c, when projected down on the (8-r) plane, gives possible values of the end point of k’. One of the possible vectors is denoted by OP. The maximum value of the angle AOP is the angular width of the diffuse peak associated with the scattering surface. It is seen that if kl increases the width of the diffuse peak will also increase. Fig. 1 shows that the increase of k1 is obtained by increasing (0, -0) with the relationship:
(w is the neutron velocity) for a linear dispersion law and i = sin-‘{a-l[l