This remarkable amount of statistical data, Factors its the Sex Life of Pwctllythe eompilation of t.hcir answers to a questionnaire Two Hundred. Wom.22,~ represents regarding the development of certain phases of their sex life, marriage, mnsturbntion, homosexuality, frequency of intercourse, and the use of contraceptives and periodicity of desire, and their rcaetions to various other problems :ts birth control, production of abortion, and prostitution. Seven of the twelve chapters hare apJournal of Xtwtnl flygicnc, and AMERICAS pxmd in the Joz~wml of Social Hygiene, The questiommire has been answered by JOUHN.ZL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOU~. an almost equal number of married and unmarried ~omcn, college graduates and nongraduates, so that the material collected represents the attitude of an average cross-section of American women. Those who are concerned with the larger problems of sex behavior or education will find much nf value, but winnowing the grain from the statistical chaff will be a prodigious task. From the- case histories selected, one feels that the earlier sex education is begun and the morn fully and frankly it is imparted the fewer will be the nberrancies of adolescent or later life. The :~nswers show a surprising tolerance toward questions of infractions of the moral 1:~~s. --Philip
This small monograph on the Xca-BOVIL l)~faO is an excellent guide to the cart of the normal as well as the abnormal child. The test furnishes in a clear ;~ntl concise manner all that will usually be necessary for an obstetrician to know until he turns the care of the child over to a pediatrician. The author does not reconlmend routine circumcision or routine diagnostic roentgenogrnphic studies of the The chapter on milk modifications for complcthymus for possible enlargement. An excellent help fol mentary or supplementary feedings is definite and simple. all engaged in obstetrics. -Philip F. TVilliaans. With a wider acceptance of Spi~wZ Bnestlbesiu* and a larger number of men being trained in its administration a book dealing specifically with the subject should be welcome. Dr. Evans has given here a carefully prepared recapitulation of the subject, giving the indications and the contraindications and weighing the advantages against the disadvantages. There is a critical review of all the drugs used and the preferences of various operators for we or another of them, together The technic is with the author’s preference for and experience with acocaine. detailed, this includes chapters on selection of patients, pre- and postoperative care, induction of the nerve-block, and operating room organization, i.e., “teamwork. ’’ The physiology of low blood pressure production and the pathology accompanying it are gone into in great detail in a chapter on possible complications. The book has an introduction by Babcock, a. foreword by Heyd, and a copious bibliography. The book should be of interest and value to the surgical profession. -Philip
F. JVi~llinnts.
This book, La Permdabilitk et Ecs Obturations l’&aires,a devoted to the subject of intrauterine lipiodol injections, is based upon the literature and upon the author’s own series of 270 cases. Among 44 cases of sterility, details of which are given in the book, lipiodol injections revealed that both tubes were normally patent in only 12 per cent (in the conclusions the author says this amounted to 18 per cent). In 2Factors in the Davis. New Pork. aThe New-Born Febiger. %pinal Anesthesia. “La Permeabilite Paris, 1929.
Sex Life of Twenty-two Hundred 1929. Harper and Brothers. Infant. By Emerson I,. stone. By Charles et lea Obtnrations
Evans. Tubnires.
BY Katherine
Phi!adelphia, York,
BY Cl:~ucle
Paul BC~l&re
Bement Lea
B. Hoe&r. Masson and
and Co.
a series In these
of 70 cases
cases of salpingitis only 13 per cent had normally patent hydrosalpinx rsas found much of sterility and salpingitis,
tubes. more
frequently than was detected by bimnnunl examination. The author believes that salpingography should be used in all cases of sterility for three reasons, namely: it demonstrates the condition of the uterine cavity and tubes, it has some therapeutic value because pregnancy follows in about 10 per cent of all the tests, and if au Salobstruction is shown the test constitutes the most certain therapeutic guide. pingography may also be used after an attack of snlpingitis has subsided and folPhotographs of 70 x-ray plates illowing conservative operations on the tubes. lustrate the various normal and pathologic conditions found by the author. An extensive bibliography is appended, and it is gratifying to see that the references are not limited to one language. There is no doubt that salpingography is a valuable aid but 270 cases iu the experience of a single individual in a maximum of seren years (the test w:ts discovered by Sicard and Forestier in 1923) that at least some of the tests were probably done needlessly. In spite of the excellent results reported by many individuals, there is definite danger in the USC of this test even when the cases Furthermore, bimanual examination combined are selected with scrupulous care. when necessary with the Rubin tubal patency test (which is much safer than lipiodol injections) will give the desired information in the large majority of cases. Salpingography should be reserved for :I relatively small number of cases.
In the present edition of this valuable little book, E+r@tiiik~ng i,~ die Gy?~iikologticha Diagnostik,8 the author has made no significant changes. The book is divided into three parts, the first of .which is devoted to the anamnesis and general condition of the patient, the second deals with the technic of making an examination and includes the use of special procedures, and the third and largest part of the book is concerned with gynecologic diagnosis. The matcria.1 is discussed not according to the various gyneeologic ailments but according to the different genital External examination is considered first, and then in order the various organs. afllictions of the vagina, the uterus, the adnexa, the pnrametrium and finally the pelvic peritoneum (perimetrium) . As the title indicates, the book deals almost exclusively with the question of diagnosis. The text is considerably clarified by 159 very clear and instructive illustrations. This book should prove to be of great help to general practitioners and medical students. -4. P. Greenhill. This volume, International Clinics,7 contains a number of valuable articles but the only ones of interest to gynecologists and obstetricians are the following: Katherine H. Coward in a paper on “Recent tiesearch on the Vitamins and Its Clinical Applications, ” mentions the use of vitamin A in the treatment of puerpcral septicemia. The benefits derived from the use of this vitamiu in pneumonia led Among Green and Mellanby to administer this vitamin in cases of puerperal sepsis. 24 patients treated without vitamin A, only two recovered, but all five patients who received this vitamin lived. Foods rich in vitamin D and especially cod-liver oil, irradiated olive oil, and radiosterol (irradiated ergosterol), help to produce normal dentine while diets poor in this factor tend to produce hypoplastic dentine (Mellanby). Vitamin E (Evans and Burr) is necessary for the nourishment of the fetus and for the growth of the young rat. 6Einfuehrung
die Clinics.
1929. Vol.
By Wilhelm Series.
Ed. 4.
B. LIppincott