den Kapitelniibcrdie Grundlagedieser&lethode,wo auchdieperspef&ivenAnwendungsmiiglichEeiten besprochen werden, folgt eine systematische Beschreibung der Aplikationen bei.den an: organischen Verbindungen. Beijedem. in cler alphabetischer Reihe angefiihrten Elemente, sind die wichtigsten Bestimmungsarten beschrieben. Ein Kapitel befasst sich such mit-der polarometrischen Bestimmungen organischer Verbindungen (Aldehyde, Alkaloide. Verbindungen mit SH-Gruppe, Xitamine usw.). Auch den terminologischen Fragen ist Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet. denn die Benennung dieser Titrationen selbst ist der Gegeustand zahlreicher Diskusionen. -4Ls Deilageist eine Tabelle ,mitder Ubcrsicht der polaromctrischen Beslimmungen nach den angewendeten Massli%ungen.beigefii~. Im Hinblick auf die gross-cZahl (g3+) derzitierten Arbeitenist dieses VVerk zietilichkurz, aber iibersichtlich gefasst; dieVerfasser, die auf diesem Gebietselbstlange Jahre erfolgreich arbeiten. habensich offensichtlich auf GrundihrerErfahrungenbemiihtdas umfangreicheltfaterialkritisch zubewerten, was die Preiswertigkeit dieses Buches nur erhoht. Es ware sicher erwiinscht. wenn dieses tschechisch gcschriebene Buch durch Ubersetzung in eine XVeltsprachedembreiten Kreis der analytischen Chemikerzu@nglich gemachtwurde. R. KAL.VOD_i.
Institut, Tnchechoslowakische
Akademie der Wrissenxhaften. Praha. Tschechoslovakei
SpofTes~siirrOrgenicAnaZysis,6thedn..byF~1r~ F~~~~.,translatedbyRti~~ rg6o.xx + 675 pages, f3 5s. Publishing Co-. Amsterdam,
E. O~~~~~,Elsev-ier
Thisisthesixth enlarged and revised Englisheditionof FEIGL'SWC&~IXOW~ book onorgvlicspot test analysis, the companion volume of which. “SpoZ Tests im I?zorganic Analysis”. was published in 1958 (5th edn.)_ The material is arranged in ~the same way as in the previous edition. being divided into 6 chapters: r. development, present state and prospects of organic spot test analysis (33 pp_); 2, (by P_ W. WEST), spottesttechniques (2s pp.); 3. preliminary (exploratory) tests (95 pp.); 4,detection of characteristicfunctionalgroupsinorganic compounds (177pp.); 5,identificationof individualorganiccompounds (162 pp.): 6, application ofspotreactionsinthetestingofmaterials, e~aminationofpurity,characterizationofpharmaceuticaIproductr,etc. (97pp_)-Thislastchapter is followed by addendato Chapters 3, 4 and 5 (II pp.) and by atabularsummary (10 pp.) ofthe limits attained by spot tests for elements, characterizing orientations, characteristic groups and individual compounds_ When different compounds areexaminedordifferentprocedures are used, the limits of identification and the lowest and the highest values obtained are given_ At the end of each chapter a list of bibliographical references is given, the total being S70_ Thoughthepresenteditionmaintainsthesamedivisionsastheprevlousone,eachchapter has been considerably expanded; the number of sections has been almost doubled, and a total of 6oo-tests are described and discussed in contrast to 3S6in the 1956 fifth edition. This new enlarged edition,whichtestifies the-rapid development of organic spot test analysis ti~the last few years, willbe welcomed by analytical chemists as well as by organic chemists. pharmaceutical chemists, biochemists and forensic chemists, who are concemedwiththeproblem of identifying organic compoundsinsmallamounts of material_ The present volume should also be recommended to chemistry teachers since it contributes to the understanding of chemical reactionsin a simple and inexpensive way. Theprintingandpaperareexcellent,asis customary in Elsevierpublications- Thanks to R-E_ O=PER, who has been the translater of FEIGL books since the third edition in 1946. the English texf is clear and fluent. R_ -4. NICOL~US. University of Naples, Italy
Tx&lise on AlzalyticaZChenzisluy, Part I, Vol. II. by I_ M. KOLTHOFF assistanceofE.B_S~~~~~.IntersciencePublishers,NewYorkandLondon,~g61,w+~gSpages. S 16:~
I ofthisti2af%e_on analylicalchemistryedited ~~KoL~Ho~~~NDEL~NG oftSANDERS has already been reviewedinthis~joumal, so that for general 'obsc-ations the reader is referred~tc~this preceding review (?haS Jou~~zal. ? (xg6r) -gz)_ -In~thls_ volume.section B (application of chemical principles) is~con&uded withan -extensive discussion of the use of~reactive~groups as reagen& both in organic-and inorganic:&xlysis,the vplume also with-&e-collaboration