Spring Foray Wymondham, Norfolk

Spring Foray Wymondham, Norfolk

10 FORA Y REPORTS SPRING FORAY WYMONDHAM,NORFOLK 19 - 24 May, 1977 The 1977 Spring Foray , marked by gloriously sunn y weather, was based on the plea...

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FORA Y REPORTS SPRING FORAY WYMONDHAM,NORFOLK 19 - 24 May, 1977 The 1977 Spring Foray , marked by gloriously sunn y weather, was based on the pleasant Abbey Hotel, Wymondharn , where workroom facilities were available. Some 35 members attended. The So ciety is grateful to Terry Easter, who made all the prelim inary arrangements ; to Mr R.E. Evans and Mrs L. Eva ns, who liais ed with local landowners and arranged all the fo ray s ; to Mr and Mrs E.A. Ellis for their kind invitation to visit Wheatfen Broad and for the ir generous hospitalit y; to Mr B. Sutton-J ones (Superintend ent of La boratories ) and Dr Bri an Lewis, o f the School of Biological Sciences, the Uni ver sity of East A nglia, for help in provid ing mi croscopes, reagents, et c. , during the fora y ; to Pet er Lambley of the Norwich Museum for introducing members to the vari ed habitats of East Ruston Common ; to the Nature Conservancy for permission to visit the Holkharn Reserve and Foxley Wood; to Chris Beale a nd Charles J ohnson for their hel p and ass istance a t Holkharn ; to Bru ce Ing for help in transp orting boxes, books. ct c. , from Liverpool to Norfolk ; to th e management and sta ff of the Abbey Hotel , for the ir help during the preparations for the fora y and th e meeting it self. Foray Programme Friday, 20 May. Holkham National Nature Reserve. Except for a narrow st rip at Wells, the reserve (9,700 acres in extent) covers th e Norfolk coast between Ov ery Staithe and Blakene y , a distance o f some 12 miles. West of Wells, it co nsists of sand dunes and recla imed salt marsh ( no w agricult u ra l) while to the east it includes one of the largest salt marshes in England. There are e xtensive intertidal sand and mud flats. The fora y began at the car park at Abrahams Bosom (grid ref. 910457) and mov ed west from there, predom inantl y in are as of sand dune and woods of Corsican and Scots Pine. Saturday, 21 May. Baeton Woods , Wensum Forest and (afternoon) East Ruston Common. The morning foray began at Wood Cottages (TG 317313) ; Baeton Woods cover a series of low hills, leading d own into a shallow ce nt ral vall ey , wit h pure sand with flints on the higher ground and sandy loam in the valley . The wood is mainly conifer with red oak and Norwa y maple, and a total of some 30 tree species. East Ruston Common was not abl e for an area of burned gorse. Sunday, 22 May . Wheatfen Broad. This is a well -known ar ea of marsh , carr and mixed deciduous woodland. The foray began at , and continued around , the home of Mr and Mrs E.A. Ellis (TG 325057), where we were entertained to a generous and much appreciated al fresco tea at its completion. Monday , 23 May. Foxley Wood ( Na t u re Co nserva ncy ). An are a o f mixed de ciduous woodland with some co n ifer plantation. The fora y began at gr id ref. 050 232 . SPECIES LIST A = Hargham Heath, or. Attleborough (030926). B = Baeton Wood, C = Crownthorpe, or. Wymondham (082034), F = Foxley Wood, FW = Felthorpe Woods, or. Norwich (175183), H Holkham, HG = Holkham Gap, K near Kimberley (075055), R = East Ruston Common, W = Wymondham, WB = Wheatfen Broad.


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11 Other localities spelt out.

MYXOMYCETES Arcyria cinerea B, WB; denudata F, H, Horning, WB; ferruginea F, H, Horning; incarnata B, East Bilney, H, WB; pomiformis WB; stipitata H Badhamia foliicola WB; panicea F; utricularis F Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa F, H, WB Collaria lurida H Colloderma oculaturn B Comatricha elegans Sandringham; nigra B, F, H, Horning, Sandringham, WB; pulchella B; tenerrima R Craterium leucocephalum H; minutum B, H, R, WB Cribaria argillacea F; cancellata Sandringham Diderma globosum WB; spumarioides H Didymium bahiense WB; clavus R; difforme H, R, WB; nigripes WB; squamulosum F, H, R, WB Echinostelium minutum F, H Enerthenema papillatum B, F, Sandringham , WB Hemitrichia leiotricha F Lamproderma scintillans R Leocarpus fragilis H Leoidoderma chailletii H Licea *belmontiana B; minima F; parasitica B; variabilis Sandringham Lycogala epidendrum B, F, H, Horning, R, WB Mucilago spongiosa (crustacea) H Paradiacheopsis fimbriata B, F, WB; solitaria B Perichaena corticalis F; depressa WB Physarum bitectum H; bivalve R; cornpressurn WB; leucophaeum B; nutans B, F, Easton Wood, HG, WB; pusillum WB; viride B, F, WB Reticulariajurana F, H, WB; lobata B; lycoperdon B, G, H, Horning, Sandringham, W, WB Stemonitis fusca F, H, WB Symphytocarpus amaurochaetoides FW Trichia affinis B, F; botrytis B, F, H, WB; contorta B, H, WB; decipiens F, WB; flavicoma H; floriformis F, H, WB; munda B; persimilis F, WB; scabra F; varia Easton Wood, F, H, R, WB


Peronospora aparines on Galium aparine pastoris H


H; parasitica on Capsella


Acrospermum compressum C Actinoscypha muelleri F Aleuria aurantia B Anthracobia macrocystis R; maurilabra R; melalorna R Ascobolus carbonarius WB; furfuraceus K Belonopsis pallens WB Calloria fusarioides C Chlorosplenium aeruginascens F Colporna quercinum B Cudoniella clavus F Cyathicula cyathoidea C, F


New to British Isles



DISCOMyCtT}:"s (co ntd.] Dasyscyphus acutipilus WB; acuum H; albotestaceus H ; brevipilus R ; controversus R, WB; dumorum H ; fugiens F ; fuscescens H; nidulus H ; niveus F ; nudipes A, R, WB; ptcridis B; pudicellus WB; virgincus F , H, WB Desmazierella acicola H Godronia cassandrae f. callunae B Haglundia perelegans B Hyaloscypha dematiicola on Quercus WB; hyalina F; vclcnovskyi H Hyalotricha corticola on Myrica gale WB Hymenoscyphus repandus H Lachnellula hahniana FW Lophodermium arundinaceum WB; caricin u rn F ; pinastri C . Microscyphclla grisella FW Mollisia cinerea F ; *humidicola WB; hydrophila WB ; ligni C ; ramealis B; revincta F Orbilia auricolor F , WB; curvatispora F ; xa nthost igma F, R Patellaria atrata H Paxina acetabulum WB; leucomelas H Peziza praetervisa R; repanda W; vesiculosa K Pezizella fagi WB Phialea caulicola C Phial ina ulmariae WB Psilachnum inquilinum WB Pyrenopeziza escharodes C, H ; fuckelii R, WB; mercurialis C; petiolaris FW Rutstroemia conformata R , WB; fruticeta A, H, R Sclerotinia candolleana, Easton Woods, R, WB; hirtclla II, WB; lindaviana WB; sclerotiorum WB Scutellinia asperior F ; scutellata WB Tapesia evilescens H; fusca WB; lividofusca R; retin cola H, R, WB Uncinia laricionis H HEM/ASCOMYCETES Taphrina betulina on Betula F; populina on Populus 11

LOCULOASCOMYCETES Acanthophiobolus helicosporus on Carex F Hysterium angustatum on Corylus F Microthyrium cilia tu m on llex F; ilicinum on dead leave s of Qu ercus ilex H ; pinophyllum FW Stomiopeltis betulae on Betula F; cupressicola on Cupressus WB Trichothyrium nigro-annulata on Pliragmites WB; on Clad ium WB; on Carex F

PLECTOMYCETES Erysiphe fischeri on S en ecio viscosus B; graminis on Bromus mollis R; on Poa sp. H Podosphaera aucupariae on Sorbus au cuparia B; clandestina on Cratae gus mon ogy na WB; leu cotricha on Malus cult. W Sphaerotheca alchemillae on Filipendula ulmaria WB ; pannosa on R osa (Dorothy Perkins) W

PYRf-'NOMYCETES Anthostomella clypeoides on Epil obium WB Apiospora montagnei (co nidial) WB Bolinia lutea F Ceriophora palustris on Carex F *Graddon sp, nov ., in press

13 PYR1:'NOMYCI:TFS (contd.} Chaetosphaerella phaeostroma on Cory Ius WB Cryptospora betulae on Betula F Daldinia concentrica F Diaporthe pardalota on Epilobium F Hypocrea pulvinata F Hypoxylon fuscum F; multiforme B, F Leptosphaeria nigrans on Carex F Melanconis stilbostoma on Betula F Melanopsammella inaequalis on Betula F Plagiostoma pustula WB, on Quercus leaves F Podospora curvula K Quaternaria dissepta on Ulmus F Rosellinia aquila F; mammiformis on Fraxinus F Xylaria hypoxylon W



Kuhneola uredinis on Rubus F, H Melampsora populnea on Mercurialis perennis and Populus tremula F Phragmidium violaceurn on Rubus B, H Puccinia adoxae on A doxa moschatellina East Bilney; caricina on Urtica dioica H, WB; caricina var. ribesii-pendulae on Carex pendula F; dioicae on Senecio jacohaea H; malvacearurn on Malva sylvestris H, W; obscura on l.uzula campestris B; phragmitis on Rumex hydrolapathum R; punctif'orrnis on Cirsium arvense B, F, H, East Bitney; smyrnii on Smyrnium olusatrum H, Wells; violae on Viola riviniana F Tranzschelia anemones on Anemone nemorosa F Triphragmium ulmariae on Filipendula ulmaria A, R, WB Uromyces dactylidis on Ranunculus repens F, muscari on Endymion hispanicus Sandringham, on E non-scriptus F


Urocystis anemones on Anemone nemorosa F Ustilago violacea on Silene alba x dioica Horning, on S, dioica B, F, East Bilney, on S, noctiflora H


Tremella mesenterica F



Ceriophora purpurea WB Christiansenia pallida on Pliancrocliaete cinerea F Coriolus versicolor B, F, HG, WB Daedaleopsis confragosa WB Ganoderrna adspersum HG, WB Grandinia rnutabilis HG, R Hyrnenochaete rubiginosa B Inonotus radiatus WB Mycoacia uda WB Peniophora quercina B Piptoporus betulinus WB Phanerochaete crernea F Phlebia hydnoides WB Poly porus brumalis F Resinicium bicolor H Stereum hirsutum B, F, H, WB


AGAR/CALES Agrocybe praecox HG Amanita gemmata var. exannulata HG Armillaria mellea W Bolbitius vitellinus A Coprinus cinereus K; disseminatus WB; echinosporus F; impatiens H; hexagonosporus K; leiocephalus WB; micaceus F, WB Flammulina velutipes F Galerina hypnorum B, H, HG Gymnopilus penetrans F Hypholoma fasciculare B, F, H, HG, WB Inocybe lucifuga H, HG Laccaria lac cat a H Lactarius rufus H Marasmius menieri WB Mycena alba WB; speirea WB; swartzii HG; tortuosa WB Naucoria scolecina WB Nolanea sericea H; staurospora B Omphalina ericetorum B Paxillus involutus H Pholiota carbonaria R Pluteus cervinus Easton Wood, F, H, Horning; patricius W Psathyrella conopilea H Pseudohiatula tenacella A, B, H, WB Tricholoma argyraceum H, GH; gambosum HG, Nethergate, Saxlingham Tubaria furfuracea WB

GASTEIWMYCETALt'S Bovista plumbea C Calvatia utriformis H Geastrum pectinatum H Lycoperdon perlatum H; pyriforme W Phallus impudicus A, B, H



Arthrinium sporophleum on Carex WB Botrytis cinerea on Listera ovata F Brachysporium bloxami on Quercus WB; brittanicum on Quercus WB Codinaea fertilis on Filipendula WB Dendryphium griseum on Urtica F Diplococcium clarkii on a resupinate F Paecilomyces farinosus C Periconia hispidula on Ph ragmites WB Pseudospiropes simplex on Fraxinus F Ramularia primulae on Primula F; rubella on Rumex F Selenosporella curvispora on grass WB Torula herbarum on Urtica F

COELOMYCETES Camarographium stephensii on Pteridium F Pyrenochaeta ilicis on flex F The Society is greatly indebted to the many members who contributed names to this list, and especially to Mr M.e. Clark and Mrs M.E. Clark (Agaricales, Discomycetes, Loculoascomycetes, Pyrenomycetes), Dr M.B. Ellis and Mrs J.P. Ellis (Coelomycetes, Discomycetes, Hyphomycetes, Loculascomycetes,

IS Pyren om y cetes , Ured inales), Mr W.O . Graddo n ( Disco myce tes) , Miss M. Holden (A garica les), Mr B. Ing (U redi nales, Erys ip ha les), Mr R.W. Rayn er (A garic ales, Ap hy llophorales) , Mrs A. T hom as (Aphyllo p horales) and Miss G.M. Wat erhouse (O ornyce tcs, Uredina les , Ustilagina les) . T he fina l list was checked by Dr Roy Watling. G.N. Greenhalgh (Foray Secretary )

AUTUMN FORAY FOREST OF DEAN 31 August - 6 September, 1977 T he dates of t he fora y coin cide d wit h the Seco nd Internat ion al Mycological Co ngress, held at T ampa, Florid a and, for this reason , it had been de cided not t o invite a Societ y gue st to th is fo ray. Some 60 members atte nde d , o f whom app roximately 45 staye d at th e Littledean House Hotel whe re th e main workroom was situated. Most of th e rem ainder were resident at th e Wilderness Field St ud y Cen tre where overspill working facilities were available. Th is was the first for ay at whi ch a recorder was appointed to check as many ide ntificatio ns as possible and t o keep a cross-off card recor d of finds in th e field . In thi s way it is hoped th at th e accuracy o f re cords will he significantly increased . We are fo rtu na te t ha t suc h an experien ced an d co mpete nt field mycologist as Mr W.T . Moo die sho uld agree to carry o ut , for t he ti me being , th is ex tremely time-co nsu ming tas k. Certain ly th e wo rk left Bill with no time to make co llec tio ns of his ow n. By co m mon co nsent t his foray was judge d to be one of the mos t su ccessfu l in rece nt yea rs, pa rtl y be cause of th e sui tability and beauty o f th e co llec ting site s and th e very large collecti o ns, bu t also becau se o f t he exe mplary or ganisation by th e Warden of th e Stu dy Centre , Mr B.V. Cave. Most of th e areas studied were very close t o th e Cent re so that little time was spe nt tr avelling, and ex cellent informa t ion shee ts (includ ing an over all map wit h all sites m ark ed ) wer e provided for ea ch fo raye r. Brian Cave's ef forts were mu ch appreciated . In addit ion th e So ciet y is ex t remel y gratefu l to Dr Aud re y Yellan d , o f the Fora y Co mmitt ee, fo r assist ing wit h the o rganisa tio n of th e fo ray meet ing in the ab sen ce of th e For ay Secretary; to Mr W.T. Moodie fo r co llecting an d tra nsporti ng microscop es to the Cent re ; to Mr B. Ing for tr an sp orting foray bo xes, books, ctc., fro m Liver po ol to Littledean ; to Dr M. Mad eli n (Depart men t of Bot an y , T he Univers ity of Brist ol ) and Dr Gillian Butl er ( Depart me nt of Bot an y, T he University of Birm ingh am ) for help in arr anging th e loan of m icros copes; to Pro f. D.C. Smith (Head o f th e Depart me nt of Botan y, Brist ol) and Pro f. J. Hawkes (Head of the Depart m erit of Botany, Birmingham) fo r permission to bo rro w st udent microscopes ; to the Glo ucestersh ire Education Authority for the use of photocopying facilities ; to Mrs Hazel Wilcox (secretary to Mr Cave); to th e Natu re Conservancy and Fo rest ry Co m mission; to Mr B. Collye r, owner of Sculch urch Wood; to Mr Terr y Davis ( Fo re st ry Commission Res ear ch Officer) and to th e st aff of bo t h the Wildern ess Ce nt re and the Littled ean House Hotel. Fora y Programme Thu rsda y, 1 September. The Wildern ess Area. Th e Field Ce nt re it self (SO 66 1177) is housed in a co u ntry hou se wh ich belonged to th e Colc he sterWem yss family up to 18 76 and then led a varie d exist en ce b efor e its last me tamorp hos is t o a st udy centre , in 1969 . It ha s a su pe rb lo cation on the very