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taneous and induced myocardial ischemia in experimental animals1y3 Kenneth M. Kessler, MD, E. Joseph Bauerlein, MD, Alan Schob, MD, and in man during exercise,4PrinzEduardo de Marchena, MD, and Robert J. Myerburg, MD metal angina5T6and coronary angioplasty.7’9 Whereas ST-segment T-segment alternans indicates shifts (particularly ST-segment eleFrom the Division of Cardiology, Department nonuniformity of ventricular re vation) are frequent during angioof Medicine, University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, and the Cardiology Section polarization in time and space,and plasty,lOST-segmentalternans is in(111A), Medical Service, Veterans Affairs consequently correlates with the oc- frequent. We present a patient who Medical Center, 1201N.W. 16Street, Miami, on sequential balloon inflations durFlorida 33125. Manuscript received April 6, currence of ventricular fibrillation 1992;revisedmanuscript receivedand accept- during cardiac ischemia.‘~2ST alter- ing coronary angioplasty demoned June 9.1992. nans has beenobservedduring spon- strated a sequence of ST-segment
shifts recordedby intracoronary electrocardiography, reflecting the unique effects of repeated short episodes of ischemia on the alternans phenomenon. A 59-year-old woman with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and known coronary artery disease presented with hypoglycemia and an increased frequency of angina1 episodes. Six months earlier, she underwent percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty of the circumflex coronary artery, with satisfactory angiographic and clinical results. Because of the increase in angina frequency, she underwent diagnostic cardiac catheterization that showed normal left ventricular systolicfunction, 30% obstruction of the circumflex coronary artery, and a new 70% obstruction of the mid-left anterior descending coronary artery. Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty of the new narrowing was successfully performed, with a 30% residual stenosis. During the procedure, a continuous intracoronary electrocardiogram was recorded from the tip of the guidewire positioned distal to the stenosis.” The intracoronary electrocardiogram pattern was affected differently on sequential intations (Figure 1). The surface electrocardiogram (3 leads) showed no changes throughout the procedure.
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