Stability of TPN solutions in a new double-bag

Stability of TPN solutions in a new double-bag

P.120 Since1992the pharmacy of the City hospitalin NUrnbeq (2.&X10 beds)has preparednearly60.01X1 total nutrientadnixtures (TN4 on 3-l bagsfor TFY. 4...

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Since1992the pharmacy of the City hospitalin NUrnbeq (2.&X10 beds)has preparednearly60.01X1 total nutrientadnixtures (TN4 on 3-l bagsfor TFY. 4&50 bags are usedper day. Fillingis dcne in the pharmacy twicea wek. No severeccnplications duringapplication haveever seenth&s to perfectand rigwous asepticfillingtechniques. The proce&re is validated by fillinga definedshareof bagswith lhioglycolatand Caso-Bcuillcn. SNApwparedin stockand storedatt4"C - t8T. Both standardrqimens and special@@ns including fat are available. Stability and shelf-life of the fat ccntaining regimenswre determined mainlyby assessing fat dropletsize and distribution in the mixtureusinga Coulter CounterKC) and LightMicroscope 0-M).A special micr-oscopet&niqwwas develcpedinordertodetectsinglebigdroplets enrichedatthemixture'ssurface and not detectable with CC. lN4 I: 100 g AA, 400 g Glucose,100 g Fat in 3 1. lNA II: 1Wg AA, 403 g Glucose, 100 g Fat, 120 mm1 Nat, in 3 1, all preparedin bagsmade 80 ml Kt, 5 mm1 Ca+k. 12 ml PO&, 1,5 mm1 My-t, trace el ., vitariins of pure EVA-foil(EF)and/orbagsmade of a specialnrlti-layer-EVA-foil M_EF). Mixturelstoragetime 1 bag I EF, m after 5 weks II



I assesm

shareof drcqlettl~: 91%46,5%few singledrc~s6-1Q.m carp& fewsingledrqx 6-4.m 1 ccnpat.

after6 days

EF, M_EF shareof drcpletcllnx97%

after15 days


shareof drcpletclpn:97%+96% lot of biggerdrops6-1~rwn-q~.

after15 days


shareof dropletO_m:9?%+96,5%few singledrops6-l@n


Thoughthe CC-analysis showedno alteration of the averagefat dropletdistribution, the Lkl-technique revealeda specificenrichnent of biggerdropsin lNA II in pure EVA-bagsafter15 days storagetime. Ccnclusions:Usingperfectfillingtechnique a big hospital may alsobe supplied totallywith TPNmixtures jj&&?iinhe pharmacy. For stability assessment of fat-containing mixturesthe specific rr.icrosccpic technique besidesCwlter Ccunteris recarmended.


STABILITY OF TPN SOLUTIONS IN A NEW DOUBLE-BAG. G.Hardy and C.Davies [Oxford Nutrition, P.O.Box 31, Oxford OX43UH.U.K.) Episodes of catheter blockage, especially in home patients, have been reported from centres using complex all-in-one TPN mixtures that have been stored under refrigeration prior to infusion. We have investigated the stability of solutions in a new double compartment bag proposed by Pennington and Richards [Mixieva 0029611 The 3 litre bags have a 2 litre compartment (Al into which was aseptically transferred 1 litre Synthamin 14 (85g aminoacids, Na 73mmol,K 60mmol. Mg 2.5mmo1, P30mmoll I,litre Glucose 50% [2000 kcall and 10 ml Trace element vial (Zn lOmg.Cu 4mg,Mn 'lmg Cr 40ug.Se 2OOugl. Into the second compartment (81 f litre Intralipid 20% [IO00 kcall was separately transferred. Sealed bags were refrigerated at 4-8'C. Stability parameters measured on three different bags, initially and after 15 days were: (Al Selected amino acids, glucose, pH, particulate matter at 2u and 5u. and colour. (61 Soya oil, free fatty acids, -pH, Particle size distribution[PSOlat 0.4 IOU. Both compartments were sterility tested at the end of the study and found to be sterile. In compartment A changes in amino acids and pH were less than 2%. Colour increased slightly. Particle counts decreased by approx. 10% and glucose losses averaged 4% which are acceptable. The Intralipid assays in compartment B were essentially unchanged.

This system therefore allows fat emulsion to be stored separately from the other solutions in a closed single container until ready for infusion via a Y-set. Mixing occurs just prior to entering the catheter which may help to prevent blockage and the patient has fewer manipulations to perform.