First International Congress on Vacuum Techniques 10.4a. Standard for Vacuum Flanges in Japan: K. HISANO. President, Vacuum Engineering Society of Japan, Associate Director, Electrotechnical Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan. (a) The types of flanges are classified into two groups, i.e., plain type and grooved type. (b) The standard shapes and dimensions for twenty-five species are specified, outside diameter of the pipe ranging 15 to 1040ram. (c) Applications of two types are determined as follows. (1) For all pumps, grooved type shall be used. (2) For all valves, plain type shall be used. (3) For all pipe connexions, it is customary to use the grooved one on the side facing the normal direction of flow in these pipes. (d) As the reference of this standard, gaskets are specified in shapes, dimensions, materials, etc. 10,4 b. Standard for Performance Rating of Mechanical Vacuum Pumps in Japan : K. HISANO. President, Vacuum Engineering Society of Japan, Associate Director, Electrotechnical Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan. (a) The pumping speed must comply with the following equation : Se := Q m / ( P m - - P o ) w h e r e , Se - - pumpingspeed Qm ~ measured throughput Pm ~ pressure measured in the test dome P0 = ultimate pressure (b) The volume of the test dome should be more than twice as much as displacement per revolution. (c) The vacuum gauge used for measurement of the pumping speed must be a McLeod gauge and a U-tube manometer. (d) The electric power consumption is to be measured for several inlet pressures. 10.4 c. Standard for Performance Rating of Vapour Pumps in Japan : K. HlSANO. President, Vacuum Engineering Society of Japan, Associate Director, Eleetrotechnical Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan. (a) The test dome for measuring the pumping speed is decided by taking Dayton's principle into consideration, and by determining the dimensions in detail, especially, in making the diameter of pump mouth the same as that of the test dome to make it free from entrance effect. (b) The definition of pumping speed is same as that of the rotary oil pump, via. Se - - Q m / ( e m -
(c) The vacuum gauge to be used should be calibrated in compliance with the " standard for vacuum gauge calibration method ", now under deliberation, and have no errors greater than :k 5 per cent. (d) The backing pressure when the fine vacuum side pressure is increased by just 10 per cent is defined as the critical backing pressure. 10.5. " A n w e n d u n g s g e b i e t e der H 6 c h s t v a k u u m t e e h n i k " : K. DlELS. E. Leybold's Naehfolger, K~31n, Deutschland. Durch die Ultra-Hochvakuumtechnik sind eine Reihe von physikalischen Prozessen erleichtert und zum Teil sogar erst m6glich geworden. Es wird die Anwendung der Ultra-Hochvakuumtechnik for verschiedene Gebiete, wie z.B. Halbleiter, Molekularstrahlphysik, Dtinne Schichten usw. beschrieben. 10.6. Endpartialdrucke Verschiedener Pnmpentypen : H.-G. NOELLER. E. Leybold's Nachfolger, K/31n, Deutschland. Nachdem in einer Arbeit fiber Endpartialdruckanalysen mit dem Omegatron bei O1-Diffusionspumpen berichtet worden war, liegen nunmehr auch Messungen mit Q u e c k s i l b e r - D i f f u s i o n s pumpen mit Kfihlfallen fiJr fiiissige Luft bzw. Kohlens/iure sowie fiber Rootspumpen und 61iiberlagerten Rotationspumpen vor.
10.7. Vacuum Process Evaluation: D. J. SANTELER. General Electric Co., Schenectady, N.Y., U.S.A. Vacuum Process Evaluation is a new technique to (1) Determine the outgassing occurring within a vacuum system as a continuous
function of time, and (2) analyse the resulting curve to obtain information as to the source and nature of the outgassing. The report describes this technique and its application in determining the optimum combination of such parameters as temperature, time, materials, restrictions, and pumps on such processes as electron tube exhaust and cellulose dehydration. Vacuum p r o c e s s evaluation has also been used to study such phenomena as the outgassing characteristics of insulating materials and vacuum gauges, the flow of gases through orifices and short tubes, and the gettering action of various materials. A digital computer and data reduction facilities have been incorporated to eliminate the detailed hand calculations and plotting. This has resulted in a rapid and inexpensive method for the study of vacuum engineering problems. 10.8. La Technique du Vide et des Hautes Pressions : L. DEFFET. lnstitut Belge des Hautes Pressions, Bruxelles, Belgique, et E. THOMAS, Ecole Royale Militaire, Bruxelles. On rappelle d'abord bri~vement l'origine de la technique des hautes pressions et de la technique du vide. On met ensuite en 6vidence quelques similitudes entre ces deux techniques et l'on recherche si les moyens et les m6thodes utilis6s pour l'obtention et le maintien des vides 61ev6s ne pourraient ~tre appliqu6s davantage aux hautes pressions et vice versa. 10.9. The Potential and Application of the Radioactive Isotopes in Vacuum Research and Technology : LUTHER E. PREUSS. Physics Department, Edsel B. Ford Institute for Medical Research, Detroit 2, Michigan, U.S.A. A brief outline of the uses, to date, of the radioactive nuclide in basic vacuum research and routine application illustrates that the tracer tool's initial emphasis, in vacuum work, has been predominately in the realm of distillation phenomena. Specific examples of the radiotracer system, as applied to vacuum evaporation, are given. The available synthetic radioactive isotopes are reviewed, along with the parameters imposed on their use in vacuum study by their characteristics of half-life, radiation type, specific activity, etc. The methodology and examples of healthphysics procedures, vacuum system alteration and essential techniques of radiotracer work, as they are applied to vacuum studies, are dealt with. The use of ancillary techniques, such as the autoradiographic method, are discussed. A brief outline is made for the potential of the radiotracer technic, and its attendant sensitivity, for specific vacuum studies. 10.10. Outlook on New Trends in Vacuum Physics: H. J. SCHWARZ. Project leader at Radio Corporation of America, Industrial Advanced Development, Camden 2, New Jersey, U.S.A. (Professor of Applied Physics, on leave from University, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). General remarks on techniques of production and measurement of vacuum. Weak points of the techniques used up to now. Are there any new means possible for obtaining and measuring high vacuum ? P o s s i b l e trends will be outlined. Specially the conception o f an " ultrasonic molecular high vacuum pump " will be given. 10.11. Massenspektromctrisehe Gasanalyse schneller Vorg~inge im Hoehvakuum: H. J. SCHUTZE und P. F. VARADI. Telefunken, Dim, Deutschland. Eine Reihe dynamischer Vorg~inge der Vakuumtechnik ist mit Druck~inderungen verbunden, die in der G r6ssenordnung yon Minuten ablaufen. Die Untersuchung derartiger Erscheinungen, wie z.B. die Gasaufzehrung durch Getter und die Gasabgabe von R6hrenbauteilen erfordert ausser der Messung des Totaldruckverlaufes auch die gleichzeitige Erfassung der Partialdruckkomponenten. Die hierfiJr notwendigen verschiedenen Anforderungen an die Vakuum-apparatur, die Analysenmethode, die Registrierung und deren Auswertung werden diskutiert. Ergebnisse, die mit einem for diesen Zweck geeigneten HFMassenspektrometer gewonnen wurden, werden gezeigt. 10.12. l~tude des Ph6nom~nes El6ctriques dans un Vide tr6s Pouss6: A. BLAHA. Slovensk~t vysokfi ~kola technikfi, Bratislava, Tch6coslovaquie.