J.:Quant. Spactrosc. R&id.
Transfer. Vol. 4, p. 669. PergamonPress Ltd., 1964. Printedin Great Britain
of Maryland
and U.S. Naval Research
IN THE past
five years both the basic theory and techniques for the actual calculation of line broadening by interactions with charged particles have been developed, which usually permit estimates of the line widths with an accuracy of about 10 per cent. Furthermore, relatively simple formulas for the far wings of the line shapes have been derived which are typically only in error by less than 30 per cent. The basic theory has been reviewed by BARANGER in Chapter 13 of Atomic and Molecular Processes, (edited by D. R. BATES) Academic Press, New York (1962), and the detailed theory and some numerical results can be found in the following references: H. R. GRIEM, A. C. KOLB and K. Y. SHEN, Stark broadening of hydrogen lines in a plasma, Phys. Rev. 116, 4 (1959). H. R. GRIEM, Stark broadening of higher hydrogen and hydrogen-like lines by electrons and ions, Astrophys. J. 132, 883 (1960). H. R. GRIEM and K. Y. SHEN, Stark broadening of hydrogenic ion lines in a plasma, Phys. Rev. 122, 1490 (1961). H. R. GRIEM, M. BARANGER, A. C. KOLB and G. OERTEL, Stark broadening of neutral helium lines in a plasma, P&s. Rev. 125, 177 (1962). H. R. GRIEM and C. S. MEN. Aonlication of a disoersion relation to the electron imuact widths and shifts of isolated spectral lines from neutral atoms, Phys. Rev. 125, 196 (1962). _ H. R. GRIEM, Wing formulae for Stark-broadened hydrogen and hydrogenic lines, Astrophys. .I., 136, 422 (1962). H. R. GRIEM, Stark broadening of isolated spectral lines from heavy elements in a plasma, Phys. Rev. 128, 515 (1962).
Most of these papers together with all numerical results for hydrogen, ionized helium and hydrogenic neutral helium lines were collected in two U.S.-Naval Research Laboratory Reports, and recently calculated Stark broadening parameters for about 1000 lines from neutral and singly ionized atoms will be contained in a third U.S.-Naval Research Laboratory Report. The three reports are: Stark Broadening Stark Broadening Report No. 5805 Stark Broadening No. 6084 (1964).
of Hydrogen Lines in Plasma, NRL Report No. 5455 (1960). of Hydrogen and Hydrogenic Neutral and Ionized Helium Lines in a Plasma, NRL (1962). Parameters of Isolated Lines from Neutral and Singly Ionized Atoms, NRL Report